Chapter One Hundred–Eighteen
I leave Gryffin in the interrogation room with Gabriel and wind up the airs in search of my father. The baby is yet. The recepti probably went out to lunch. A quick glance around tells me that evergae must be and I pull ret my phone to call my dad, keter 1 finish dialing a new text message pops onto my screen.
Have you spoken to Drasen yet this afternoon?
No. Why? What’s happened?
I can’t believe they havent told you about it yet.
Haven’t told me about what? What happened?
Something is going on. Koda called asking me to sift through the security footage around the Sheriff Station – something about the ring you gave her. Apparently it wasn’t in the box.
I nearly drop my phone. The ring wasn’t in the box? What the fuck? But who could have – who would have taken it? Son–of–a–bitch. Maybe someone saw me hide it that day in the woods. There aren’t many homeless people in Port Orchard, but there are plenty of hikers that go through those mountains and a lot of them are broke. Maybe one of them saw me when I buried it and dug it up after I left. But then…. why rebury the box? No… it doesn’t make sense. My phone pings again and I gase down at another message from Rainier.
I swear to you Domonic. I didn’t take it. I never even opened it.
on the cameras?
I know that brother. I believe you. Did you find anything on
Is t
taking a while to skim through a month’s worth of tape. But so far nothing unless you count rabbits and birds and shit. But there’s still a lot to go through.
Okay. I be heading back soon. We’ll figure this out when I get home. Thanks for letting me know.
someone took my girls ring out of the
Shit. What the fuck is going on now? I’m not in a panic, not yet, but maybe I should be. I mean bo!!! A box I only told her to open if she was ready to say yes. And that’s when it hits me and the stupidest of uncontrollable grins stretches across my face.
– wwww we going to say yes.
maure, wople be only wanted to hours looked like, of how my coats it was. The maybe she just wanted to ensure it was bigge
Not what I prder to do is that she saw the usery and then decided in marry me.
avaa telacan my alad steps back in the front along dili Roda’s little brother Ryder in tow. The storm in his eyes tells
It is. Ryder is sporting a black eye and a busted lip. He’s
denly an beats again and the age that ups in nu causes langs to rip from my lips.
Talogi Turany katawa, muy arma mwaching and to grab the boy in a hug. ” kid. Again?”
Kyle rude, saying a word slot tears trail onto my shoulder and is small body is racked with sobs.
My dad’s lips are in a gom line, his eyes Hashing as he gazes down at j. “I haven’t seen Darryl yet. According to the guards he was seen
morning with a random female passenger. Probably a professional escort from the city. He’s quite fond of them. Ryder’s
who called nas tu laaya libis picked up. Too much of a distraction for the other kids I suppose.”
(1 pook back, jmalding Ryder at arm’s length. “Hey bod, how would you like to come back with me and stay with your big bro for awhile?
i mate! He left here without
In his young shifter eyes for a moment. The doesn’t want me! He only wants his mate soing goodliye. The promissut to spend time with me and all he did was look after her. I hate him.”
Soul Meulty ? All this drani is boglinding to tower on my soul. “Fine,” I say, “You can come stay with me instead. We can go out on the boat and go haling and Tim sure Draven would love to have you around. You can help her get ready for the Full Moon Shift. You know, because
bas poling to need protection. I’d love it if you’d come and look out for her, for me, What do you say?”
The shuffles his feet, rocking his head like he knows what I’m up to, but he smiles anyway nodding his head. “Okay. I guess that might be
Well figure that out after we get there.”
“Okay. Do you have any video games?”
I chuckle, I do. We’ll have a blast. Have a seat right over there until it’s time to leave.”
I stand up, meeting my dad’s gaze as he notices for the first time that Gryffin is nowhere to be found. “Where’s the lion?”
