Chapter 67 Laughing
Crystal Cove Pack
Pack–members are busy with their daily routine; training, border patrol and everything else that needs to be done. For thirty seven years they have been going through the motions, but not really getting anywhere and it seems as if everyone is fine with that. Their Alpha has been running this Pack for nearly seventy years and he is still the same fair and just Alpha today he was back then, but those that have been living here as long as the Alpha has been in place know better
Their Alpha has a younger Sister that acts as their Luna, because their Alpha never found his fated Mate. Their Luna found her fated Mate about sixty years ago but their Alpha didn’t trust him and insisted that her protection detail would accompany her, something her Mate wasn’t willing to do. Being marked and mated their Alpha expected his Sister’s Mate to change his mind, but that didn’t happen until thirty seven
years ago.
Fifty five years ago his Niece was born and she was announced as the new heir to Crystal Cove Pack, he went through great lengths to keep her safe. With Juliette’s birth everyone thought her Father would come and get her and his Mate, but instead they had to witness how their Luna went through the pains of betrayal and the only times Juliette saw her Father was during supervised visits. Shortly before Juliette turned eighteen her Father changed his mind and wanted to move his Daughter to his Pack.
However, it didn’t turn out the way anyone had hoped and till this day their Alpha and their Luna are hoping that Juliette will return one day. Every Pup gets taught about Juliette and her position within Crystal Cove Pack, they get taught what her Father tried to do to her. Everyone is still hoping for Juliette to return, but with each passing year their optimism dwindles.
Besides the Alpha and Luna there is one other Lycan that still hopes that Juliette will return, his name is Matthew Styxx and was the head of Juliette’s protection detail. He still holds that position as the Luna wants him near her at all times, he is the only one that can calm her down when the memories of her Daughter get too bad and he is one of the few that remembers her vividly.
Matthew is watching Jacqui as she is telling a group of Pups about Juliette, a small smile is gracing her face, as she speaks about her Daughter and he knows this will be one of her good days. Matthew has learned over the years to recognize what kind of a day it will be by her demeanor in the morning and he knows what to do if she has a bad day or a good day.
The day passes by without any incidents and during dinner Jacqui talks about Juliette’s studies, studies she never finished because she disappeared. For Matthew and Jacqui today was a day to cherish, a day that passed without Jacqui being reminded of Juliette in a bad way and with a smile on her face Jacqui wishes. her Brother a goodnight. If either of them had known what the night would bring they wouldn’t have fallen asleep peacefully.
Papa is talking to Deimos about the hidden compartments on the Alpha floor when Dad tells me through the mind–link to get going, I know they will keep him occupied until I am out of the territory and to make sure they can inform Deimos the moment I am out of the territory Leander accompanies me to the border. “See you later.” Leander says as I cross the border and I tell him to keep an eye on my Mate.
I strip down behind a tree to shift into Twilight and Leander whistles the moment he sees her, “You look absolutely gorgeous, Deimos is one lucky Lycan.” He says before he turns to walk back to the Pack–house and Twilight takes of towards Crystal Cove Pack, both of us in desperate need of some answers. Answers I hope to get from the Alpha of Crystal Cove Pack, I know he is Juliette’s Uncle and that his name is Darric but that is all we could find.
Chapter 67 Laughing
Even Axelle was unable to tell us more about him and he had to admit that she should have pressed harder to gain access to his territory, but I believe it would have back fired if she had tried to push too hard. The moment I leave Sundown Pack behind me the forest becomes dense, the crowns of the trees. leaving little space for the moonlight to get through and yet the ground is covered with a mishmash of mushrooms.
At the first sign of Pack territory Twilight comes to a hat and we listen for any sounds, but I need to use my gift of sense to find that there are no Warriors near this border, Twilight walks along the border to find the nearest Warrior that can take us to see Alpha Darric but it isn’t until the forest seems to open up that we find a Warrior and he looks rather surprised to see Lycan approaching him.
I can sense others approaching, so Twilight and I stay where we are and wait patiently until the other three Wolves show their faces. The first Wolf that appears skids to a halt when his eyes land on Twilight and. within a second he starts howling, a howl have never Heard before in real life but I know what it means to a Pack. It is to announce the arrival of the heir and usually only sounds when a Pup is born.
