“Okay, so we’re on our way to this cabin, and I think I might be ready.” I shot the text off to Laura, who replied in less than a minute.
“I need you to send me the address. I know you like him, but still -he’s a ghost on social media. I can’t find him. Who doesn’t have social media?” Laura replied, and I rolled my eyes. Eric heard me and turned to me in the car as we got onto a dirt road.
“What’s wrong, babe?” he asked.
“Laura doesn’t trust you and wants the address of your cabin,” I confessed. Eric laughed.
“Sure. Tell her it’s on the outskirts of the Yosemite Nature Reserve. If she’s looking for you, there are only four cabins there, and one belongs to me. Any ranger would be able to guide her–there’s no actual address,” Eric said casually.
“It’s fine; I’ll just drop her a location when we get there.” Eric smiled at me, showing off those adorable dimples.
“Perfect.” I smiled back at him. This felt good. I was ready for this. It had been almost two years since I’d last been with a man. Hell, I don’t think I’ve been with anyone other than Aiden and Luke, so this–this might feel different, but that didn’t mean it was wrong.
Eric had been so good and patient. He hadn’t pushed me for
more. He even opened up and told me more about his life as a kid. He wanted to be a football player, but that didn’t pan out. That’s how he ended up in corporate, and he said it sometimes feels like he’s in jail–that’s why he lives in nature. He needs to feel free; it made sense.
I mean, I’ve never worked in corporate, but I can imagine those gray buildings and small offices could feel like a prison.
“I’ll send you a location the minute we get there! Promise! Here to scratch that itch!” I responded to Laura.
“You go, girl! Also–send me a picture of this man already! Enjoy every second (or inch)!” Laura replied, and heat crept up my cheeks the moment I read it.
“What’d she say? You’re blushing,” Eric said with a smirk, and I shook my head.
“Nothing you need to know about.” I replied, my voice a tad too high, and Eric laughed.
As we pulled up to the cabin, a wave of warmth washed over me, contrasting the chill of the outside air. The cabin was nestled among towering pines, each tree draped in fresh, powdery snow layers. It looked like something out of a postcard -cozy and inviting, with smoke curling lazily from the chimney. My heart raced at the thought of spending the weekend here with Eric.
He parked the car, and while he focused on navigating the snow–covered road, I couldn’t resist the impulse to capture this moment. I quickly pulled out my phone, angling it just right so I could snap a picture of him behind the wheel, the steering wheel framed by his strong hands.
He had this rugged, handsome look. I hit send, firing the image off to Laura with a grin. I am pretty sure she would approve.
But a few seconds later, I frowned at the spinning icon on my screen. No signal. “Seriously?”
I tried to send her my location next, but again, nothing happened. The little “sending” icon just spun and spun, refusing to cooperate.
“Shit,” I mumbled.
Eric glanced over, noticing my frown. “What’s wrong?”
I bit my lip, “My messages won’t go through. I was trying to send Laura a picture, but… no signal,” I admitted, trying to keep my voice light.
“A picture of what exactly?” Eric asked, turning to face me. I forgot he didn’t like his picture taken. “Just the cabin in the snow. I wanted to show her how pretty it is, and she wanted the location, remember?” I muttered, trying to hide the lie that I sent her a picture of him. Eric relaxed and focused on the road again.
He waved it off, a relaxed smile spreading across his face. “Don’t worry about it. It’s probably just the weather. Once it clears up, your messages should go thro