My heart raced as I pulled into the parking lot, gripping the steering wheel tighter than I needed to. This was it. College. The first day of the rest of my life, and all I could think was, ‘Please don’t mess this up, Jess.‘
I took a deep breath, glancing at my phone.
A quick text to Luke: Made it safe. xx
I didn’t wait for a reply. He was probably at practice, busy tackling guys twice my size. I wished I could borrow some of his confidence–or Sam’s. She’d practically launched herself into this new life, grabbing her bags, hugging me goodbye, and disappearing into the crowd without looking back.
Laura? She checked in once a week from Europe. Usually, it was some crack–of–dawn text or late–night call, thanks to the time difference. She was off living her dream while I was… well, here. Trying to figure out what the hell my dream even was.
College couldn’t be that bad, right? I’d been through worse. I’d survived high school and Bryan, barely and with Luke’s help, but still. What could be worse than almost being a skin suit in some dodgy motel – not much, but I knew better than to test the universe with that question. This should be easy.
The only problem was that I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and that’s what scared me. I’d signed up for
random classés, hoping something would click. And then Luke, being Luke, practically forced me onto the track team.
I had an inkling it was more to do with -not running alone at night because I’d be too tired from running track in the
afternoon than anyting else. If I hadn’t signed up, he would’ve done it for me.
“Okay, Jess,” I muttered under my breath, staring at the dashboard. “Get out of the fucking car.”
I hesitated for another second before taking my own advice, flinging the door open a little harder than I meant to. There was a loud thud, followed by an “Uhmff!” and groaning.
‘Shit!” I jumped out and saw a guy in a fetal position on the grass beside my Jeep, clutching his… crotch? Did I just slam someone in the balls? Great. Just great. Another guy was helping him up, his muscles rippling as he yanked his friend to his feet with one effortless motion.
on, man, it wasn’t that hard,” the stranger said with a smirk. “Don’t be a fucking princess. Get up, dumbass.”
I opened my mouth to apologize, but the words died in my throat. The guy doing the pulling was–wow. He was built, maybe not as big as Luke, but just as ripped. His biceps flexed under his T–shirt, his forearms thick and veined, leading down to hands that looked like they could crush me with a handshake. He had the kind of body you’d expect to see on a poster for an Olympic athlete–solid and lean, with muscles that looked like they were carved from stone.
This college wasn’t known for football–that would be the one Luke and Josh are at, four hours away. No, this college was
18 Mouchers
known for athletes like sprinters and swimmers, the type of guys who go to the Olympics and win gold medals.
When his gaze shifted to me, I froze. His eyes were the bluest I’d ever seen, piercing and sharp, almost unnerving. He had a narrow, straight nose and a strong jawline with the faintest hint of stubble, and he was easily a head taller than me with ripples of tan skin and messy, dirty blond hair hidden by a cap on backward.
I swallowed, and my throat was very dry all of a sudden.
Definitely not a freshman.
“Watch it, freshman,” he said, his tone casual but laced with something like a challenge. “Your pretty face only gets you one pass. And since Jeffrey here wasn’t paying attention, I’ll let you keep the pass for next time.”
Next time?
I wasn’t planning on hitting someone else in the balls anytime
I blinked, trying to recover from the shock. “I–I’m sorry, I didn’t-
“Don’t worry about it,” he cut me off, shrugging as he clapped the other guy on the shoulder. “You good Jeff?” I watched as the skinnier guy nodded his head but kept his hands over his crotch. “I think she hit harder than you, man.” He teased.
The muscular guy shot him a glare before turning back to me, his lips curving into a smirk that made my stomach flip. “Making guys fall for you on the first day–color me impressed,” His southern drawl made my skin tingle, and for a second, I thought
he might be from Texas–he had that cowboy swagger.
I racked my brain, trying to come up with words, but nothing. Feeling my cheeks heat up under his gaze, I finally just sighed, turning back to my Jeep to grab my bags before I incapacitated some other poor, innocent stranger. One is enough for the day.