Not being shy with standing in front of males naked Twilight let’s me shift back to Human form and I grab
the clothing 1 placed in my backpack before I left our territory “‘re not Juliette. The male that howled
says as he approaches me and when I ask him why he thought I was Juliette he explains that look alike, he is one of twenty Wolves that have ever seen Juliette’s Lycan.
our Lycans
I ask him if he can link Alpha Darric because I have a few questions for him, “I have a few of my own.” I hear a male say and the moment I turn towards him my jaw drops, it is as if I am staring at a mature version of Slater. I can also tell that he is an Alpha and bow my head out of respect for him, “My name Zalia and I am from Moon Stone Pack.” I say and I hear every Wolf around me growl. “I mean you no harm, we are investigating Alpha Brad of Moon Stone Pack.”
Alpha Darric takes a few steps towards me when two Lycans come running from the tree line and three males step in front of one of them, a female appears the moment they step aside. I gasp when I look at her, she is a dead ringer for Mom and I can’t stop myself from whisper, “Mom?” Twilight forces me to slowly step forward and I can feel the same bond form between us that I have with Dad, but I also know that she is not my Mother.
Twilight points out she can feel the same bond building between us and Alpha Darric and I step closer to him to speed up the process, not that it is a painful process but it isn’t a pleasant one either. I look back at the female that looks so much like my Mom and I think I finally understand what happened all those years ago, but I still need Alpha Darric to answer a few questions.
I can see tears streaming down her face and I know I will cause a few more to fall, “Maybe we should take this inside, Alpha Darric.” I say as I turns towards him again, but he is shaking his head as he says to call him Uncle Darric, “I have a feeling that you are going to answer a few questions for us and with the bond I feel I can say without a doubt that we are related.” He says as someone picks up my backpack, an arm gets wrapped around my shoulder to guide me across their border.
The closer we get to the Pack–house the more Wolves and Lycans we pass and I can see that the older Pack–members have a look of relief in their eyes but at the same time I can sense the grief they feel, I stop dead in my tracks when I realize I found a new ability. let my senses drift to Uncle Darric and I get the same feeling from him, a feeling of relief and one of grief.
“What is wrong?” Uncle Darric asks and for a moment am not sure if I should tell him, but Twilight points out the deal I made with Deimos. “I have always hought I was a good judge of character, but it looks like it was an ability that wasn’t ready to come out yet.” I say as I start walking again and I hear everyone around us mumbling. Uncle Darric asks me what I mean and I tell him that I can feel the grief of his Pack–members, some Pack–members start to sound exited at my words.
Chapter 67 Laughing
I look stunned at the Pack–house, it is bigger than the Pack–house of Moon Stone Pack and yet I saw enough cottages along the way for every Pack–member, I look around me to see even more Pack–members gathered here and there are a lot more than I suspected to find, this is not a small Pack by any means. I let my gift of sense spread out to see if there are other Pack–members that haven’t shown up for some reason and even though I didn’t take the time to count them I know this Pack is probably larger than Moon Stone Pack.
Instead of taking me to his office Uncle Darric guides me to the living room and asks me to tell him my life story, not sure where to start I look around the living room. I see Pack–members from all ages, most seem to young to remember Juliette while the others must have seen her grow up and each of them has a curious look in their eyes. Uncle Darric seems to think that I am nervous and he tells me to take my i as an Omega walks in with some refreshments.
I am glad I sent Dad a message the moment I saw Uncle Darric and I know that he will be here as fast as he can. To give Dad the time he needs to get here I start telling them about the competition and what I did to my own future leadership. Sometimes a Pack–member asks a question, but other than that they just listen to my story and when I tell them what I did to Eryx they are laughing their asses off.
Chapter 68 Edge
Papa and I are talking about the hidden compartments Alpha Brad used to hide files and journals, he asks how far we have gotten so far and when I tell him we still have a lot to do he suggest to go back to cataloging every file and journal. I tell him I want to see Zalia off first but as I look up I know she is already gone and Leander tells me he saw her off about an hour ago, “She should be at Crystal Cove Pack by now! He says as Benjamin walks in with Slater.
