“It’s been a week. This is fucking ridiculous! They must have an answer. A reason! Something other than ‘she needs to do it on her own. What a useless fucking thing to say! They’re supposed to be the specialists!” I was seeing red, my vision tunneling as I paced outside the hospital, desperately trying to calm down.
“I’m sorry, man. I know she’s important to you–to all of us. I’m sure she’ll wake up when she’s ready. We just gotta wait,” Tom said softly, trying not to provoke me. I wanted to laugh in his face. What a bullshit thing to say that she means a lot to everyone. If she doesn’t wake up… “Fuck.” I breathed out, sinking down onto the concrete, and letting my head fall into my hands. Tom sat down next to me
Why he was here, I couldn’t understand–or maybe I could. He was still under the delusion that Jessica was his girlfriend. Technically she was…
“Look, Tom. I need to tell you something, man,” I said, more to the concrete floor than to him. I need to tell him that I slept with her. I need to tell him that whatever he thought they were they aren’t.
But what was the alternative? Jessica dating me? From bad t fucking worse. After everything she’s been through she
deserves something better than
“Yeah, sure. What’s up?”
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“Luke!” My head snapped up at the sound of my mother’s voice ringing through the air. What the hell was she doing here?
Weren’t they in Europe?
“Mom?” I jumped up just as she reached us, pulling me into a hug.
“Oh, honey. It’s so terrible. We can’t believe it happened. We feel awful that we only got here now but your father had an important meetingI’m so sorry. Are you okay? You did the right thing, you know! You saved her life!” My mom kept repeating it over and over, and for the first time since it all happened my anger faded into something else.
I swallowed down the hard knot in my throat and despite my
best efforts, my vision became blurry and my nose stuffed up like I was about to cry.
I wasn’t of course…
Pulling back, I wiped my face furiously, trying to get rid of the evidence, just as my father approached. “Lukas,” he said, nodding once, using my full name as some sort of fucked up power move against his son.
The last time I saw him I almost put a fist in his face. He wasn’t. supposed to be here. He’s the very same breed as the assholes I saved Jess from. I nodded back. My mother looked between us and sighed, knowing that this battle was a different beast altogether and not one she should mention right now. I didn’t have the capacity, and if my father so much as looked at my mother the wrong way, I’d end him.
“A friend of yours?” my mother asked, glancing at Tom.
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“Yeah. Uh, Tom, these are my parents.” I gave a half–hearted introduction, letting Tom introduce himself. “Hi. Tom, Jessica’s boyfriend. Nice to meet you both Tom said, smiling at them. My mother narrowed her eyes at me before forcing a smile of her own.
“Boyfriend, huh? Well, I imagine you’re happy Luke brought her back home safely,” my mother said, and Tom nodded, slapping my back.
“Yeah. Sure as hell have no way of repaying him. I wouldn’t even know where to start,” Tom said, looking over at me like I was some sort of here.
I wanted to laugh because it was all bullshit. I wasn’t the hero. I was the villain. I was the guy that forced her into this situation and now I was hoping she would make it to the other side.
Her arm was dislocated, and she had a brain bleed. A fucking brain bleed! I felt my hands go numb I was clenching my fists so hard but Tom snapped me out of it.
“I’m just happy Luke was here to step in when I couldn’t. It was my job and I wasn’t here..” Tom said more to himself than anyone else but it wasn’t his job. It was mine, Josh’s but not his. I forced Jes into Tom’s arms because I thought it was the right thing for her…
“The police have them both and they will be punished. I spoke with the District Attorney. They have no shot of parole. I made sure of that.” My father said and wasn’t surprised. He knew people in high places and even if I hated him, I was grateful he could make sure the monsters were behind bars.
All I needed now was for Jess to wake up. I need her to tell me
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she’s okay and then I can let her go.
Even if deep down, I was the asshole denying what I really wanted. The truth was–I am hers, and she’s supposed to be mine.