Chapter 19
Imela POV
“I will be late for class if you don’t get up!” I yelled, hoping it got into the thick skull of the AN ON
of me and made him move.
“Same as me,” He said but didn’t look ready to move. “You do not see me complaining who do you?” He rolled his eyes,
I laughed because there was nothing I could do, Oliver was bigger and larger, and the only way! would escape was if he were to let me,
You would think that after five weeks of doing this every morning, he would fire, but he didn’t seem
He would wake up early most mornings and awaken me to his seductive touch. On mornings, when I woke up first, like today, he would find a reason to lure me into bed and take advantage of the
“Come on, Olly,” I groaned, but he kissed my lips lovingly, and his tongue pushed into my mouth to taste and explore.
My toes curled, and my hands came up to touch his chest. He arrested it there, not letting it go.
“Touch me like that; you know I love it.” He mumbled and kissed the side of my face.
“Babe, Professor Carley will not be happy to find me late in her class. She has a strict lateness rude.” 1 revealed to him, and I had no idea how I found my voice to speak because he had slipped his hand into my dress to massage my breast tenderly the way I wanted.
“Tell her your husband is a horny bastard and didn’t let you leave early.” He said and kissed the tip
of my nose.
“Olly, no,” I said in a flat tone.
This made him pull away and look into my eyes.
He rolled off to the other side of the bed. “It seems you are not as into me as you were when we first married; is there something I need to know?” He asked.
“What are you talking about? I still want you the same, but I have an early morning class.” 1 rolled
Chapter 19
my eyes, not falling for his guilt tripping tone. “Do not be dramatic. We need to take our studies seriously to survive this world on our own. One of the ways to ensure that is not to miss classes unless it’s for something important.”
“Well, I am hard; that is important,” he grumbled.
I scowled, but he didn’t care, and my gaze dropped to the part of him that seemed to need attention.
His brow raised, challenging me: “Are you going to say it isn’t important?”
I laughed out loud. “You are such a baby.”
“I’m your baby,” he countered smartly.
“You are, and I love you.”
I walked over to the armchair where my handbag and books were and picked them up.
“Not as much as I love you.” He said, and I turned back and blew him a kiss before leaving.
I was a minute late for Professor Carley’s class, but since it was my first time coming late to her class, she allowed me in. I found Cecil in her usual spot, and she had also saved my seat. That girl
was an angel.
I came and sat beside her. “Hey,” I said, pulling out my handout and notepad.
“You smell of your husband,” she said, and she didn’t have to sniff me.
Yes, the cute baby had his hands and naked body all over me before I left the house, but I didn’t say that. “Is it bad?” I asked, and I sniffed myself a little.
“It’s not,” She shook her head and changed the topic. “Did you do the assignment Professor Carley gave in the last class?” she asked.
I nodded. “Yes, I did,” I answered.
“Good, I didn’t finish mine.” She said and took my notepad from me to flip through the pages.
Cecil wasn’t one to joke with her schoolwork; she was brilliant and dedicated, so learning that she didn’t complete her assignment didn’t sit well. I was the married one amongst us and still found time to do mine, despite Oliver being a handful most of the time.
“Is Seth becoming a bigger distraction than he needs to be?” I asked, my concern getting the better of
Love’s Beautiful Mistake
Chapter 19
- me.
Cecil told me two weeks ago that Seth confessed having feelings for her and was interested in a relationship. I was surprised by the news, but I was more than happy for the two of them.
Seth didn’t want his brother to find out because he believed he still bore a grudge against him, so they kept it a secret, waiting for the right time. He told me our story had encouraged him to make the right call for his life as well, but he wanted to avoid the backlash and pushback as much as he
could for Cecil’s sake.
I loved a love story, and I wanted to watch it all unfold.
In the last two weeks, we have hung out after class, and Cecil has dragged me around as the third wheel I saw how he stared at her, and I could only hope for the best for them.
I knew Oliver and how good he was at distracting me, so I assumed his brother would be like that.
She shook her head and said. “No, we are trying to keep things slow. Do not worry. He also wants me to focus; I just forgot to finish the assignment.”
“Okay, good,” I said, and I focused on the class in session.
We rose from our various seats as the lecture came to an end.
“Are you up for a few drinks with Seth at the end of our class?” Cecil asked as she picked up her Gucci handbag and hung it over her shoulder.
“It has been two weeks of dating already, I do not think you need me to find things in common anymore.” I answered, “I think you can take it from here.”
Her eyes showed panic. “No, please. I still need you”
I sighed. “Fine, but this is the last time.”
She smiled happily, and I could not help being delighted at her happiness.