Chapter 25
Chapter 25
April glances at me but then back to August “Yeah….whatever” She mumbles shaking her head.
“Anyway…..” April says smiling again “I can show you to your classes if you like…since I’m in most of them” She says glancing at both of us but mostly Seth
He smiles “Yeah…thanks” and she smiles wider and turns back around in her seat….I glare at her back.
The rest of homeroom dragged on…it was double….and now the bell has gone for break.
Me and Seth just went to our next period…of course with April showing us and her friend August too….third period
is Chemistry.
The next two hours went by okay, like all the others we had to introduces ourselves but just kept it to what we said
And it seemed that lunch came by fairly quickly.
Me and Seth are making our way to the cafeteria where the others will be, and thank god April isn’t with us….she wasn’t in out last period, but I bet she will turn up soon.
As we near the cafeteria we suddenly see Leon with some guy about his age walking to the cafeteria too.
I smile and nudge Seth, Leon hardly ever makes friends…..
“Aww” I smile and Seth smirks but feels the same.
I would call him, but I won’t because we could scare of his friend. But the guy suddenly turns off waving and now leaves Leon on his own walking to the canteen.
“Leon!” I call out picking up my past.
He turns and slightly smiles when he sees us but not much.
We catch up with him “You okay?” I ask walking at his side along with Seth and he nods….not saying anything and I
We walk into the crowded cafeteria looking around for our brothers…until we spot them at the far corner sat at a table, great along with Hayden, Noah…and April and some random other people.
We make our way over around the tables and Blake looks up as we nearer and smiles “Hey guys” He says and all the others look up.
As we approach I suddenly feel arms wrap around my waist and jump…what the hell?!
“Hey there sexy…” A deep voice says and I spin around to see guy stood there……with black hair and a cocky smile, I
narrow my eyes
Fingerprints of Betraval
Chapter 25
“Dude get the hell off her!” Comes Chris’s booming voice.
The guy seems to ignore and continue to look down at me, I step back out of his arms but he steps forward.
I hear a chairs scrap across the floor and I shake the guys arms off “Dude we said….get the fuck off her!” Evan shouts this time coming to us and pushes him away along with Chris the other side.
I glare at the guy who raises an eyebrow “Okay, okay….. Have her to yourselves” He smirks turns and leave but sends me a wink before.
“Jerk” I mutter
“Asshole” Evan says then he and Chris turn to me.
“You okay“?” Chris asks
I nearly roll my eyes but don’t, instead turn back around “Fine” I nearly snap. I my be thankful for them doing that as that guy was a jerk, but they do this so much. It’s a little embarrassing.
I flop into a seat next to Seth who’s glaring in the direction that guy went, gosh not him too. While Noah and Hayden are raising a curious eyebrow and Chris and Evan sit back down grumbling some words that should not be repeated.
I snatch an apple from Evan’s tray that’s next to me and stick my tongue out at him as he shots me a glare.
“What…you gunna let you little sis go hungry now are you?” I mock and shake my head “Bad brother you are” I smirk and take a bite out of it as I hear the others snicker and Evan smirks lightly and looks away.
Conversations starts within the guys and their new ‘mates‘ who I keep catching glancing at me, making me cringe.
The rest of lunch is…acceptable, I just sit there at the table listening to their boring conversation about some random
It’s the last lesson of the day. Thank god!
This school is like a damn Zoo!
Oh and to make it worse, Seth is not in this class. I’m on my own. And it is English. Sigh.
I slump into a random seat at the back of the class, wishing the hour away already.
“Hey!” A cheery voice suddenly comes from my right and I turn my head to see a smiling girl siting in the seat next
to mine.
I raise an eyebrow at the girl, with her dark brown hair that is different shades starting with dark brown down to a lighter, and bright blue eyes and she is grinning at me.
“Ur…hi” I say slightly hesitantly and turn to the front again.
“I’m Charlie! Well actually Charlotte, but no one calls me that, so it’s Charlie!” She gushes smiling at me.
Chapter 25
“You’re the new girl right?” She asks smiling still
“Um, yeah” I answer glancing at her from the corner of my eye, “Lezi”
She smiles wider, “Nice name. Hey let me guess, it’s short for…hm…Alexis? She questions
I nod, “Yeah.”
“Awesome, We’ve already got something in common!” She grins turning around in her seat to face the front properly, “We both have names that are shortened.”