Chapter 13
“I’ll fucking kill you, Ross. Take you and your stink bomb downstairs!” she yelled.
“I’m sorry!” Ross groaned. “I think it’s stuck,” he cried and he had a good reason to, once Margaret got her hands on her brother he was dead.
“Fucking hell,” she muttered marching down the hallway to the staircase. Once down the stair, she turned into the hallway leading to the kitchen and made a left turn to the small half bathroom.
Before entering the bathroom, the kitchen door swung open. Letting the smell of eggs and bacon fill the hallway. “Good morning, Margaret. Would you like some breakfast?”
Margaret glared at the man wearing her gray apron that says, “What you See is What you Get, Now
“Do you want to fuckin die today,” she growled.
“No?” he said slowly trying not to look her in the eye.
“Then go take your ass back in the kitchen where it belongs and make me coffee. It better be done once I’m finished.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he whispered walking back into the kitchen.
Margaret quickly disappeared into the bathroom and did her thing before she ended up making a mess all over the floor. She would have been even more pissed off and made Ross and her unwelcome guest clean it up for just breaking two of her rules.
Once Margaret was finished in the bathroom. She came into the kitchen to find a fresh cup of coffee and a breakfast made–up of three sunny–side–up eggs, Italian sausages, and hash browns on the table.
Taking her seat at the table, she cupped her hands around her mug and breathed in the of her fresh roasted blend of coffee. With a hint of a smile on her face, she took a sip of her coffee in bliss.
“Is it good?”
“Perfect,” Margaret said in satisfaction.
After being rejected for the third time, I mated with
Chapter 13
Then, is it good to talk now?” He asked taking a seat beside her at the table.
“If it wasn’t,” she replied. “Then why are you still talking?”
Bowing his head, Margaret glared at her friend and now Alpha. Margaret couldn’t help but roll her. eyes before taking another sip of her coffee.
Lawrence Windsor is a well–respected man within their pack. He’s strong, smart, and completely wrapped around Margaret’s little fingers. Just the way she liked it. Nothing called you more of a badass than to have your Alpha treat you like you’re the Queen of the castle.
“Speak.” Margaret commanded, setting her cup on the table.
Lawrence sprung up from his chair as if he was just woken up from the dead. “The Hunt is near
“The answer is no,” she quickly said staring into her mug. “I have no interest in games like The Hunt.”
“Margaret, The Hunt is not a game, it’s a way of life. Our future.”
“Being hunted by horny male wolves. Baring bastard pups. It’s really not my cup of tea.”
Lawrence glared at her, “You know well that not what The Hunt is about. What is wrong with you?” he hissed. Running his hands through his chestnut hair. Margaret raised an eyebrow. “I don’t understand you.”
“What is it that you don’t understand?”
“Everything!” he yelled. “You never go out for runs. You’re always inside the house and you have no friends. These past five years, you’ve changed!” he yelled. “Even Ross is worried about you. You’re not the same Margaret we know.”
Margaret found herself staring into her mug, running the tip of her index finger on the lip of the mug. “And you think The Hunt is going to change everything? Don’t make me laugh,” she glared at him. “I have everything I need here. A house, a car, a job, and my brother. What more do I need?” She asked.
Lawrence took a knee to the floor beside Margaret, taking her hand into his, “A lover.”
Margaret narrowed her eyes at her Alpha. Since the moment Margaret and Ross lost their parents Lawrence and his family had helped them in more ways than one. Growing up Margaret and her little brother was very close to Lawrence. Margaret could even still remember the other girls at
After being rejected for the third time. I mated with
Chapter 13
school would get jealous of Margaret and bully her just because she was close to the future Alpha.
And Margaret didn’t want Lawrence to think he should be responsible for her just because she didn’t have parents. Since they finished school, Lawrence had asked her out on dates, proposed, and committed himself to her.
“Be my wife, my Luna, Margaret,” Looking into each other’s eyes Margaret knew that she wasn’t for him. She knew that some other girl was right for him. Not her. She couldn’t give him. pups, she couldn’t make him happy as someone else could.
She loves Lawrence, she truly does, but not in the same way as he does for her.
Lawrence squeezed her hands together, “My answer is still the same.”
“Right,” he bowed his head in defeat. “Can’t hurt a man for trying.” he laughed with a shrug.
She didn’t want to tell him she was sorry, it would have made things worst. Taking her hand free from him, she took her cup and took another sip or two.
“I hate to kick you out of my house after I just put you down, but I have work to do. If there is anything else you like to talk about, then now will be it.”
Lawrence smirked. “That’s one thing that never changed. You’re still a workaholic.”
She smiled back.
“There is something else I wanted to tell you.” Margaret gave him her full attention. “The Alpha King will be here before nightfall. Make sure you’re in the meeting hall before then.”
“Do I have too?” she sighed.
“Yes, you skip everything else but that.”
