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In Wife 38

In Wife 38

Chapter 38 

The guards on the door, waited until fifteen girls lined the hallway.. then opened the doors to allow them all inside

Venom whispered If they plan on taking them all today.. how will they get them out of the hotel? It’s too risky. I don’t like it.. at all.Gizmo shh’d him.. we were getting our first look.. hearing the first conversation

I grinned when Bianca sat down, directly in front of Nathan. His nose was horribly disfigured and grinned wider.. Vicki’s ass is wicked when she’s wielding a food tray.. Dude needs some serious rhinoplasty.” 

The conversation started out like any other interview.. Then he asked questions like.. would you consider bleaching your hair blonde.. wearing blue contacts.. Explaining it as possible commercial appearances.. Then the questions turned darker is there anyone who would miss her if she went missing.. would anyone search for her. She responded her boyfriend might report her missing.. then laughed and told him that he probably wouldn’t search

Axe growled.. and I raised an eyebrow.. Hmm.. something happening with that, huh!? We had listened to every interview.. then the men excused themselves to conferin the other room

The girls were chattering excitedly amongst themselves.. Then Bianca said Something is happening.. What is that? What’s coming out of the vent?” 


Chapter 38 

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As we watched.. the room began filling with a white gas.. smoke.. mist.. We didn’t know. Axe shouted They’re knocking the girls out.. guys in the hall just put on gas masks

All the guys charged from the room.. Venom knocked both guards out.. putting one of their masks on himself and tossing the other to Axe. They broke the door in and Venom threw a chair through a window to clear the room

Half of the women had already fallen unconscious.. and our men worked on getting the conscious ones out into the hall. Nathan and his two additional lackeys all ran out of the bedroom.. gas masks in place.. and Venom shot them. He didn’t kill them.. but he damned sure stopped them

We spent the next few hours making sure the women were okay to get home.. Doc had come and patched up the three gunshot victims.. Our transport van was almost here to take them back to the cells

I was helping the girls.. the ones who had passed out were waking up. They all had headaches.. a few were actually throwing up. I gave them damp cloths to lay on the back of their necks.. had them all sitting down with their heads between their knees. These women have no idea how lucky they were.. yet

It took several hours to get the women well enough to go home.. Our prisoners were all locked, secure.. and cozy.. hanging from the walls of their cells. Venom will question them once he feels they have become more amenable to a civil discussion. Hah! Who am I kidding.. he’s going to interrogate them in the morning

When we arrived back to the compound.. four government vehicles were parked outside our gates.. Our people refusing 


Chapter 38 

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them entranceWe passed them and parked in front of the clubhouse.. 

Venom asked Manic What’s their story?Manic shrugged Captain Unger.. says he has a warrant. Told him don’t care.Venom laughed.. Okay. Let him in.” 

The cars pulled up after the gates were opened.. Max stood up out of the back of the third car.. and several soldiers came out with him. Venom snarled HuhUh.. Your men stay in the vehicles. I’m not playing that game. You think I’m fucking stupid?” 

He signaled his men to get back in the cars and turned to Venom I have a warrant for Nathan Asbel and Richard Slate.” 

Venom nodded Sure you do. I am going inside.. to my office. I need a good stiff drink. And then.. you and I are going to have a little discussion about how you even had the slightest idea Nathan or Richard would be in my custody today. Because if you even HINT at one of my people betraying me, I will put a bullet in your brain and not even blink.” 

Damn! My mate is hot when he’s threatening a government agent.. Yeah.. That’s not a good idea


I am pissed. Pissed enough to spit nails. I mind linked Axe to sweep my office for government issued bugs. I have a feeling I know how he did it.. and when I confirm it.. this mother fucker will be shitting bricks, by the time I am done with him

As I sat down at the VIP.. Delaney set a glass of whiskey in front of me. She halfheartedly offered a drink to Unger.. but he 

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Chapter 38 

refused. I sat staring at him.. sipping my whiskey. 

In Wife

In Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
In Wife


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