Chapter 170
Izzy’s POV
It’s been four months since I left home and I have visited seven Pack’s from my list so far. When I talked to Stephan about a month ago, he told me that I had been successful in evading camera’s on my way.
And that Dagmar and Jenna only pop in to his office when they have business in the Tech–building. Jordan still shows up every day and now he also talks with Stephan about other things than just me.
I asked him about my Father and my replacement, turns out Dagmar took over my Squad and I was glad.
she did.
My Father was a different story, he had turned in to a grumpy man and most of the Pack avoided my Father if they could. The only one he spends any time with is the last person I expected, Jordan.
Apparently my absence affected my Father a great deal and
then he told me that my Father sits by the pond nearly every day and that Jordan keeps him company.
Part of me wants to reach out and let him know that I am fine, but the other part of me doesn’t want to, afraid he might talk me in to coming home.
I am walking through a forest on my way to the next Pack on my list, when voices drift in my direction.
I follow the sound and as I can see and smell Werewolves I climb a tree to watch them undetected.
Four boys, about sixteen, are looking up a mountain–wall and they are challenging one and other to climb it.
Evie gets excited, because it reminds her of the mountain–wall back home.
Stephan and I are creeping closer to the training fields even though I know that Father does not want me near here.
As we watch the group in front of us, we see them climbing the wall one by one as fast as they can. Beta Rico and Gamma James are shouting at the men to climb faster and that is when Stephan and I realize that they are racing against someone, that someone is Father.
He reaches the top before the others do, every time.
From that day on I started climbing everything I could and Stephan kept track of my time. The buildings and trees I would climb became higher and higher every day.
And after two years of practicing I told Stephan that I would limb the wall that day.
He told me I was nuts and that my Father would kill me if he found out. But I talked him in to accompanying me
Stephan timed my Father as he climb up the wall, over and over again until practice was over.
When the men had all left, we walked towards the wall and Sphan sat down in the grass to time me.
I didn’t waste a second and started up the wall as fast I could Being only nine years old I was so focused on my task that I didn’t notice that one of the Warriors had returned for his shirt and I did not notice the Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Fri, Jan
Cliapter 170
Suddenly I hear Stephan in my head, telling me I was ten sends ahead of my Father’s time.
He sounded a bit off, but I blamed it on excitement. Slamming my hand on the top of the wall I yelled “Beat ya.” and turned towards Stephan with a huge smile on my face. –
And that is when I sate my Father, he looked mad as hell and he ordered me to take the path down the mountain. But I wouldn’t be me if I did that, so I ignored him and climbed down the same way I climbed up.
As I walk over to my Father I keep my eyes to the ground, because I know I am in trouble. My Father puts his index- finger under my chin and makes me look up at him.
“Don’t ever scare me like that again.” He whispers before he pulls me in to a hug. And I can’t resist the urge and whisper in his car “I beat you by ten seconds.”
I smile, because after that day Alpha Maddox and my Father decided that it was time for me to start training.
They assigned the Pack’s former Beta, Jordan, to that task. And I enjoyed every training, no matter what he told me to do.
I watch as the first one starts climbing and before he is halfway up, he slips and falls to the ground. After all four have tried, they realize that they can’t climb it and give up.
Evie and I settled in and within seconds. I am fast asleep. I need the rest because it will take me another Two days before I reach my destination.
My hopes are not as high as they were when I left the Golden Star Pack, but they are not gone, yet
Still a lot of Pack’s on my list to go, so I know it might take a lot of No’s before I get a Yes.
After I wake up, I eat a snack and drink some water. On my way I will pass a town and have some lunch there, I will keep walking after that until dinner–time.
I know one day soon I will have to get some new clothes, but I hope I can do that at the next Pack.
I’m glad I took out as much money as I could the first few days after I left. And by the time I run out, I will have to work for food and money.