Chapter 222
Jordan’s POV
It’s been five years since I found my Mate and not a day goes by that I am not grateful for finding her. I am sitting in my arm–chair, dividing my attention between the kitchen and the garden.
“Told you this was the perfect spot.” And I have to agree with Nero for the millionth time.
The back–door slams open and our little demon runs in yelling “Mommy, Mommy.” And he is getting chased by another little demon.
“Jayce, turn that volume down. The Alpha doesn’t need to hear you.” Izzy says from the kitchen. She turns. around, one hand on the counter and the other on top of her huge belly.
Any day now, we will be welcoming our Daughter in to the world and I can’t wait to see her grow up. I hope she looks like her Mother, even though I am not sure if I can handle two strong–headed women.
“You wouldn’t want our Mate any other way.” Nero points out and he is right, we love our Mate just the way she is.
“Jayce and Jacob, stay away from the cookies or you don’t get dessert.” Izzy gives the boys a stern look. I chuckle, because I know she is suppressing a smile at the boys antics.
“Aunt Izzy, when is Daddy coming to get me?” Jacob asks. She tells him that his Dad will pick him.
up the next day. Izzy insisted on taking Jacob home after Luna Dagmar gave birth to his baby Brother a few days
“Grandpa, Mommy made cookies.” Jayce yells as Julian and Glenn walk in the door. I smile as Glenn puts down their Daughter, three year old Madison.
They adopted her right after she was born, after her Mother died while giving birth. We have no idea if she is a Lycan or a Werewolf and none of us care. She is a part of our family and we love her, no matter what.
It is Sunday and that means family dinner. We have been doing this ever since Izzy got back and only on one occasion did we skip with our tradition.
The day that our Son was born.
Izzy wakes me before the sun is up and I know what time it is link Julian to let him know that his Grandchild is arriving today.
Izzy had made the decision that she didn’t want to know the gender of our child. And no matter what we tried, she wouldn’t budge. Our Son didn’t make us wait long, an hour after we arrived at the infirmary, he was born.
I had walked out of the room to tell Julian and Glenn that they had a Grandson. They followed me in to the room and I walked over to Izzy and my Son
At that time I thought I knew my Mate, but she surprised me as she put him in my arms and said “This is your Dad, Jayer.”
Izzy’s POV.
I walk out of the kitchen to greet my Fathers and my baby Sister, Madison. Jordan is sitting in his arm-
Chapter 222
I knew we were going to have a Son, even though it had not been confirmed by the Doctor. And I knew what his name would be after hearing the stories about the Brother–in–law I never knew.
This time I knew we were going to have a girl, but when Jordan told me he wanted to know up front I asked the Doctor to confirm my suspicion. Jordan and Nero are over the moon, they can’t wait for our little girl to arrive.
I lower myself in to the rocking–chair on the back porch, while the kids run around the backyard.
“Looks like your dream is about to come true.” Jordan Whispers in my ear. I smile up at him and say “Yeah, just a little sooner than we thought.”
Jordan stands up and says “Dad, it is time.” And within seconds we are on our way to the infirmary. I link Alpha Maddox to let him know that there is a change in plans and he tells me that he will meet us outside the infirmary to take the kids with him..
Two hours later our Daughter is in my arms, a huge smile on my face as I stare in to hers.
Glenn is the first one to walk in and he has a huge smile on his face. He hugs me as he congratulates me through the mind–link. I tell him to sit down and hand him his Granddaughter.
“Dad, say hello to your Granddaughter, Lyanna.” My Fathers look at me and my Father asks me how we decided on that name.
“When I realized I was pregnant, I knew it was going to be a girl. I asked Stephan to do some digging for me and it took him a few weeks to find what I wanted to know.” I look at Glenn as he is holding my Daughter in his arms.
“We had talked about your past and you told me that you knew nothing about your Family, your parents. Stephan gave me a file with all the information he could find.
I know you received a file on the day Dagmar told you that you were not an Omega, but that file just contained the basics. Stephan had not been digging deep, because of the time pressure. This time, however, he had more time and he dug up everything He could find.”
My eyes are locked with Glenn’s eyes as I say “Lyanna was her Grandmother’s name.”
Glenn has tears running down his face and whispers through the mind–link “Thank you.”
Jordan kisses my forehead and tells me that he loves me. “I love you too.” I say as I kiss him. I have everything I ever wanted, even though it took me a few years to find it.
The End.