Chapter 17
“Mom. What are you doing here?” Oliver asked, looking as surprised as I was.
She ignored his question. “You thought you would purchase this place, work on it, and we wouldn’t
know?” she demanded.
Oliver’s eyes travelled to the side of the wide window to the left, and there stood Seth, looking miserable, and beside him was Robert, their father.
“I am sorry, Olly,” he said.
Oliver’s brows furrowed. “You told them?”
“He told us nothing. We are the Planes; nothing happens in this city that we are unaware of, and you knew better than to get this place in hopes of running away from us.” Ivory said in a tone of disappointment. “Your brother’s silence only confirmed what we already knew.”
“What do you think you are doing, son?” Robert asked, stepping over and heading toward Ivory. “You are making all these reckless moves.”
“You always told me to follow my gut, Dad, and guess what? This is it, and just because it isn’t what you want doesn’t mean I am wrong.”
“You are wrong,” Ivory said matter–of–factly. “This woman is not good for you. She is using you like they always do, and you cannot see that because she has you wrapped in her evil spell!”
I clung to Oliver’s hands because that was the only way I could take all these harsh abuses being
rained on me.
“Enough, Mom.” He snapped, losing his patience with her, “Her name is not ‘this woman‘ or ‘gold digger‘ or the many other cruel names you have rained on her. Her name is Imela August Plane, my
Silence lingered around like a plague as the eyes of the three Planes invading our home rested on us after Oliver said those words. Perhaps they thought he made a joke with his words, but Oliver didn’t look in the mood for jokes or anything related.
Ivory’s eyes moved to his finger, and when she found a ring there, her face fell.
She looks back at her son as if she had just seen him eating two young infants and still had their
blood and flesh in his mouth.
Love’s Beautiful Mistake
Gaples 17
Her worth clenched, and the fund no aur, Ariding the le diodain in her eyes.
As if to shield me, Oliver pulled me closer to healt
“What did you do to my sou? the grooted and launched forward to trike me.
Oliver’s hand shot out and caught hers, stopping her before the could infilct the abuse the wanted to
“What do you think you are doing, Mow? Oliver demanded, his voice holding a thin line of restraint as he spoke.
Robert stepped in and took hold of his out of control wife. You need to calm down. He ordered her, but Ivory looked like the last person to be told what to do.
“Calm down?” Ivory demanded, scoffing, “This witch has our sun wrapped up in her webr
“And losing control isn’t the best way of handling it, he replied with a scowl locking disappointed in
his wife.
Ivory yanked herself from his grip and stepped back, taking a deep breath and turning her attention
Robert stared up at Oliver, and though his expressions were not so poisonous, they weren’t encouraging either. “Actions taken without much thought breed consequences.”
I’ve wanted to make her my wife for the longest time, Dad; this wasn’t a rash decision,” Oliver answered. “The opportunity presented itself, and I took it, and I do not regret my decision. You can either support me and figure out how to live peacefully with my decision, or you can leave and not be a part of it*
Ivory hissed and stormed out of the room, making her stand in all this known
Robbert sighed, knowing there was nothing he could do at this point, and like always, he chose his wife, taking his leave. Only Seth remains in the quiet room with us.
“I guess congratulations are in line. He finally spoke up, and Oliver’s attention turned to him.
“Thank you, but once again, thanks for nothing,” he said, walking to the kitchen to grab a glass of
Seth stepped towards me, his green eyes resembling Ivory’s but with a tenderness that I hadn’t seen in hers yet, “I am sorry things are the way they are, but you know you can always count on me.”
“For what?” Oliver asked in an irritated tone as he stepped out of the kitchen. “It’s not like you will
Chapter 17
ever defend her honour, but not to bother; I am her husband, which makes it my responsibility.”
“You do not have a fight with me, brother; it is Mom and Dad who are the enemies of your union,” Seth said. He was a little unhappy with his brother’s cruel attacks.
“I don’t care if you join their team at this point,” he said with a shrug and gulped the glass of water in his hand.
Pain flickered in Seth’s eyes, and he pressed his lips together to form a thin line. “Cut me some slacks, Oliver; I have been nothing but supportive of your relationship with Imela despite everything; you might not see that, but it doesn’t change the truth.”
Oliver opened his mouth to speak, but I cut in. I did not want the two brothers fighting, and from the look of it, Oliver wasn’t ready to give up just yet; he had a lot to say.
“I’m sure Olly knows that and appreciates your support, but we are not having it easy on us. Your parents are against us, but we will find common ground.” I reached out and took his hand in a firm squeeze. “Your support is important to us; trust me,” I told him.
He smiled for the first time, and he looked so much like Oliver; it was unbelievable that they weren’t twins. “You are a good person, Imela, and he doesn’t deserve you.” He said, turning to look at Oliver,
“Do take care of him, will you? He really needs love and care.”
I smiled because he wasn’t wrong. “Do not worry, I will,” I assured him.
He gently squeezed my hand before releasing it. “I should leave, but congratulations to you once
He walked out of the apartment, leaving me alone with Oliver.
I turned to find him with an unbothered expression. “You do not have to make him the enemy.”
“He makes it so easy, though,” he replied, walking into the kitchen to refill the now–empty glass.
I followed behind: “There is so much he can do.” I scolded.
“He’s three years older,” he pointed out, clearly missing my point.
I came to stand before him and said, “Age doesn’t equal maturity or confidence, and he is the black
sheep of the family.”
“More reason he doesn’t have to remain loyal to them.” He brought up the glass of water and took another gulp.
Love’s Beautiful Mistake
“Not everyone is as rebellious as you are not everyone can stand up to their powerful parents and give them the middle finger,” I argued
He laughed and set his glass on the counter in the centre of the kitchen. “I didn’t give them the middle finger.” Itis argument was weak, but I let him.
“Not physically, verbally.” I arched a little so our bodies pressed against each other, and I felt chills. “I can’t believe I let you kiss me with that mouth,” I whispered, giving him the most seductive look 1 learned from the internet yesterday.
He played along, pulling me against his body, and I shivered all over. “My love for you gave me the courage to do that. Besides, you love my mouth and what it can do.”
My mouth twitched. “True. I’m not going to deny it,” I replied. “Cut Seth some slacks, will you?”
“Tine, what will I get in return?” He asked with a mischievous look on his face. His left hand moved below to grab my butt, answering his own question.
“Whatever you want,” I answered, and he seemed to like that very much because he kissed me deeply on the lip.