The Pack: Tule Humber 1–Ho Maies
Chapter One Hundred–One
ong the perfd thung
He had sold. “The moment she did my heart stopped eating. My body gold pain. There’s
une at all. Maybe some mate bonds are different? Or perha
person. Then again, the potete fuck up theory also seems a bit toer plaisible, post like in humans–enry now and then
The knowleder
womartar tried to hurt Demonic and he is still alive, settles over
you getting awited” Jason’s
like a soft cars because I know the my lips at that thought. Unfortunately, it does not go unnoticed
in my ear. Hoy, completely welcome, and imposs
an, is probably no longer
I turn toward him, noting the bright flash of his heretic gaze. He’s crazy as hell. I stow it. “Where are we going?” I ask, ignoring the suggestive path of his
‘an not your baby, you unhinged freak. I study him, my thoughts skating toward Emily and the fact that she’s not on this plene. “Tell me this,” I start, taming my body around in my seat so that I have eyes on both of these bastards. “What did y
Jason chuckles, lifting one thick brown brow tossed the ceiling. “Really? That Betch? What do you care?
tch my neck to the side, my gaze on Thomas. “Where is she? She’s innocent
I stretch
“She’s not innocent!” Jason snaps. “She reeked of feral cat when she came to town. Disgusting bitch. If the wanted some shifter dick, she should have gone wolf. We wouldn’t he been as mad about that. We like a little slut from time to time. But she didn’t. She went jungle. Gross. She had no business among us. Her pussy in
For some reason, I nearly laugh out loud at that stupid fucking statement. Simple–minded fool. Then I guess mine would be tainted too, wouldn’t it?17 anly I could
Thomas sighs, looking up from his phone to meet my eyes. “She is where she is. She was useless to us, so we let Gabriel deal with her
Gabriel! That fucker! Of course. “What do you mean she was useless? And I’m not? She is my friend! How is going to deal with her?”
Shes a mateless human! Jason snipes. Ho good for breeding Gabriel had a score to settle with her anyway. So we left her for him.”
She isn’t martelers you creep. But of course, I keep that part to myself. However, the knowledge that they gave her to Gabriel doesnt sit well with me at all. He’s never liked her. Who knows what he might do to her. Fixing my glare on Thomas, I decide to see what buttons make him tick. I cant believe you, Thomas Adam spoke of you like a brother. And you – you betrayed him! How could you be • this way? Were your always like this? Like a well Hidden snake”
A bold smile lifts his month. “A snuke. That precious.
“It’s not,” I hissed. “I mean, I know you cheated on your mute, but you must have loved her at one time. Or maybe, you didn’t.”
Chapter One Hundred–One
Thomas dark eyes Bash, the irises pole from brown to black then back again. “You have no idea what you are talking about, lead. So I were you 14 drop a
1 mides, deciding I’m on the right track. “1 know that you left Port Orchard with everyone believing that your heart was benken and all
yous share and her daughter.” Damn, that was harsh. Should I have said all that well, too late now we already stepped in shit, might
I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re the one who started the fire five years ago. Jest to get rid of her. So that you’d be free for other women.
Trood” Thomas shouts, Teaping from his chair to stand in hont of me. Of course med her! She was my mate! My life! He’s punting, his fangs dowing in the overhead lights of the cabin. “Nothing has mattered since she diedt Nothing So whatever it is yourre trying to get me to edinit to, pos’re wrong. I’m just as thech the dick shout who started that fire as anyone.” Puffing in a deep breath, he lowers his face in mine, Close enough that Iran tell sandalwood again as if I’m chewing on it. “When Amber died, everything that was good in me died with her. So you’re trying to get me to feel sorry for you or for Domonie – you can I’m not the one. I won’t fall for that shit. The only wish I have left in my henti–is that everyone else be as miserable and lost as I have been for fire goddamned
Inod, lowering my eyes. I’m sorry.”
No one knows what happened that night,” he goes on, straightening up to glare down at me. “For a while, I thought it was ora. That’s why I imited her and her daughter Tanya to live with me. Id hoped to find out if it was them. But it wasnt. The pair of them are too fucking stupid not to glost about it if it had been ther So belon you ask, no, I do not love Nora of her daughter. And no, I will not be feeling sorry for you.”
“Your daughter.” I connected him. “She’s yours too”
early fumes, his face turning red as a tomato. “Only on paper,” he says, before sitting down. “Fuck!”
Jason is laughing maniacally across the aisle. Grinning as wide as a circus clown. “I think I like you, baby. Can’t wait to get you all to myself and Fuck all that ass of
et out of your mouth.”
This time, I can’t keep the sneer from my lips. “Can I sharpen my teeth first?”
Apain he piggles. “Yup, she’s a keeper.” He licks his bottom lip in a way that I’m sure that he thinks is sexy, but reminds me of a thirsty pooch. His eyes fall over my body bedore zeroing in on my mouth as he grabs the front of his jeans. “Keep talking and we can get started now.”
I finally decide I’ve done enough talling and I turn away to stare out the window.
If they won’t tell me where we’re going, I just have to figure it out for myself. I wash the brightest in school, but I remember my geography. This plane never turned once we were in the air and it was pointed south when we took off. Not to mention, I’ve never seen an unmarked airfield that didn’t have at least some find
posted. So unless this pilot plans to land this puppy in a field, I should be able to figure it out.
But it still dark when we land two hours later, and although we don’t land in a field – we sure as fuck aren’t at the airport.
Stretching toward the window, I gaze outside and all I can see is dirt. Letting out a soft sigh of frustration, I sit back against my seat. Glancing toward Jason, I’m shocked to see he’s already standing in front of me, a sharp pointed object gleaming in his hand.
“What the fuck is that? I screech, just as two firm hands lock onto e
my shoulders and Jason plunges a syringe into my neck.
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