Chapter 62 Questions
I have been reading Brad’s journals ever since Liam gave me the task and now I can let it settle in my mind as I eat my lunch, but for a few moments Zalia is able to pull my thoughts away from those journals. The journals I read are from a teenage Brad, who thinks he deserves the Alpha position more than the Son of his Alpha and how he deserves the Beta position more than his Brother. I do not recognize the Wolf I know in the male from the journals, they are total opposites from one another.
As a teen Brad didn’t like to see females in a High–ranking position, but the Brad I know always taught our Pups to uphold the Law and I try to find a memory that can show me that our Alpha put on a show for us to watch. I remember that he would give Hester the choice if she wanted to sit in on our meetings, if she chose to join us he would always listen to her and make notes on her ideas but I can’t remember that he used many of her ideas.
The meetings Hester chose not to join were meetings that went faster when it came to making decisions, “Those meetings were usually after we had a meeting in which no decisions were made, he probably dragged the other meetings to discourage Hester from joining again.” Armor says as we both go over our morning meetings, he is right about which meetings went faster and I now understand why Brad always asked Hester so many questions when she came up with a solution.
“Where did your mind take you, Benjamin?” Liam asks and I notice it is just the two of us left in the dining room, he tells me that the rest went for a walk to stretch their legs. He also let’s me know that Zalia will ask the Omegas about why they didn’t use the stairwell to get to the Alpha floor and I know my Daughter will get an answer to her questions. I grab another coffee before I lean back in my seat and Liam asks me if my thoughts were that bad.
“Not really.” I reply before I take a sip from my coffee. “The puzzle pieces are fitting better with the additional information I got from Brad’s journals and some of the things that happened in the past have become clearer. I always hated meetings with Hester because they took so much longer than the meetings we had without her, but I found out it wasn’t her fault. I had to do with Brad and his view of females in a High–ranking position.
He always told our Pups that they should uphold the Law and that females deserved a High–ranking position just as much as a male, but the journals from his teenage years paint a completely different picture. I was thinking about our meetings and how he always left the decision to Hester to participate or not. I finally understand why he did that. He made sure the first meeting would drag on and on, which would make her sit out on the next meeting and that meeting would always be over with rather quick.
I also understand why Hester thought she had some say in Pack business, because he would sometimes use one of her suggestions or ideas. He used her suggestions and ideas with a lot of his own input, but basically they were still hers and that is how he fooled all of us.” tell Liam as we both cajoy our coffee, we talk about the journals he read and we come to the conclusion that we are stiff a long way from finding all the answers we need.
“Are the two of you ready for a few more hours of going through the journals and files we found?” I hear Zalia ask and she smile when we turn around to look at her in surprise. “We took the Omega stairwell and I did find out that he ordered them not to use it or to mention it to anyone. It was rather easy to break the order he gave them and I think it surprised them that could break his order.” She says with a huge smile on her face and I think it is safe to say that I will find a few surprises along the way myself.
Liam and I follow the other back to the room and like before everyone spreads out across the room to continue their task, Leander is busy photographing every file and journal while the rest of us get back to reading whatever we were tasked to read. I watch as Leander transfers his pictures to a laptop and types
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Chapter 62 Questions
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over the notes we put on each of the items, he is very meticulous in the work he does. His task will make it easier in the end to use all this at Brad’s trial.
Zalia is right, if this had been my life I would have gone bananas. Juliette and her Mother didn’t do much on any given day and the reports start to bore the hell out of me, but I have Zalia by my side to get me through this boring task. I really hope that Dad has it better with going through Brad’s files, but when I look at him I can tell that the journals are as boring as these reports and I glance towards Nyx and the others to see how they are doing.
“Holy Fuck.” I hear Nyx exclaim and every head in the room turns towards her. “Does anyone know what a Delta is?” She asks as she looks up from the file in her hand. “A Delta is like a Head–Warrior, but with a little more responsibilities. It has been centuries since a Pack had a Delta and in most cases a Pack with a Delta was a Pack that needed extra protection for the Alpha bloodline.” Zalia answers her as she places another file on the stack with reports from the protection detail
“Did you know Moon Stone Pack had Deltas until Alpha Brad took over?” Nyx asks as she looks at Zalia. “No, I didn’t. It would make sense thou, if the original Apha bloodline was a special bloodline. So far I haven’t found anything on Moon Stone Pack in these files and I am not sure what these files have to do with our Pack. The only connection I have is something I found at Uncle Cameron’s Pack, the Niece of the Alpha to Crystal Cove Pack and the heir to Moon Stone Pack have the same name.
