13:01 Thu, Nov. 1!
The Pack: Rule Number 1 -No Mates
Chapter One Hundred–Eight
Kneeling on the ground while the blond female Domonic called Cadence stitched Benjamin’s throat, my body is finally gaining back its mobility. I cant help but think this girl might use a bit more of hers as Benjamin continues to spout blood from his neck. “Faster!” I snap, grumbling my irritation. He’s losing so much blood::
Benjamin smiles up at me weakly, his mouth falling open as if to speak Cadence stops him. “Don’t you dare?” she warns, tying off the last of her stitches. She lifts her bright blue eyes my way. He’s an Alpha. He will heal.”
My brow furrows as I glare at her. This bitch, I don’t like the way she’s looking at me. Does she think I didn’t notice the way she was watching Domonic when he was standing out here naked? Well, I did. And if I wasn’t feeling so feeble at the time, I would’ve said
mirks at me as if she knows what I am thinking then stands just as four completely nude shifters come stalking out of the compound and back toward us. Jesus! There has to be a solution for this! They can’t just run around naked half the time!
“Tason?” Bartlett asks as they come waltzing in our direction.
“Cone,” Domonic says softly, his eyes going straight to me.
But Leant meet his gaze, no, I can’t. Why? Because in my current position I am eye–level with four of the biggest dicks I have ever laid gyfs on. I mean… Holy Mother……
“Close your eyes, baby,” Domonic commands, reaching down to lift me into his arms. His tone is amused, but I can see it in his eyes that hes pissed. He totally caught me checking them out.
My face heats and I tilt my head upward to place a soft kiss against his lips. “I knew you would come,” I whisper.
coos, resting his head against mine for a long moment. “And you fuckers get dressed!”
Unlike Domonic, the others took the time to get undressed before shifting so they still had something to wear. I don’t know that I’ll ever get used to seeing their wolves, they are just so big. But… they are also incredibly beautiful.
“I can walk now,” I say, wiggling my legs to make my point.
What i
if I don’t want you to?” he says. “I might just want to hold you forever.”
I pure my lips, my eyes wandering over the large group of females around us. “Put me down. There’s something I need to do before I go crazy.”
His steely gray eyes sparkle with curiosity, but he does as I say. The moment my feet hit the ground, I walk toward Paul. “Gimme,” I command before he can pull his jeans on.
Paul chuckles, “What?”
“Give rue your jeans. You’ve got gym shorts underneath. You wear those and Domonic wears your jeans.”
Paul’s eyes light with mischief. “What do I get in return?”
““Paul,” Domonic snaps in warning
„Domonic, Lice the mountain 1 shout over my shoulder, holding my hand out for the pants and glaring at each of the females pointedly.
Chapter One Hundred–Eight
Every one of them, with exception of Cadence, averts her eyes, gazes calling down toward the ground. The women look bedraggled. Some of them are even wearing scrubs. They’re the victims here, most certainly, but they look a little too intrigued. The fact that they’ve been traumatized does not warrant them a free pass to stare at Domonics perfect body. That body is mine and I will fuck someone up before i let that happen
Domonic’s dark chuckle fills the space behind me as Paul hands me his jeans. Thank you,” I say sweetly.
I can’t help but laugh as I walk back up to Domonic and toss him the pants. Cadence is still staring at him. I mean sure, she can’t see his dick anymore, but I don’t think she realizes, his ass is mine too.
“Hey,” I say to her, crossing my arms over my chest. “Eyes up here.”
She sports, “Excuse me?”
You heard what I said,” I snap, my anger getting the better of me. Maybe it’s the drugs burning off in my system, maybe it’s not. I don’t know and I don’t care, but one thing is for certain. I already don’t like this bitch.
Cadence rolls her eyes, turning around to face the others. That’s better.
“Okay guys,” Quinn says, walking past Cadence with a wink. “We are presented with a new problem.”
