Ya:bot, Thu Nov 14
The Pack: Rule Number 1 – No Mates
Chapter One Hundred–Two
Gabriel’s eyes are locked on my blade as I begin to cut unceremoniously into his wrist. “Jesus! Fuck!” He screams. “That thing will never make the cut properly!”
“I can always use my teeth again, I promise, flashing my fangs. “Relax, ahe. Cadence will be bringing a scalpel. I’m only cutting into you for my own selfish pleasure. I like it when you scream.” I say coldly.”
“I don’t Paul,” snaps. “He’s worse than a female birthing a pup. Silence him! Once and for all.”
James chuckles, tossing Gabriel’s severed hand in the air over and over as if it’s a baseball. The skin on this thing is turning gray. Better hurry Gabe. Tell my Alpha what he wants to know, before we have to bury the hand without its master.”
“Fine! But please stop with the slicing, Gabriel pants, his eyes wilding when 1 drag the serrated edge along his newly formed flesh. “Arizonal They went to Arizona. Near the Grand Canyon! We have a compound there that’s built into the mountain. It’s where we’ve been keeping the females.”
“Keeping the females?” I hiss, my mind winding back to the conversation I had with Alpha Michael, earlier in the day.
Our females went missing.”
You have the Timber Wolf females, don’t you?”
Gabriel nods, his eyes falling closed as I place the blade on the table and take a seat across from him. “We do. They all were born of shifter blood. In theory, each of them potentially has the physical capacity to be marked and mated.”
I growl, my chest rumbling. “Why? What the fuck are the three of you trying to accomplish?”
His blue eyes find mine, and despite his present situation, they fill with arrogant disdain. “I knew you weren’t the brightest, Domonic, but even you should see the potential in a controlled breeding environment
Paul scowls, sending a free flying punch into Gabriel’s jaw for his insult.
I sneer at him, my lip twisting in disgust. “So they’re your slaves then. Your sex slaves, is that right?” I always knew he had it in him. Ever since I was ten years old I caught him tying up a few of the human girls in Port Orchard. I told my dad about it back then and all he did at the time was release the females and forbid Gabriel from leaving pack grounds for the month. I knew this fucker had the potential for sadism. It’s in the dark of his eyes. In the way he looks at anyone and everything as if they’re beneath him. He’s a born fucking weirdo and he should’ve been banished the moment he started showing signs of madness. He’s like his father was. A vagabond.
“Not all of them,” Gabriel sputters, wincing at the phantom pain in his wrist. “Only the ones that are strong enough to receive an Alpha’s venom will be kept.”
My eyes narrow at him, my body going cold. “Only a bonded human mate or the daughter of a shifter can survive an Alpha’s venom.” My eyes light with angry fire as 1 realize he is trying to twist the beauty of the mate bond into Something that will only serve the males of a pack. “Draven’s not of shifter blood. Why in fuck would you take her?”
He chuckles. “She doesn’t need to have shifter blood in her veins anymore, Domonic. She’s had your venom. She’s carrying your child. She has your blood pumping in her veins right at this moment. She’s literally carrying the missing piece of the puzzle that I’ve been working tirelessly to create every night since I gained access to the lab.”
“What the fuck are you saying?”
“He smiles wickedly. “I’m saying – with the blood of your baby, I can create a serum that will allow the impregnating ofany human female.
Whether she is a mate or not. Giving our species the ability to reproduce as we see fit
Chapter One Hundred–Two
My body tenses, fire and anger Falling into my gut. “And how the fuck do you plan to access my child’s blood?”
“How do you think, Alpha Domonic?” He spits and the grin he gives me is beyond psychotic. “You had better call your daddy and tell him to hurry up with that medic if you want to save your baby. Because the clock is ticking and they will have landed in Arizona with Draven by now.”
My head feels hollow and my body aches with pulsating pain that rage through my blood like a churning river. I’m hot, feverish, and I can’t open my eyes. The blackness of my eyelids is all that I can see and try as I might, I cannot get them to open. My lips are split, parched. My tongue is like a useless hit of sandpaper taking up the space In my mouth. I can hear my breathing – it’s ragged and thick. Like a seventy year old career smoker on her deathbed, clamoring for the oxygen she needs to survive.
It feels as if I’m lying on my back with my knees drawn up. But whatever bed that I’m on shakes and whines with the clang of old metal being dragged over rock. The rusted copper of its surface tingles my nose making me want to retch. I can feel the tremors of earth beneath the scrape of wheels in desperate need of a good olling and I want to roll over onto the ground, but I can’t. Because I don’t have use of limbs. The air around me is warm for winter, but cool against the scarlet flaming of my skin and for that, at least, I am grateful.
I wander the marshlands of my mind with muddy feet. As if I’m in a swamp, searching for answers of who I am and what I’m doing here. How did I get here? What is my name? But that’s silly, because I know my name… don’t I? At least, I think I do. It’s just there, on the tip
head. of my tongue. At the edge of the ever growing fog in
Fog! That’s right. That’s what this is, fog. My mind is clouded and I need a full breath of air to break free. But I just can’t seem
to take one.
Slowly, images start to come back to me. Pictures in flashes like a message from an outside force. Domanic, Emily… Jason and Thomas, Adam. They loop and spiral, feeding into my unseeing eyes from some dank part of my mind. Something is urging me to fight the fever. To fight the raging heat thats working to cook my brain. It almost has a voice, but I can’t distinguish the sound. As if some foreign part of me is attempting to fight whatever poison is scalding my insides.
The more the surface beneath me shakes, the more my consciousness begs for acknowledgement.
Wake up! You have to wake up! If you don’t, then your baby will die!
My baby! Oh God.
“Put her in my bedroom, I’ll see to her later,” an unfamiliar voice sounds somewhere above me. The bearer is close, his words reverberate just above my face. Echoing downward and into my ears from above as if they were spoken in a tunnel
“Your bedroom? Now why in the hell would I do that? This one is mine Put her in my room.” Jason’s furious words trickle from somewhere behind me. Farther away than the voice of the stranger, but close enough for my insides to curl in disgust.
“Do you want an Alpha’s blood all over your bed? Because I promise you, the procedure Gabriel wants me to complete is not a pretty one. There will be a lot of bloodshed, and it will be everywhere if I don’t have my machines.
Procedure? What? What are they talking about?
“I’m not scared of a little blood,” Jason hisses.
“Okay, well, then let me put it to you like this. If I don’t have all of my equipment, I may lose the mother when I extract the child.”