Chapter 122
At first when I woke up, I didn’t realize were I was and then all the memories of last night came back. We no longer belonged to our packs, we had all accepted Alpha Maddox’s invitation and we had taken the oath.
This meant I was free and so were my friends. Then Samantha touched my arm and I turned towards her, she gave me a huge smile and I could tell she was just as happy as I was.
We got dressed, went downstairs, and started preparing breakfast. It did not take long before most of the dishes were fixed and that is when Marcus walked in. That guy makes me feel beautiful, it is as if he is a magnet and I don’t understand this feeling I have inside
Samantha, Glenn, and Lance are busy setting the tables and Maggie, Jenny and Ella are preparing the last few dishes. I walk to the oven to remove the bread I baked and Elly helps Paul to put all the finished dishes on the table.
From the corner of my eye I see that John is watching Alice and I can tell it is making her uncomfortable. So I call her over to help me cut the bread and make sure her mind is elsewhere.
“How does it feel, knowing Alpha Jonas has no more control over you?” I ask Alice and she starts smiling. “It feels great. I have never felt this good in my life.” She says with that huge smile still on her face. I nod my head because I know what she means..
Warrior John
It smells amazing in the kitchen and I am glad I decided to come here after I woke up early this morning,
After watching the house for a while, I had heard angry voices from the Pack–house. After maneuvering myself between the house and Pack–house, I kept my eyes on the house and my ears on the Pack–house.
All three Alpha’s had been there and I could hear them talking, making plans on getting the so called Omega’s back. Knowing that only two of them were actually Omega’s, I kept listening and I knew I would inform Alpha Maddox on everything I heard.
As they are setting the table, Alpha Maddox walks in and I make sure I get his attention. I make sure he follows me as I leave the kitchen. I notice his Beta and Camma follow as well and that is fine by me.
We exit through the backdoor and I walk a little further away from the house, because I do–not want Alice to hear this. “Why did you bring us out here?” He asks me and I turn around to face him, I want him to be able to see that what I am saying is the truth.
“After I woke up this morning, I came down here and kept an eye on the house. That’s when I heard the Alpha’s talking in the Pack–house and you need to know what was said.” I tell him and then I start to tell him that the Alpha’s plan on attacking the so called Omega’s again.
But this time they will order all the Warriors to participate and make sure they get all of them. That the Alpha’s plan on doing that during the preparations for the Full Moon, because they believe everyone will be too preoccupied.
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Chapter 122
keep my Wolf in control as well. Even Rico is struggling to maintain control of his Lycan, but I guess that might have something to do with Samantha,
We discuss everything he has overheard and make plans to prevent the Alpha’s from succeeding. I have made sure that the Squad has heard it all through the mind–link and I tell them to make sure not to alarm the others.
After we are finished, Maddox tells us to get ready for training. We all head back inside, get our breakfast and after that we all go down to the training field.
John has joined us for breakfast and after that he makes sure he stays close to Alice and Maggie. He promised Maddox that they would be his priority and Maddox had invited him to join his pack, which he had excepted immediately. After he had taken the oath, we could all feel him connecting to the pack and we knew Alpha Nathan would not be pleased. But I doubt any of us cared about that.
When we get to the training field, I see a very pissed off Alpha and we all know why.
I can’t help but giggle a bit, maybe if they had treated their members better they wouldn’t be in this situation. I divide the Pack–members in ten groups and assign one of my Squad–members as the trainer.
Then I assign our new members to a Squad–member and that raises a lot of disgruntled murmurs from the Packs. So I make a show out of it, making sure they all know the truth.
“Lily, you come of a line of Warriors, so you will assist Marcus. Glenn, as a member of a Beta family, you will assist Julian.” I make sure I state their background and to whom I assign them.
I assign John to Maggie and Alice and tell him to make sure they can defend themselves.
Defense, offense, and endurance. It all passes in the hours we train, every time someone wants to give up they face me and I’m enjoying myself. Rico and Uncle James disappear after a few hours and they all wonder where they went.
Maddox and I know they went back to the Pack–house to make sure there would be food, because we would need a break soon. They return with the Alpha’s Mates and a lot of food.
“Okay, we will be taking a break. Get something to eat and drink. Then we will be getting back to training” Maddox says and we can hear a lot of mumbling, not only from the Packs but also from the Squad.
I sit down next to Maddox and I have to hold back a groan as Sienna sit down next to him on the other side of him.