“What’s that?” Domonic says turning around once he has the pants on His magnificent chest is still on full display, but I guess I’ll have to live with it for now.
How the fuck are we getting out of here?” Quinn asks.
Tive miles from the compound and farther into the canyon, the group of us finally come across the three black Suburbans Gabriel said would be waiting. Surreptitiously parked along an unmarked dirt road that appears to lead up the side of a mountain. One for him, one for Thomas, and one for Jason. The fact that there wasn’t one for Benjamin only gave credibility to the annoying Alpha’s claim of innocence. Apparently the three hadn’t considered him their equal
“Where are the keys?” 1 grumble, my eyes on Gabriel.
“Inside,” he says quietly, his eyes on the dark of the landscape at our backs.
I lean toward him. “Don’t even think about it. We’re not done with you yet.”
“You said once you had her that I could leave!” he hisses angrily.
I smirk. “What’s the rush Gabe? Wouldn’t you rather be a little closer to civilization when we send you on your way?”
“Id rather take my chances with the desert while I still have all my parts.”
Quinn laughs. “Relax, Gaby baby. So long as you do everything you te tald from here on out, you’ll be alright. He winks. “We’ll let your pecker.”
“Seven to a car,” I state. “That’s twenty–one seats. Twenty–six if we pack them to the brim. There are thirty of us,” I growl.
you k
Grant shrugs, eyeing the vehicles. “We only need to make it to the top of the mountain before I can call Jaimie and he can fly back out. He said he’d be waiting at Pulliam Airport, fueling up.”
I nod, whispering. “Good: We can have him take Draven back to Crown Mountain. I want her out of harm’s way as soon as possible.”
13:02 Thu, Nov 14:4
Chapter One Hundred–Eight
I feel her eyes burning into my back before I can even turn around. Dam, she heard me. I keep forgetting that her senses are stronger. while she’s carrying my pup.
“No the fuck you don’t,” she snaps, shoving me from behind as she walls up. She glares up at me, her beautiful green eyes sparkling wi beat and her deliciously curved chest heaving with anger. My dick twitches and I have to work to keep from smiling at her. She’s to facken sexy when she’s mad. I’m not leaving you.”
I sigh, reaching out to pull her against my chest. “Baby, I just want you to be safe. You.., and the baby.”
Her arms wind around my neck and I feel her lips at the base of my throut as she whispers, Im safest with you. When are you ever to understand that?”
I swallow the lump in my throat as my heart clenches. Maybe she’s right. Maybe she is safest with me. It does seem like every time I push her away in hopes of protecting her, something terrible happens.
Paul clears his throat, stepping into our bubble and causing a growl to rise up from my chest. “Maybe we should leave Benjamin cars, Dom. Let him and his females drive them back to his packlands.” He leans in. “We leave Thomas and Gabriel to their fates and the rest of us fly home with Jaimie.”
“And leave Jason unpunished?” I growl. “No fucking way. I want to kill that bastard.”
“I understand your anger,” Benjamin says, cutting in. “I want to see him dead too. But the ladies have to come first. If we can get everyone to Timber, we can wait for him there.”
brow furrows. “He escaped into the sewers,” I complain. “We have no idea how many tunnels are down there and no way of which direction he ran. What makes you think he’ll be heading to Timber?”
He smiles, “If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Janson–its that he hates to lose. He will want revenge for this.” He swallows, his eyes leathering across the back of Deaven’s head in a way that has me tensing with anger. If he decides to come for anyone.
Draven lifts her head from my chest to stare deep into my eyes. Damncher. I don’t think she has any idea how powerful those gems are She says, “He’s going to need some help with these women. I want to help him. I owe him that much. Let’s do it. Let’s go to Timber:
“You don’t owe him a goddamned thing.” I hiss.
She raises a hand to my face to trace my lips with her fingers, her eyes Bling with tears. “But I do owe him she whimpers and so do
“For what?” I growl.
“Because” she pauses to glance at Benjamin “he saved our baby.”
My stomach tightens Shir
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