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The sun beat down on the track, heat rising in waves off the pavement. I already regretted showing up for practice, but there was no turning back now. Just as I headed for my spot, a familiar voice cut through the air.
“Wow, look who decided to show up for practice,” Aiden’s voice chimed. Cocky asshole. Attractive and cocky but still an asshole.
He was mid–stretch, lowering into a downward dog position. Of course, he threw in a smug grin over his shoulder.
I rolled my eyes, walking past him with zero intention of feeding his ego. But his perfectly toned muscles caught the sunlight just right, and for a second–just a second–I noticed how the lines of his back looked carved from stone. The thought hit me harder than I wanted, and I shook it off just as fast. Not today, Aiden.
I shoved his hip with my foot, causing him to drop onto his side. “Oops,” I said, feigning innocence
“Someone woke up and chose violence,” Aiden said, not phased at all.
Aiden chuckled, propping himself up on one elbow, his eyes gleaming.
“I just realized that little stunt you pulled the other day–you
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know, the one where you left your phone with me? It was really you just making sure I came back to your dorm room, wasn’t it? You knew what you were doing.” stopped, turning around, my mouth a llittle slack.
“Stunt I pulled?” I snorted. “Are you kidding me?. You’re the one who answered my phone when Luke called. What did you think was going to happen?”
He shrugged, sitting up fully now resting his arms on his knees. I couldn’t help but notice the way his muscles rippled with the movement, the sun casting sharp shadows that made him look like a goddamn statue. Focus, Jess.
“Maybe I was just being a good friend. Or maybe I hoped you. two would fight and break things off. Either one, not sure yet,” Aiden said, smirking.
I didn’t know what to say.
“Your boyfriend’s kind of an asshole, by the way. You deserve better.”
“You don’t get to talk about Luke.” I snapped, crossing my arms. “Or we won’t be talking at all. Also, answering my phone when you know it’s my boyfriend calling is also an asshole move. Let’s not throw stones at glass houses, shall we?”
Aiden’s grin widened as he stood up, brushing dirt from his shorts. “Fine. I don’t want to talk about him anyway. Let’s talk about us. Our future.”
I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh. “We don’t have a future, Aiden.”
“Oh, we do, honey. You just don’t know it yet.” His tone was teasing, but something in his eyes made my skin prickle.
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“You’re impossible,” I muttered, turning away from him to head to my side of the track.
“Yeah, well, soon I’ll be your impossible,” he called after me, hist voice trailing off in a lazy drawl.
I threw my hands up in frustration, not bothering to turn around. God, he was insufferable.
Two hours later, I was exhausted. My legs felt like lead, and the sun hadn’t let up for a second. I loved running–when it was just me and the empty streets at night when the only sound was the rhythmic pound of my feet against the pavement. But out here, in broad daylight, with coaches and teammates barking orders at me to “Pick up your knees!” and “Increase your stride!“—it was different.
I just wanted an ice cream, and that was exactly what I was planning to get after the second practice was over.
“Jessica,” Coach’s voice called out, cutting through my thoughts. “Mind coming over here?”
I groaned internally, forcing my legs to move toward him. “Yeah, Coach?”
He gave me a nod, the kind of nod that meant I wasn’t about to get off easy. “You’ve got some great talent, you know that?”
I blinked. “Uh, thanks?” The words were a compliment but for some reason it didnt sound like one.
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“You’ve got the endurance down, but we need some
explosiveness out of you. I want you working on power.” He glanced over his shoulder, and when I followed his gaze, my stomach sank.
Standing there, arms crossed with a cocky grin plastered on his face, was Aiden.
“Luckily for you, Aiden here has volunteered to help,” Coach continued, and I stared at him, shocked. Aiden doesn’t help anyone but himself.
“He’s going to help you with some sprint training. He made it to the Olympics last year, and we’re hoping he’ll place in the next one. You could learn a lot from him.”
Aiden gave me a wink. “Guess you’re stuck with me for a while, honey,”
I scowled, unable to believe my luck–or lack thereof. This was going to be a long month.