Sitting up straight, Margaret looked almost surprised. “Are you saying I can skip The Hunt?”
“You know I can’t force you too.”
“Lawrence,” she smiled, jumping out of her chair and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she cheerfully laughed.
After being rejected for
Chapter 13
Alright now. Stop before I change my mind,” he laughed. “Besides, If you don’t go to The Hunt, I still have a chance,” he smirked looking like he was doing an evil laugh inside.
Rolling her eyes, “Sure.”
“You know what,” he huffed placing his hands on his hips, “just eat your breakfast.”
“Okay mom,” she laughed making Lawrence laugh too.
After Margaret finished her breakfast and her coffee she excused herself from the table and head to
her room. Coming to the staircase, Ross stood at the bottom waiting for her.
“Why did you let him in?” Margaret asked her brother. She knew well that Ross had let Lawrence
inside the house.
“I’m worried about you,” Ross explained with an apologetic tone. “Lawrence isn’t wrong, you’ve changed. And I’m scared that I’ll lose you too.”
“Ross, you won’t lose me. I’ll always be here.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of too.”
–“I don’t understand.”
“I don’t want to be the reason why you can’t do things like the Hunt or-”
“Ross,” Margaret lifted her hand up to stop him, “I’m doing what’s best for the both of us.”
“But is it? How long will watch over me? How long will it take for you to be the old Margaret who used to fantasies about finding her mate and becomes the powerful female–wolf, who will one day rule the world,” he said raising his voice.
Margaret couldn’t help chuckle at the thought of her younger self, “Ross, I was a child. Besides, I-,” Margaret cut herself off. She was about to confess to her brother about her little secret.
Shaking her head while forcing a smile, “Nothing, I have work to do.”
Making her way around her brother to go up the stairs, Ross gripped her arm, “Why not accept Lawrence’s proposal? He loves you. He can protect you. Provide for you. You wouldn’t have to worry
After being rejected for the third time, I mated with phy thẳegg
Chapter 13
about paying bills or work or
-Margaret placed her free hand over her brother’s hand at gripped her other arm, “Ross, he’s not my mate. And I won’t take another woman’s mate, even if he is an Alpha. I won’t be that kind of woman.”
“But he lo”
“It’s a crush, Ross. It’s not love.”
“How do know?” He whispered.
“Because I just do.” Margaret lied trying to smile at her brother while looking him in the eye but she couldn’t. She wasn’t even sure if Lawrence was her mate. She couldn’t tell. But that didn’t change the fact that she could never give a pup to Lawrence if he was. He would be an Alpha without a hair to his bloodline. Margaret couldn’t do that to him. She couldn’t do that to no man. “Go to school Ross. You’re going to be late.”
Ross turned his head to look at the father clock in the other room to see it was well past seven. o’clock. With a small curse from under his breath, he to the kitchen yelling. “I’m so late.”
Margaret smiled and yelled back, “You wouldn’t be late if you didn’t have a monster-”
“Not another word,” he growled running out of the kitchen with his bag. “It was stuck and being
stubborn,” he blushed.
Margaret laughed at him, “Have a nice day Ross.”
“Okay,” he yelled opening the front door.
“And Ross,”
“Yea,” he tilted his head back to look at her.
“Come straight home today.”
Just do as I say.
With a nod, he left shutting the behind him.
After being rejected for the third time, I mated with
Chapter 13
Margaret frowned at the door, glaring at it. Today because of the Hunt, packs all over were coming. Who knows what kind of character theses people were going to come. This just made her job just at little harder than usual.
The sunset over the mountain the moment Margaret peeled her eyes away from the computer screen and glanced out the window. Taking her attention back to the screen she stretched her arms over her head will a yawn. She then rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hands.
“Margaret it’s almost eight. You should get ready for the meet,” Ross said through the open door.
“No need,” she yawned. “I ready to go. Besides, the meet shouldn’t take that long. Can you make sure there is coffee ready for me when I get home? I’m going to have to do an all–nighter and finish this
o before tomorrow,” she said getting up out of her computer chair.
Margaret slipped her hand under her baggy, white t–shirt to scratch the inch under her bra–line. Lazily walking towards her bed she slipped on her socks that she left on the bed.
“You’re not going to the meet looking like that, are you?” Ross’s brows rose to hair–line if it could. “For moon’s sake your wearing sweatpants and an old white tee with a coffee stain on it!”
Margaret looked down at her tee, pulling the shirt out to indeed find a stain on it, “Well look at that,
so it does.”
“You can’t look at the King looking like that,” her brother said horrified.
“It’s fine, I won’t be there for long. It’s not like I’m there to impress anyone.”
“You worry too much,” Margaret yawned once more getting off the bed and walking around him to
head down the stairs to get her shoes on.
“Margaret, this is the King we are talking about! If you show up looking like that! It’s disrespectful
towards him!”
“Oh well,” she shrugged. “If he knows what’s best for him, he won’t say anything.”
♡ (0)