A Gammas Revenge.
Chapter 180
Izzy’s POV.
I wake up after a restless night and I still don’t know how to feel about it all.
Running last night helped us to deal with some of the anger we feel, but there is still enough left.
I know that walking to my Mother’s Pack will do me good and the runs at night will be the best way for Evie to cope with it.
At breakfast Anne asks me why I was so upset and I tell her that maybe one day I will explain it to her.
With a full stomach, a packed lunch in my back–pack and clean clothes I start the next part of my journey. I leave the mountains behind me and make my way through the forest to the nearest road.
The sun is shining, but it is not to warm and I enjoy the sounds of the birds singing. The forest is not to dense, so the sun keeps me warm and I know that by the end of the day my skin will have darkened even
Being outside every single day has given my skin a darker tan than it has ever been. My blond curls are a few shades lighter and if I don’t braid it, it reaches my lower back.
Sometimes when I see my own reflection, I wonder if my Father would recognize me. Evie snickers as I imagine standing next to my Father without him recognizing me.
It has been three days since I found out who my Mother is and I still can’t wrap my head around it.
How could she live in the Pack–house with me and ignore me the way she did? Did my Father realize she was my Mother, did anyone?
Did she tell anyone she was pregnant and if she didn’t how did she keep it a secret? Question after question pop up in my head and there is only one person that can answer them.
The one person that wants nothing to do with me.
Suddenly I feel tears running down my face, I sit down against a tree and for a while I just sob, feeling sorry for myself.
After I am done, I get up and start walking again. More determent than ever to get answers.
Stephan’s POV.
The past few days I have been busy with all the intel we found and I know it won’t be long before Alpha Maddox will make his move. As more and more intel came in, some of the team mentioned it was rather strange we were getting this much information.
After all we had been unable to find anything on the Ev Moon Pack for years. But I couldn’t convince Dagmar or Mason of my doubts.
Everyone knows why Alpha Maddox wants to find this fack and every Pack–member will back him up when he decides it is time to react. I just hope that it will be with a minimum of casualties.
Over the years there have been a few survivors and they all say the same, this Pack is ruthless. I also found
22:08 Fri, Jan 31
Chapter 180
was the one that attacked Dagmar’s Pack.
Why they both had the same cruelty and determination was a question I still had no answer to. Mason made sure every piece of information was communicated to Alpha Maddox, Beta Rico and Gamma James.
I still keep a close eye on my “Izzy” program, but as usual it only gives false alarms and I wonder how long it takes before someone starts questioning it.
Going through the Council’s archives I found a few more anomalies and I hope Izzy will contact me soon. I need her to go to the territory of one of those Pack’s to get me a few answers, if there is anything left to find after all these years.
Izzy’s POV
I am halfway my trip to the Red Dawn Pack and I need to talk to someone before I lose my mind. So as I find shelter in the morning, I get out my phone and call Stephan.
He picks up after it rings twice and it is good to hear his voice. We talk about the weather for a few minutes and then I reveal that I found out the name of my Mother’s Pack.
Stephan wants to know where she came from and I know I can’t share that information, at least not yet.
“Stephan, I can’t tell you. Her identity has raised even more questions than I already have. But the major question I need an answer to first is, why did she walk away from me. And I think I will find that answer in her Pack.”
Like I suspected he doesn’t argue with me and I am grateful for that. Instead he says he needs me to do something for him. He tells me what he found in the Council’s archives and that he wants me to go to one of the Pack’s that got attacked.
He gives me a few locations and I know that I am about a day away from one of them. I ask him why he wants me to look in to one of these Pack’s.
“A year before they attacked Dagmar’s Pack the Son took over and I want to know if there was more that changed.” I understand what he means and I tell him that I will make the detour and get him as much information as I can find.
I ask him how everyone is doing and he tells me that everyone is fine.
After that we say our goodbyes and I lay down to get some sleep, before going on my mission. The excitement of a mission makes it difficult to fall asleep, but after tossing and turning for an hour, I finally drift off to sleep.