Chapter 201
Eric’s POV
I am not paying much attention to the conversation around me, my thoughts are on the Full Moon and the young woman sitting next to me.
Maggie turned eighteen a few months before her first Fall Moon, she had told me that she never expected to be outside during the Full Moon and that she had been disappointed that she had not found her Mate that night.
Even though I understand her feelings, my Wolf, Don, and I were glad she didn’t find her Mate. She always caught my eye if I saw her around our former Pack.
We were all told that an Omega was not suitable for a Mate, especially not for Warriors or High–ranking Wolves. But looking at Maggie, I never cared about that
I hear a sipall gasp next to me and I feel a pull towards the sound. Don wants to toss her over our shoulder, but I am able to restrain him from scaring the daylights out of her.
⚫ I hold out my hand after I get out of my seat, it takes a few seconds before she places her small hand in
mine. Don is howling in my head as our skin touches.
I guide her toward the Pack–house still holding on to her hand, afraid she might run if I let go. I look down at her, just as she looks up at me and I can’t resist.
am going to kiss you, my little Mate.” before I lock
I stop walking and lean down towards her, whispering my lips with hers. Her eyes widen and I take a small step back.
“I am sorry if I am moving too fast. I will never hurt you, little Mate.” I say to Maggie. She smiles at me and says “I know, you just startled me a little.” And a blush creeps on to her face.
As she lowers her head, I put my index finger under her chin and lift her face back up. This time she parts her lips as my lips connect with hers.
I groan at the feel of her soft lips on mine and I deepen the kiss. Somewhere in my mind I register that a couple is rushing past us, but I am to occupied with my Mate to comprehend who they are.
Maggie’s POV
The entire week and even this morning I had been excited about the Full Moon, but the higher the Moon went, the more anxious I became. And right know I am actually thinking about running back to my room
and hide.
It is strange sitting at the same table as Alpha Andrew, his Beta David and his Gamma Neill. When his Father was my Alpha, they didn’t treat us very well. Even though they were among the few that never physically hurt us.
“Maggie, Ella, have you settled in a bit?” Alpha Andrewasks and I freeze, not knowing what to think of this.
“I don’t bite.” He chuckles, making me and Ella giggle and Jeff and Eric choke on their drinks. “Okay, okay.” He says “You know what I mean.” And that makes me laugh even louder.
After that the conversation goes a lot easier and I realize that they, like Sienna, are not that bad. Just lousy
22:14 Fri, Jan 31
Chapter 201
星후 20%.
Suddenly I feel a pull, Essie jumps around in my head and in her sing–song voice I hear “Male, Mate“. I let out a gasp when I realize that Eric is my Mate.
From the corner of my eye I see him getting up and he holds out his hand towards me. My heart pounds. in my chest and it is Essie that shakes me out of my thoughts. I slowly put my hand in his and he gently pulls me out of my chair.
Everything turns in to a blur as I start walking and the next thing I know his lips are on mine. My eyes widen in shock and after I reassure him that he only startled me, he kisses me again.
I lean in to his body and tilt my head back, he slips his arms around me as he deepens the kiss. I press myself closer to him, needing to feel him against my body.
“Little Mate, we better go inside, unless you want an audience for what I have in mind.” He growls and I turn beet–red. Before I can say anything. Essie pushes forward and grabs his hand, leading us to my room.
In my head she flashes images of what she is hoping for and I turn an even deeper color red, if that is at all possible.
Dagmar’s POV
Alpha Andrew and David are so pre–occupied with Neill and Sienna, that they don’t see the looks June and Elly are giving them. They are staring at their friend and sister as they walk away,
“Are you all right, June and Elly?” I ask through the mind–link and they both nod their heads. I chuckle as I see June getting ticked off with her Mate. Not that Elly doing any better, but in the past few days I had spent a little more time with June.
And let me tell you, that girl has a temper. “If David is not quick enough, she might toss him over her shoulder.” I hear Maddox chuckle in our mind–link and burst out laughing.
Luckily for us David is a bit to slow for June’s taste and she walks over to him, still looking over his shoulder he does not see her coming. She grabs his neck and janks him out of his seat, he is about to open his mouth when reality strikes,
“Mate.” He growls, as he pulls June in to his arms and slams his mouth on hers.
Alpha Andrew seems to come out of his daze as well, he jumps up and turns towards Elly. For a second I see fear in her eyes, but it is gone the second she hears his Wolf growl “Mine.”
He rushes towards her, picks her up bridal–style and runs off. As I watch them leave, I see June–and David rushing by and even though I am happy for both of them, I hate to see them go.
“They will show that Pack a better way of living. It may take a few outbursts from June, but they will get there.” We both laugh at Maddox’s statement even though we know that it is the truth.
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