Chapter 218
Maddox’s POV
Yesterday is a day I would like to erase from history, I still have a lot of questions, not like the answers 1 am going to get.
but I have a feeling I will
Dagmar is sitting next to me, her hand on my thigh is running circles and it keeps my mind from wandering too far. My Mate knows exactly what to do and I am grateful I took a chance.
I look around the table and notice that four people are missing. I am about to link Julian when they walk in, laughing and talking.
Dagmar stops
running circles on my thigh and I follow her line of sight. A smile creeps on to my face as I see Izzy and Jordan marked.
“Congratulations.” I say in their direction and everyone in the room turns their way. Izzy hides her head in Jordan’s chest and he growls at the people in the room.
Most are quick to turn around, but Izzy’s Squad is not that easily intimidated by his growling. Matteo up and the others follow his example “Commander, congratulations on finding your Mate. If you ever need help hiding his body…” Matteo lets the sentence trail off.
Izzy’s shoulders start shaking and Jordan’s jaw drops as he realizes she is laughing. “Do I need to show you again what happens to feisty girls?” He growls.
For some reason it makes her laugh uncontrollably and even her Fathers seem to be in on the secret, because Glenn puts his hands in front of his mouth, but Julian doesn’t hide his laughter.
“Only under the same circumstances.” She manages to say out of breath. This time Glenn is not able to hide his laughter.
Julian looks at his Daughter with eyes as big as saucers and mutters “No way in hell.”
“Izzy, can you tell us a bit more about what you uncovered regarding Grace.” Dagmar asks and the room. turns quiet. Izzy looks at her and I can see that we won like what she has to tell.
I tell Carlos and Donnie that after breakfast they will get the prisoners and bring them to the Tech- building. Dagmar and Izzy decide to go by the infirmary first, they want to see how Lucy and Daniel are doing.
I tell Jordan, Julian and Glenn to come with me and even though Jordan wants to stay near his Mate, he does as I say.
“Jordan, do you have any idea what she might tell us?” ask him and he ‘shakes his head. “I know as much as you all do. I can feel she is anxious, but I have no clue as to why.”
Glenn puts his hand on his shoulder and I hear him say through the mind–link that all he needs to do is be there for Izzy. A smirk appears on Jordan’s face and I have a feeling he is about to get himself in to trouble.
“I’ll keep that in mind, Dad.” He responds and that earns him a smack on his head from Julian.
“What was that good for? I was just telling the truth, Glenn is Izzy’s Father and whether you like it or not that makes him my Father–in–Law.” Jordan looks straight in to Julian’s eyes and I see reality strike him.
Chapter 218
“Oh, hell No. You are not going to call me Dad.” Julian mutters and I can no longer control myself or Cole, I burst in to laughter.
Jordan’s POV.
I open a link to Izzy the moment I knew what I wanted to say to Glenn “Keep an eye on your Father’s face” I say. Izzy tries to stop ine, but I guess we are to much like. No one would have been able to stop her from saying what is on her mind.
Glenn looks at Julian with amusement in his eyes and can see he is trying not to laugh. The second Julian turns his head in to Glenn’s direction, he burst out laughing too and I join him.
The horror on Julian’s face is to comical and even Izzy Squad–members can’t help themselves.
“Dad, you do realize that Jordan is correct?” Izzy asks in a sweet voice and I know that we are both in trouble. Julian looks at his Daughter with confusion in his eyes.
“Dad, he is my Mate and that makes you and Glenn his Fathers–in–Law. So he wasn’t that far out of line when he called Glenn, Dad.” Even though it is clear that Izzy is setting everyone up, Glenn nods his head.
“Jordan, you do realize it is a bit strange to be called Dad by a Lycan who is a hundred and thirty s
years old?” My jaw drops because I had not expected her to know my age.
Glenn and Julian both look at me as Luna Dagmar whispers “One hundred and thirty seven?”
Izzy is standing next to me and something tells me that she is not done yet. She turns towards Luna. Dagmar and from the corner of my eye I see Jenna duck behind Paul, yeah my Princess is something.
“Well, you
always said the older the better.”
up to
Everyone around me gasps as her words sink in and I know someone will not like it, but I burst out in laughter. “Princess, you are in trouble.” I say through the mind–link.
“I know. But it was worth it.” She answers and snuggles in to my side.
We all leave the Pack–house and Izzy and Luna Dagmar turn towards the infirmary. The rest of us go to the Tech–building, hoping to finally put this mess behind us.
I wait for the girls outside the building to make sure that she doesn’t have to walk in to the room alone. My arm is around Izzy’s shoulder and I pull her closer as we enter the conference–room.
She stiffens as she sees Grace sitting in a chair on the other end of the room. She steps closer to me and I can feel that her Fathers have stepped closer too.
Grace is staring daggers at Izzy and I growl at the sight Izzy makes circles, on the inside of my wrist with her thumb. It calms me and Nero down, but Nero has no intension of stepping back, he makes sure she sees it and he smirks in my head.