No one ever met either one of them and the only one that has a family file is the Juliette from Crystal Cove Pack, the Juliette from Moon Stone Pack doesn’t have one.” Zalia answers as she leans against me. I can tell that her mind is trying to make sense of all of this, but this puzzle seems to be missing a lot of pieces and I am not sure if we will be able to find them here. Leander grabs the file Nyx was reading to catalog it with the rest of his work, but I can see that he is reading through the file as he starts cataloging the other files and journals.
“He just relieved them of duty, he didn’t strip them of their titles. This isn’t making any sense to me at all.” Leander mumbles to no one in particular and I turn my attention back to the file I have in my hand. at first glance it looks the same as all the other files. I quickly shift through the pages until my eyes catch a phrase and it is as if I can hear the pure panic in the writer’s words, “She is gone.” I turn back a page to find the beginning of the report, but I have to turn two more pages to find the beginning of this report.
Morning report by Matthew Styxx: This morning starts out as all other mornings, Juliette and her Mother are having breakfast in the main dining room and for some reason both of them are anxious. Everyone can tell they are having a conversation and we can see fear flashing in both their eyes, I will wait for Juliette’s Mother to return to the Alpha floor before I will ask her any questions. After breakfast both of
them return to the Alpha floor and that doesn’t mean anything good in my book.
Even on the Alpha floor we stay close to Juliette, orders from our Alpha and none of us will break the oath we took to keep her safe. I look at my best friend when Juliette starts packing her suitcases and when I ask her where she is going my jaw drops, her Father wants her to move to his Pack. He even agreed to let us stay with her, something he has never agreed to before and I wonder what the fucking Asshole is up to. Not much good if I have to trust my gut feeling.
Her Father will arrive in the afternoon and tomorrow morning we will move to another Pack, we would move to the other side of the Kingdom if it meant that we could keep Juliette safe. End morning report. Now I am even more baffled, her Father lived in another Pack and she had to grow up without him for some reason. The other question that popped into my head was towards her protection detail, why would he refuse to let them move with her?
Afternoon report by Matthew Styxx; Juliette gets more nervous the closer we get to the arrival of her
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Chapter 62 Questions
Father and her Mother and Uncle aren’t doing much better, why would they not be happy for Juliette to move to her Father’s Pack? I wonder if her baby Brother will come to pick her up as well, we know nothing about him and even Juliette can’t answer that question for us. The only thing I know is that her Father cheated on her Mother, I have witnessed the betrayal on a few occasions.
Okay, I finally understand why Juliette is anxious. Her Father gives me the creeps, I can tell that his kindness towards Juliette is a farce and luckily so can shr. Not that it will change much because we are still leaving in the morning, but it surprised all of us when he rejected his fated Mate the moment he walked in the door. I guided Juliette to the infirmary as we followed her Uncle while he carried his Sister to the infirmary and hope that this will not cause permanent damage to Juliette’s Mother. End afternoon
“What the Fuck?” I ask Goliath and neither one of us can understand why he would reject his fated Mate after all those years. “He might have rejected her to keep her from coming with her Daughter Goliath mumbles and a chill runs down my spine, because I don’t like what that would implicate. There is more in the morning and afternoon reports, but none of it gives me much more information and then I get to the next report. Evening report by Matthew Styxx; Juliette is a nervous wreck, her Mother is no longer in pain but she isn’t herself either.
Our Alpha has refused to let Juliette leave with her Father, but her Father has threatened to take her by force if someone tries to stop him and the look on his face told us he would do as he had said. Juliette has fled into her room and locked the door behind her, I will stand guard in front of her door all night. A few hours later a Warrior tells me that Juliette’s Father has company and I am surprised to hear that he is meeting with the Alpha of Sundown Pack. End evening report.
“Is this making any
ty sense to you, Goliath?” I ask because I am at a loss here, I keep adding more questions to my list and so far I haven’t been able to find an answer for any of my questions. When will we be able to get a break in this case and find answers to all of the questions we have. Was Alpha Mike’s Father in such a desperate need to find a Mate for his youngest Son that he met with any Alpha that had a Daughter. I mean. June’s Father offered to let Rocco become his Daughter’s chosen Mate and if my hunch is correct yo did Juliette’s Father.
Why would Rocco need a chosen Mate? Was there something wrong with him that he couldn’t find a chosen Mate himself? Why didn’t he try to find his fated Mate?