“Deimos, Leander. I just got a message from Zalia, she wants the four of us to head to Crystal Cove Pack immediately.” He says as Bellona walks into the living room, she tells us to get going before she introduces herself to Papa and Nana. Nana takes an immediate liking to Bellona and when I tell Nana how Luna Hester reacted to her presence I hear her softly growl, she hates Wolves and Lycans that treat Omegas as
I follow Benjamin out the door to his SUV and I start to think of every reason Zalia could have to ask us to come to Crystal Cove Pack. Did she get caught by their Warriors? Did she hurt herself somehow? Goliath is laughing his ass off and with a little trouble he is able to ask me if I remember who my Mate is, but that still leaves me with the question why she wants us to come down there.
she Slater is as surprised as me, “Why does she need us there? She is too smart to get caught or injured, can get in and out of that territory without anyone knowing until she is long gone.” Slater says and my jaw drops when Leander asks if she could have decided to let herself get caught. Benjamin has a huge grin on his face and for a moment I am too stunned to say anything, “Why would she let herself get caught?” Slater asks.
Leander says that Zalia probably figured out a little more during the competition than we did going through those files and she realized that Alpha Darric would be the only one able to answer her questions, “I doubt that the Birth Certificate will answer all her questions.” Dad says and I ask him why he tagged along, face palming myself when he says that this involves his Daughter.
By the time we reach Crystal Cove Pack we are sure tha Zalia is fine, but we still don’t understand why we need to be there and Benjamin tells us that we will get the answer when we get to Crystal Cove Pack. Slater slows down the SUV as we approach the gate and I see the guard’s eyes widen as he stares at Slater, a second later he starts howling. A howl that indicates the birth of a Pup that belongs to the Alpha and it takes less than a few minutes to hear paws thumbing of the ground.
I can tell that these aren’t young Wolves and one of them approaches the SUV as he keeps staring at Slater, he turns his head towards the guard as if to tell him something. The guard tells Slater to follow the Wolves to the Pack–house, that things will be cleared up there and Slater just shrugs his shoulders as he slowly follows the small group of Wolves. The SUV suddenly stalls as Slater seems to freeze and when I turn my head towards Benjamin I see him shaking his head.
“Fuck.” Leander says from beside me and I follow his line of sight to see Zalia standing next to a female that looks exactly like her, Goliath is near the surface as he looks from our Mate to the female. I mutter “Fuck” when a male steps next to Zalia and the howlingsuddenly makes sense, Slater is somehow related
to him.
We all get out of the SUV while we keep staring at the front porch, this was not what we had expected to find and I have even more questions than when I got into the SUV. Luckily Goliath’s attention was on our Mate, because I am able to catch her when she jumps into my arms and I bury my nose in her neck as we wrap our arms around one another. “I am never letting you go somewhere alone again. Goliath growls at her and I know he means it.
Chapter 68 Edge
Zalia pulls back a little to look at Slater, “Kind of creepy isn’t it?” She asks, all Slater does is nod his head ast he looks at the male that I assume is the Alpha. He introduces himself as Alpha Darric before he turns to the female next to him. “This is my baby Sister, Jacqui He says and Leander grabs Benjamin when his knees seem to stop working. Slater grabs his other arm to support him and Jacqui looks a little confused from Benjamin to Zalia.
Zalia asks if we can go inside to discuss the little mystery that is her family, it doesn’t take long before the main living room is filled with Wolves and Lycans. The floors to the patio get opened to accommodate everyone to hear what Zalia has to say, Jacqui keeps staring from Zalia to Slater to Benjamin and back again. “This is my baby Brother, Slater. Zalia says as she points at him. “This is our Father, Benjamin.” Zali says and Jacqui grabs his hand as tears stream down her face,
“Before I start explaining things I would like to know who Matthew Styxx is.” She say and it surprises me to see that he was rather close to us. “Do you know if some of the files from your Archive are missing?” Zalia asks and he just nods his head. It is completely silent in the living room as Zalia tells them what she uncovered during the competition and why she came to Crystal Cove Pack. She explains what happened the other night and the room fills with roars.
Leander gets up to tell them that the males are in the Palace dungeons and that they are awaiting trial. “Queen Axelle will send out mandatory invitations to the trial, which will be held at Moon Stone Pack.” Leander says and Jacqui asks why at Moon Stone Pack, but Alpha Darric is quick to point out that Brad isn’t the Alpha of Moon Stone Pack. I think I know who Alpha Brad was so scared of all those years ago. Donovan would have proclaimed to be the future Alpha and Alpha Darric would have exposed Brad for being a cheat.
