The low hum of the airplane’s engine filled my ears as I gazed out the window, watching the clouds drift lazily beneath us. My stomach did little flips–not from the flight, but from the
overwhelming anticipation of seeing Luke after weeks apart.
He was picking me up after his last practice, and I was going to watch his game this weekend. He arranged everything, or at least had his manager arrange everything. I was confused at first why his manager was involved in things like his calendar and answering his phone, but I soon figured out that Jocelyn was more like a PR Manager/personal assistant. My extensive Google search and Sofie’s associated online cyberstalking skills got me a lot of info on Jocelyn.
She’s blond and pretty, like Luke said, but she definitely had a few trips to the plastic surgeon.
My phone buzzed in my lap, and I glanced down at the screen.
Aiden: “Now’s a good time to tell Luke it’s over, you know.”
I rolled my eyes, a small laugh escaping me despite myself. Aiden was relentless. For the past few weeks, he’d thrown in little comments here and there, teasing me about Luke, hinting at how I’d be better off without him.
He never crossed a line, though, and I hadn’t felt the need to
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shut him down. After all, he hadn’t done anything serious. No. physical moves, no stepping into my personal space–just the occasional snide remark that I mostly ignored. Mostly. I needed him to get better, and I would never confess this to him, but I was getting better with his training.
Aiden: “I mean, why else are you flying out to see him? Gonna tell him face–to–face, right?”
I sighed, my thumbs hovering over the screen, unsure whether to respond. Part of me wanted to tell him to cut it out, to knock off the flirty jabs, but the other part… well, the other part kind of enjoyed the attention. Not that I would ever admit that out loud. But I was talking to Luke less and less and to Aiden more and
I finally texted back:
Me: “In your dreams, Aiden.”
Almost immediately, he replied:
Aiden: “Then I’m headed to bed right now. Wink”
Shaking my head, I tucked my phone into my pocket and tried to focus on the view outside. I wasn’t going to let Aiden get to me. Luke and I just needed to be in the same space for a few days. That’s all.
Or at least, that’s what I told myself.
I strolled through the airport to the pickup area. I couldn’t wait to see Luke. He had texted me earlier, telling me he’d be there to pick me up after practice. I checked my phone for any new. messages, but there was nothing. He’s probably just busy.
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Practice might’ve run late.
I grabbed my suitcase and leaned against the wall, pulling out my phone to call him.
No answer.
Another buzz. I almost jumped.
“Finally,” I groaned, pulling up my phone and expecting Luke.
Aiden: “Let me know once your future ex–boyfriend picks you up… if he even picks you up.”
I groaned audibly this time, resisting the urge to chuck my phone into the nearest trash bin. It was like Aiden had a sixth sense for this kind of thing. I could practically hear the smirk in his text.
I texted back:
Me: “Shut up.”
But even as I sent it, a tiny voice in the back of my head wondered if Aiden was right. I shook it off, not letting myself. spiral. Luke was just late. That’s all.
I glanced around again, pulling my suitcase closer. The minutes dragged on, and I found myself scrolling mindlessly through social media to distract myself.
More texts from Aiden popped up, each one dripping with sarcasm and smugness. I tried to ignore them, but the longer I waited, the more his words started to stick.
Was Luke really too busy to answer my call? He knew I was
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arriving today, and I had barely heard from him all week. The last few conversations we’d had were short, but he was busy with practice.
Maybe I should call him again.
I hit redial and pressed the phone to my ear, the ringing feeling longer and more torturous with every second. Still no answer. My chest tightened a little more.
Great. Now, not only was I stuck waiting at the airport like some kind of lost puppy, but I also had Aiden’s voice in my head, taunting me.
I took a deep breath and put my phone down, deciding to wait a little longer. There had to be a good explanation, right? Right?
Ten more minutes passed, and the knot in my stomach wasn’t going away.
Me: “Hey, just landed! Are you still picking me up?” I sent that 2 hours ago.
No reply. I glanced around, biting my lip. How long was I supposed to wait? Should I call a cab? I actually had no ideal where I would go.
Another buzz.
Aiden: “Bet you’re wondering why you’re waiting alone right now, huh?”
I clenched my teeth. This was not the time.
Me: “Go bother someone else.”
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But, of course, Aiden didn’t take the hint.
Aiden: “You know I’m right, Jess. Maybe it’s time to re–evaluate your options. Jus