The Pack: Rule Number 1 – No Mates
Chapter One Hundred–Six
Our climb down the ravine was a bit more difficult than I’d hoped it would be. Gabriel lost his footing twice and fell once. Luckily Grant was just below him when it happened and was able to catch him while keeping a firm grip on the rocks. He half carried him the rest of the way down.
Now, we stand at the entrance in front of a steel door with a panel that appears as if it came off of an old touch tone dial pad, Garbiel’s hand hovers over the numbers and something in the twitch of his eyes has me milsing my gun once again,
“What a minute,” I say. He turns, faces me. “If the numbers that you put into this door do anything other than open this fucker, I pierce you with five silver bullets, One for each part of your anatomy twiggles. Do you understand?” He swallows. That means your hands, feet, and dick. Comprende? Then I might oven say fuck it and pull the final two in your sac.*
I understand,” C
My eyes
Gabriel hisses. “Now do you want to go in or not?”
rove over my brothers and each of them nods. Turning back to Gabriel, I lift my chin. “Open it.”
This code opens every door in the building.” He punches it in, one–sik–nine–six nine–zero–eight – three, and the door unlatches with a pop. Before Gabriel can step even a foot inside, I’m grabbing the back of his neck and tossing him toward Grant.
“Hey What the fuck? Gabriel sputters.
“Keep him out here,” I say Grant nods, flashing his fangs at Gabriel and throwing him back toward the mountain,
Tuming back to the door, I swing it open and stop into the dark of a twenty foot long tunnel. “Follow me,” I hiss.
As quietly as possible, the five of us creep into the cavern. My ears pick up the soft buzz of a generator and the electric whir of fluorescent lights. The murmuring chorus of feminine voices shades the space beyond the open entry just ahead of me. The bright white light of the room beyond illuminating the edge of the tunnel and casting part of the rock around us in a flicker of quivering shadow. I freeze as. 1 catch her scent, Draven’s. It falls over me like a warm bath. Calling to every part of my body and pulling me forward. But another scent foreshadows hers. An Alpha’s scent. I can only assume it belongs to Benjamin and I have to swallow the growl that rises in my chest with the realization that he is where she is. As far as Thomas goes, I can’t place him just yet.
Opening my eyes, I step into the light. The corridor is empty on both sides. A wall of cells lines the space to the right. Each one built into the rock, each with a single steel door. My heart rate hikes up as I realise Jason is in one of those rooms. I can hear him grunting and moaning as he no doubt assaults one of the Timber Wolf females. I know it’s sick of me, I know it’s disgusting, but I can’t help but be a little grateful that he’s occupied right now, My first concern is for Draven and that is the ugly, selfish truth. Once I have her safely outside, I concentrate on freeing the others.
Words are no good here. If we talk too soon, Jason or Thomas will most certainly hear us. So instead, I gesture with my gun for Logan and Quinn to head to the right. Mouthing the words, “You two are on Jason as I gesture for Paul to follow me down the hall to the left. Toward Draven and this soon–to–be–dead Alpha male.
Creeping toward the end of the hallway, there are four solid steel doors. Two on each side. I catch Thomas‘ scent on the left and Draven’s on the right. One look at Paul tells me he’s scented the same and he nods, taking a defensive stand to the left of Thomas‘ door.
I face the dial pad in front of me, listening as best I can to the voices inside.
I can hear a man’s voice. Alpha Benjamins, 1 assume. It cuts off suddenly and in that moment, I know he has heard my approach. So I
wit with my finger posed above the dial pad. His footsteps are light, but I can hear them as he steps toward the door.
A voice sounds, “I’m going to open the door,” it says. “Draven is unharmed. I am not your enemy.
I glance back at Paul who has his ear to Thomas’s door listening “Snoring.” Paul mouths.
Chapter One Hundred–Six
I turn back toward the door fund as I hear a lock i
thrusting out my arm in an open palm block, I knock the Timber Wolf Alpha back six foot. 149
“Dominic,” Draven whispers.
