Chapter 18
Third POV
Seth sat in his room working on his latest piece of art when the door flew open, and in cams kory She did not want to be here, and with every step she took, it showed,
Seth set down his paintbrush beside the cup of paint on the table and rose to his fee, “What are you doing here, Mom? You have never been here before,”
“Because there is really no reason to come. We didn’t come so far in the work as Planes so that you could throw it away in silly pursuit of art and heaven knows what.” She said in a tone of disappointment and disdain, and her eyes did justice along the way,
She continued, slowing down her pace as she came closer, “I would like to believe that since you knew about your brother’s apartment purchase, you have known about his relationship with that whore from the very beginning”
Seth remained silent, as there was nothing to say since she had already figured everything out on
her own.
“Silence wouldn’t do you any good.” She scowled at him.
He shrugged. “I have known about their relationship from the beginning, Mom, so what?”
“So, you have had a hand in the downfall of the Planes.” She accused.
Seth frowned at her, not understanding the dramatic tone she was using “Oliver with Imela will not bring the downfall of the family. She pushes him to be a better person, and she helps him with university work and projects as well. She’s tender to him and shows him love and affection, which has made Oliver a much better person. He is more focused and invested in charity work. That is not what downfall looks like to me. If you had cared to look a little into the affairs of your son, you would have realised that girl was a blessing and not a curse on him.”
Ivory took a step towards him. “And how long have you been in love with that whore?” she asked,
staring him dead in the eyes.
His eyes narrowed at hers. “I have no clue what you speak about,” he denied, turning away from her.
“You can play the pretend game with your brother; he is dumb enough not to notice the way you look at his whore, but I saw you at the dinner table and then at their apartment days ago. You wish you were the one with her, holding her hand and being her hero. You wish you were the one
Joyful M
Chapter 18
sleeping beside her at night.”
His teeth clenched, and his breathing slowed. “You are crazy, Mom; I am not in love with Imela.”
She laughed, mocking his denial. “You would worship her if she gave you the opportunity, but she doesn’t notice you; she has her evil claws buried in my son. I do not know the sorcery that witch did
to lock my son up, but I’d die first before I let her succeed in ruining my family,” she pointed to him.
“You will help me.”
“There is nothing I can do to help you because you might not like it, but they are married. Even if
there were, why would I help you when you don’t consider me anything more than a disappointment?” He raised a brow.
Her green eyes turned cold, and she looked ready to go to any length. “The only reason you are still in this family’s grace after squandering your college fund and choosing this despicable career is
because I keep you there. Do not push your luck, Seth Adonis Plane. Believe me, I am this close to taking everything away from you, including this stupid art you love so much.” She snarled at him,
and she meant every word.
He was barely surviving in the city with the allowance they gave him every month, and if they took
it away, he would end up on the street, which was what Ivory intended.
He stared at her in awe because the one looking back at him didn’t seem like his mother. “You would
do that to your son?”
There was a sinister presence in her eyes as she beheld him. “I will do anything to save my family.”
He sighed in defeat, “I do not know what you want me to do.” He repeated the words he said a few seconds ago.
She rubbed her hand over her face, an act she usually did when she couldn’t believe the question
being asked. “There is such a thing as divorce. Figure out how to make that happen, and who knows, you might fall back in our grace again.” She said and walked out of the room without looking back
Seth thought no one would notice; he had masked his emotions and reactions to everything really
well over the last three months, and even when he was around Oliver and Imela, he made sure not
to give too much away. Ivory was right; he loved her. He loved her the first day he saw her in that café, but she loved Oliver, and there was nothing he could do about it.
He had always played the background, the unnoticed Plane, for many years now, so it didn’t hurt to stay there. A part of him had always felt Oliver didn’t deserve her; at least that would make it easy
for him to make his intentions known and become her knight in shining armour. But then he
watched his brother change for her, and it was for the better. He knew Oliver would take care of her,
and he consoled himself with that.
Love’s Beautiful Mistake.
Chapter 18
When the family disapproved of their union, he thought Oliver would give in and end his relationship, but he chose the relationship over his family and their threat.
His brother had become à man that even he wasn’t. It was noteworthy and commendable to watch him stand up to power and not cave in; it meant Imela would always be protected. If you love someone, you let them go. Isn’t that the saying?
He didn’t want to get involved, so he kept away from it all, but somehow he had been dragged into it. Ivory didn’t care who she’d hurt or step on to achieve her goal. She had backed him into a corner with her threats, and he knew the only way to escape was to do whatever she wanted. He was barely surviving as it was.
He wanted to choose Oliver and take their side. His brother had done nothing to him; he stood up for him several times, but he knew what choosing Oliver meant. Was Imela worth risking all their lives?
He did the math, and she wasn’t.
“Why am I here?” Cecil asked as the bartender set their drinks on the counter. Seth had sent her a message asking her to meet him for a drink.
He gulped the glass of vodka on the counter and dropped it so the bartender could fill it up.
“I called you here because we seem to have something in common. We never get what we want, and everyone around us easily forgets we exist.” He replied and took another gulp of his vodka.
“I do not need you speaking in parable,” Cecil said, sipping her martini.
Seth turned to look at her, finding enough courage to face her and tell her of his plans. “You love
Oliver,” he said in a matter–of–fact tone, but before Cecil could speak and counter his words, he
continued, “I know that because I have seen how you are with him. You stare at him like the idiot can do no wrong. It is the same way Imela stares at him.” He took another gulp of the vodka before
Cecil circled the glass of Martini with her finger while she stayed silent. “How long have you
known?” she asked.
“Since the first time I noticed you at the clinic, and every other time the four of us hung out together.
That makes me believe you loved Oliver before he met Imela.” He answered. “I thought you didn’t
hide your feelings well enough, which was why I could read them, but I was wrong.”
“Why? Do you love Imela?” Cecil inquired, oblivious to the facts. She turned to stare at him, and she
must have seen the truth in his eyes because, “Oh,” she said.
“Why do they get to be happy and not us?” he asked, reaching out and stroking her face. “Why do they get to be happy and have everything? Besides, statistics show young marriage does not last five
Love’s Beautiful Mistake
Chapter 18
years. I did my research. You’re from a financially backed family. Your mother is the renowned Barrister Chloe Reid, and your father is Doctor Hunter Reid, the top surgeon in the state. My mother will love you for Oliver; she will one hundred per cent pick you over Imela,”
“What do you want from me?” she whispered.
“I want you to take what should have been yours from the beginning.” He said and took her lips
between his.