12:49 Fri, Jan 31 Gu
A Gamma’s Revenge
Chapter 116
Looking at Glenn, I can see him processing the information I gave him. But I also sense there is more he wants to ask me, so I tell him if he has any questions, lie can always ask one of us.
He just nods and keeps walking towards the field. Arriving at the field we see that there are a few people absent and I realize we are missing the ones that walked out earlier.
“Where is the rest?” Dagmar asks and one of the Warriors tells her that they went to the old training field, because they did not want to practice with the Omega and untrained pack–members.
She just nods and we start training again. During this session all of them are proving to be willing to learn or teach and it looks like we might be able to stand a chance against the Evil Moon Pack
Seeing our Babygirl train some of the Omega’s, makes us proud. She has become an excellent warrior, but I also know that the girl I met is not showing anymore
Watching the people, you care about getting killed is hard for anyone, but most of all for a 15 year–old. James had been the first one to notice the changes in her and then slowly we all had seen them.
She had gone from a happy and carefree girl to a determined girl who studied hard and trained as much as we allowed her. It had taken her a few years to make friends, other than Jenna.
mire of
But looking at her now I just hoped that dealing with the Evil Moon Pack would bring her some peace mind.
The group I was training had two Omega’s and they were making a lot of progress. The warriors helped out where and whenever they could, and I was impressed with the way they handled the task.
Suddenly I hear Alpha Nathan call out to the Omega’s “All Omega’s leave now, immediately.” He says and he uses his Alpha voice. And I know there is nothing I can do against it.
The Omega’s start to walk away, but one of the Warriors steps in front of Alpha Nathan. “Alpha, why do you send them away? If they can defend themselves, we will be able to focus on the battle and not wonder if everyone is protected.”
But Alpha Nathan just turns around and walks away, leaving the Warrior behind with his questions.
After Alpha Nathan order the Omega’s to return to the work, I see Lily, Glenn and Samantha walk away. “Lily, where are you going?” I shout, she turns around and says, “Alpha Nathan told us to leave.”
I look at Maddox for approval because I do not want them walking back by themselves. He nods and I jog over to Lily, the other Omega’s are accompanied by Warriors and Lycans too.
And I am glad I followed my gut feeling on this. Because I wanted to know if I was right, I had let some distance fall between us. Unfortunately, my gut had been right, out of nowhere three Warriors appear and they attack them.
12:49 Fri, Jan 31
Chapter 116
him know what happened, then we hear Donnie and Carlos through the link, and they confirm that the other two groups had been attacked too.
Holding Lily I see a gash on her forehead, but it is already slowly healing. Not taking any chances I lift her up bridal style and start walking to the infirmary.
She tries to stop me, but I am not listening. One of the Warriors that followed me is supporting Glenn and I see that Rico is carrying Samantha. Their wounds are also slowly healing, but I know we all feel better if the Pack–doctor checks them out.
After the Pack–doctor looks at their wounds, he tells us bey need to rest for the rest of the day. Glenn is shaking his head and looks very worried.
“Sorry, Doctor, but Alpha Adam won’t lexus rest. He will order us back to work and there is nothing we can do about it.” I keep my head down while I speak up.
Next to me I can feel anger radiating from Marcus and grab his hand to let him know it is fine. He relaxes immediately and I feel a bit strange holding his hand. Not understanding this feeling, I try to let go, but he is not having it.
Then I feel his hand under my chin, and he makes me look at him. “Thank you.” He says, just loud enough for me to hear. Then Julian shows up and he asks the Doctor about our injuries.
Again, the Doctor mentions we have to rest and can’t go back to work until morning. He tells the Doctor and us that they will make sure we get our rest.
Before any of us can protest, Samantha and I get lifted again and Julian supports Glenn as we walk out of the infirmary. Outside I hear Alpha Adam arguing with Alpha Maddox and by the looks on their faces it is getting more heated by the minute.
in my ear, his
“Alpha Maddox is going to make sure all Alpha’s will follow the Doctors‘ orders.” Marcus says breath sends a shiver down my spine. Then I see Alpha Adam storm off and Alpha Maddox turns to us with a smirk on his face.
He tells us we will be going to their house and we will be resting de rest of the day.
I like holding Lily in my arms and so does Nero, he is one happy Puppy. She tries to get out of my arms, but I am not letting her. As we walk back to the house, see Samantha is trying to get out of Rico’s arms as well and he is not letting her go either.
Back at the house Dagmar is waiting on the front porch and she looks mad as hell. “What happened Dagmar? What has you so pissed off?” Maddox asks. She tells us that all the Omega’s had been attacked. and brought to their Pack’s infirmary.
In all the cases they were ordered to rest and none of the Alpha’s wanted to grant them the rest they need. Then she tells us the Alpha’s backed off when she threatened to inform the Council. She had left some Squad members behind to keep an eye on things.