The moment I lay eyes on her trembling form lying on the bed, rage explodes in my
Paul and close the distance between me and my mate within
“What did they do to you?” I hiss, grabbing her up in my arms and kiss her forehead
“Thank God you’re here, she murmurs against my chest.
I stand up, glaring at Benjamin as I step toward the door.
“Wait!” he whispers. “The other girls”
I don’t hear the rest of what he’s saying, ignoring him as I maneuver out of the room and down the hall : of my brothers following behind me stealthily as I carry Draven out of the cavern and into the night. To my surprise. stand at the bottom of the ravine and I llinch, wondering if she climbed down herself or if Bartlett carried her Gear’s grin breaking out across his face, while Gabriel whimpers on the ground behind him in obvious pain. I snicker, done something to piss Grant off.
Without breaking stride, I deposit Draven into Bartlett’s waiting arms and turn back toward the compound’s entrance.
“Wait! Draven’s beautiful voice floats out.
“Baby,” I simper, spinning back around to kiss her plump lips and savor the moment because that’s all that we have. Well talk a gotten the other girls out,” I con
Her emerald eyes sparkle in the moonlight as she says, “Benjamin too. He’s not one of them.”
I pause, my body tensing as I study her. Jealousy settling in
the pit o
of my stomach like a rock. “He’s not helpless.” I snap, jaw dented.
“Promise me,” she says.
My eyes narrow, my mind tangling with dangerous thoughts. I want to stream No, fuck him who the hell does he think he is anyway What did he do to gain her sympathy? Pump her full of opiates?
I try to shake my anger off, but I just can’t. “Why?” I growl, not able to keep the venom out of my voice. “Even if he’s not one of them he’s a failure of an Alpha.”
And what are you? A little voice says inside my head. How many times did you put Draven in danger with just your stubbornness
Draven glares at me and I see the fire of her eyes ignite. “You don’t understand. Just go and get him,” she splas, tuming away from me.
“Fine,” 1 grumble, racing back inside angrily, my brethren right behind me.
The sound of Jason’s grunting still fills the air, but it appears he’s with a different female this time, in a different room. What a fucking pic
Now that we have Draven out, there’s no need to be quiet anymore. I want to tear Jason apart piece by piece and I want to do it loudly. I turn to Paul, nod toward the gun still in his hand. “Get Thomas,” I command.
He nods, stepping down the hallway with heavy steps and eyeing Benjamin as he comes out of his room, a large black duffel on his
13:01 Thu, Nov 14
Chapter One Hundred–Six
There’s something you need to know about one of the girls, Benjaminys.
looking as I am. The fucker. I lute that he had his hands on my I glare at him, my jealousy burning in me as I realize hes almost as ger mate and I hate that she wants me to save him. So much But I have to pestrain myself from knocking him out cold.
After, I snap. Turning to Logan and Quinn, I say, “According to Galileach of these cells has the same uniek cafe, Lo you remember 11?” The pair of them nod. “Let’s get them out first.” i glance at Honfund, “You fou. Get as many out as you can.”
“There are twenty,” Benjamin says, “Two to a cell – ppt for Kim. Shpalla a commu and can’t be moved easily,”
“Jason’s work?” Logan asks, repulsed
Benjamin nods. “Always. He gives new meaning to the word animal.”
luz from. “Go to Kim. We’ll decide
“Son–of–a–bitch,” I spit between clenched teeth, my eyes locking on the cell that Jason’s noises are coming how to get her out after I deal with Jason.”
Heavy footsteps sound from down the hall and my eyes lift toward Thomas, Paul lends him out at gunpoint. When our eyes meet, I’m unable to keep my fangs from spearing, I know I told everyone the kill was to be Rainier’s, but at this moment – as I look into his dark, soulless eyes – I simply want him dead.
He chuckles, his eyes twinkling with madness. “Go ahead. Do me a fave I should have died with my mate long ago.”
I clamp my mouth shut, fighting it as my boily shakes with the urge to go. I’m about to do it. About to give him the peace he seeks,
hark.. When a sinister voice sounds at my
“I was wondering when you would get here, Dominic.”
Chapter Comments
I love draven so much