As sick as it is, Hyder’s little predicament couldn’t have come at a better time. I need to talk to my father about what Gabriel said and 1 need to do it away from here. Where he cannot run away or hide behind pack business. “Gryffin and I are taking Gabriel back with us. We have some work we need him to do,”
My dad’s gaze narrows, his gaze shooting toward Ryder. “You’re going to ride back to Port Orchard with Gabriel and Ryder?”
| shake my head, “No. That would hardly be safe. That’s why you are coming with us. You and Ryder will follow in your car.”
“Domonic,” my dad sighs. I’m not sure if I’m ready to be back there. You know that!”
I nod, giving him a stern look. “Unfortunately that ca
can’t be helped. Besides,
Draven would love to see you.”
He holds my gaze as if sensing there’s something else on my mind. His eyes flit toward the stairwell entrance and freeze there for a moment, the gray of his irises dimming in resignation. “Fine, I assume you have some questions for me as well.”
“I do,” I admit. “And maybe it’s better if we’re nowhere near the council when you answer them.”
Chapter One Hundred Eighteen
Hey baby. Em my way back.
Already? That was quick, folve any of life’s great mysteries while you are there?
Tol maybe. What about you? Anything going on? Anything I should know about? Any new decisions you might have made? Or epiphanies you may have had?
Nope. Not thing…
Okay. If you say so. But know this… If I find that you are lying to me, I get to spank your perfect ass the moment I get back.
Aha. Now why would I be lying to you? What did you hear?
Lol – is Koda around by any chance?
Maybe. He and Emily came over to keep me company. And so did Bart, but he’s gone now. And of course you already know Taedora is
it’s a regular house party. Oh yeah, I can practically feel my hand on your ass now baby. Sweet
How long until you get here?
A couple of hours. I have to stop at the club first, but I’m sending a surprise your way.
The club… uh–huh… Maybe it will me that spanks your
I slip my new phone back in my pocket and glare at Koda from across the room. “Did you call Domonic and tell him?”
Koda chuckles, shaking his head. “No. I didn’t. Why? Does he know?”
Chapter One Hundred–Eighteen
“He knows something. He knows that you are over here, for one.
Koda growls, “Rainier probably called him and told him.”
“So Domanie knows about the message then?
Koda narrows his gaze. “No. He can’t. I didn’t tell Rainier about the mesoge. I only told him that the ring was missing.”
I smile, my eyes watering gratefully. “Okay, Okay good.”
The moment I get off the phone with Domonic, I pull the camera footajje back up on my screen. But try as I might, I cannot concentrat
Something has been nagging at me. Something in the way that Angie has been acting every time I come home.
She tries to hide it, but I can tell she’s been upset with me
with me for a while now. Yet everytime I ask her what is wrong she says it’s nothing.
But it’s something though. Definitely something. I can feel it each and every time I leave the house. It is as if her gaze follows me out the door and sits on my shoulder throughout my day.
I mean sure, I’ve been kind of absent over the past month. Things with my brothers have been kind of crazy lately and I havent around as much. Maybe that’s what it is… and maybe it’s not.
Every full moon, I come home to find that she’s been awake the whole night. I can see that she has questions in her eyes. Questions that 1 know – should she ever ask them – I will not answer. I will lie.
Despite that I vowed to love her. Despite that I vowed to be honest with her. Despite… that she is my wife.
One thing is for certain, if I find out that she took Domonic’s ring – we are going to have issues and I hate that.
I hate that I rushed to marry her in hopes of staunching the emptiness felt with the loss of my mother. I hate that I thought she was a safe bet because none of us were ever going to accept our mates.
And yeah, of course, I hate that we have decided to change the rules.
Not because I’m jealous, not because I’m lonely, but because as much as I want to tell Angie the truth… as much as I want to include her… I never will.
A siren goes off in the main office and I’m immediately on my feet, grabbing my belt and gun even before Timmons comes racing into my
-What is it?
What’s up?” I snap, snatching my keys off my desk.
to believe this.”
Timmons eyes are like fire. “You’re never going to
“Someone just shot up Damonic’s club.