Uncle Darric asks his Beta to get a copy of Juliette’s Birth Certificate and in the meantime Matthew tells us about the day they found out that the files had gone missing, but that they have no idea when that happened exactly. “All we know it was during the last time we had a huge event within our territory and that event was also the reason why we never allowed anyone into our territory ever again. Someone tried to find out where our heir was, we never found out who it was and we weren’t willing to risk anything if Juliette ever came home again.” Matthew says.
I already know what we will find when I get handed Juliette’s Birth Certificate and without thinking about it I hand it to Dad, his face pales the moment he reads her name and date of birth out loud. I have to explain things to everyone and I know I have my work cut out for me with every piece of the puzzle I have now, I need some time with Deimos to figure out how we can make this work.
Uncle Darric asks if there is anyone else I would like to have present here and Leander takes the lead, “Maybe we can give Zalia sometime with Deimos to process everything and I will tell you who she wants to be here and who they are to her.” Leander says as he sits down again and moments later an Omega walks into the living room to show me and Deimos up to the Alpha floor. My head is spinning as the puzzle slowly falls into place and Twilight mutters “Fuck when it becomes clear to her as well.
Deimos pulls me into his arms the moment the Omega has left and I allow him to carry me to the bed. I know I need to distract myself for a while before my mind goes in to overdrive. I start pulling on the hem of his shirt the moment he sits down and in minutes we are both butt naked, his hands roaming my body. Deimos places me gently on the bed and he is driving me insane as his lips start to follow his hands, my core heating up really fast from his ministrations.
I know he can smell my excitement, there is no hiding the smell of my arousal and I don’t want to hide it. I am not going to last long if he keeps this up, my back arches of the bed when he slips a finger into pussy and I can’t stop myself from moaning. Then my head shoots up to look at Deimos, his head is between my legs and his mouth is sucking on my clit.
Chapter 68 Edge.
He adds another finger and starts moving them in and out of my pussy faster and faster, my hands crushing the sheets between my fingers. I can’t stop myself as I whisper his name under my breath, he doesn’t stop or slow down and I know I don’t want him to. Soon his assault on my edge and I scream out his name as I come undone, clenching his fingers tightly.
me over the
He kisses my forehead and he lets his hand glide up and down my back, I turn my face up to him and smile. “Kiss me.” I whisper and Deimos is more than willing to oblige me. He kisses me as I crawl on top of him. “Princess, are you sure?” he asks me and instead of answering with words I shows him that I am sure,
and I push myself higher on to my knees as I take a hold of his cock. I put it at the entrance of my pussy let myself lower on to his cock.
Deimos puts his hands on my hips and starts guiding me up and down his hard–on, I throw my head back as I moan loudly and I start to move faster up and down his cock. One of his hands slides around the back and I feel his finger sliding in with his cock, making me feel full to the brim. As he pulls his finger out of my pussy I feel it making its way up my ass and I wonder if he is going to do what I think he is up to.
I am not sure if I will like what he might be up to, but I know I will try it anyway and slowly his finger slides up higher and higher. His finger is getting closer to my backdoor and then I feel him putting his finger to my back–entrance, the slight pressure feels good, it surprises me that it feels good. Because I don’t stop him, he puts more pressure on my backdoor and 1 feel his finger, that is slippery from my juice, slip in my backdoor. For a second I freeze and I hear him ask if I want him to stop.
“No, don’t stop. It feels good, but just take it slow.” Is my response. He pushes his finger in further and further, I moan as he goes deeper in to my ass. Then he starts to move his finger in and out of me, the faster he goes, the more I moan and I tell him I want more. He starts to alternate between pulling his cock out and pushing his finger in. He adds a second finger and the sting of him stretching my ass, turns into pleasure.
He picks up his pace again and I love how it makes me feel, he is slowly pushing me into another orgasm. He moves his other hand to my breast and starts to pinch my nipple, I never knew I would like some pain with my pleasure and I moan loudly. As if he was waiting for a sign from me, he starts fingerfucking my ass harder and faster and he is no longer alternating his movements. “Soon, Princess, soon it will be my cock in your ass.” He whispers in my ear, pushing me over the edge.