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Billionaire One 119

Billionaire One 119

The Pack: Rule Number 1 No Mates 

Chapter One HundredNineteen 


Standing outside of CockTails, Domonic’s strip club I survey the damage. The windows are shot out. The cars in the parking lot riddled with bullets. Even the surveillance cameras that take up the front entrance have been destroyed. Of course, that means nothing. The cameras are wireless and feed into the club’s security cloud. In fact, right this moment Paul is in Domonic’s office studying all of last night and this morning’s footage. Apparently there were only a couple of people injured. No fatalities. However, I would soon be on my way to the hospital to talk to the alleged victims of the apparent lover’s quatre that took place out here in the parking lot

Rain,” Paul says walking out the shattered front entrance behind a couple of my deputies. I forwarded the clip of the shooting to your phone so that you could check it out for yoursell. Seemed to be a couple of tourists. Plate on the shooter’s vehicle readsare you ready for this-he quirks his brow- California.” 

Great,” I gripe with a roll of my eyes. Every crazy that ever touches down here is from California. I groan, thinking of the paperwork and the man hours it’s going to take just to find this perp- especially if he’s already headed back home. Do me a favor then and give Dom a call. Draven should be happy. It will be a few days before the club can open again. Shit. I’ll head to the hospital now to talk to the 


Paul nods, chuckling. Hey yeah, that’s right. Draven probably will be happy about this.” 

I smile, thinking to myself that I still have to make time to head uphill and clear the air between us, I know she thinks I don’t like her and I honestly don’t want her feeling that way. Especially now that I know she’s pregnant. Pregnant chicks are all over the place Emotional as fuck. Sensitive as hell. Don’t want to be party to any mental trip she might go on in the near future

Tell Timmons to finish up here without me. If he needs me, I’ll be at the E.R.” 

I turn around and climb into my stand issue Sheriff SV. Although, it isn’t really that standard as Timmons and I have spent months boofing up our engines. What normally would be an eight cylinder, is now a twelve. But nobody knows that but us brothers. Shit, there aren’t many cars out here that can run from me. Bikes maybe, but cars, no way

Sitting back in the cool dark of the SUV I pull up Paul’s message. I want to watch the clip a couple times before I head to the hospital. Believe it or not, sometimes victims sometimes lie and if it really was some lover’s quarrel, this might end up being one of those 


Pulling up 

the video, right away I notice a couple of things that have me cursing Californians to the very devil that spawned them. One- the shooter is an overly tattooed male with an attitude and he isn’t alone. There are three other armed men with him, but he appears to be the leader. He looks to be some drug lord, gangster, pimp, nobody, anybody wannabe who thinks he runs the world and everything in it. I’ve seen many like him come through hereand they’re always from California

But the second thing that bothers mehas me adjusting my dick. One male and one female get shot on the screen. The male on purpose, the female on accident. The thing that has me irritated, is that the female is goddamned beautiful. Drastically so. She is absolute California Sunshine and I feel the tingle of my fangs before I even realize I’m starting my engine. Tossing my phone on the passenger seat, I rip out of the parking lot and head for the highway. I need to get to the E.R. and get there now, because if I’m right and I usually am it wasn’t a lover’s quarrel after all. No. This was a business transaction gone wrong

The victims in this instance appear to be one local boy and one outofstate whore. And judging by the ass on the girl she ain’t cheap. The shooter will be coming back for her. I’ll bet my left nut he will

And If he is, I don’t have much time before he sneaks Miss California Sunshine out the door and back into a life less ordinary 


I’m pacing in the kitchen while Emily stirs a pot of her famous stew when I sense Domonic’s arrival. My eyes go straight for Koda and Ishake my head. He’s here. You better be right about this. If I show him this message and he flips the fuck out or tries to book me on a plane to Texas Fll kill you


Chapter One HundredNineteen 

Kada smiles, He won’t.” 

I shake myself, stepping out of the kitchen and toward the front hall where a miraculous surprise greets me. happily bouncing toward the pali of them to wrap my arms around the wo. What are you doing here?” 

Ryder?! Adam?I squeal 

Adam smiles, setting me back and gesturing to lyder who now that I lookingspeins to have the reminiscent shadow of black eye and a barely healed lip. I’m only here to escort the boy, I won’t be staying” 

I nod, ruffling Ryder’s hair as Koda comes barreling out of the kitchen upon sight of his little brother, I wish you would, but I understand.” 

Ry?Koda gasps, What the fuck? What happened?” 

Ryder scowls, ignoring his brother completely to smile up at me. Domenic said I could stay with you guys for a while. He said there would be video games. Can I play?” 

I grin, pointing him in the direction of the couch and the game center to the right of the giant flatscreen. Knock yourself out.I turn toward Roda. I’ll walk Adam out while you handle whatever1 jerk my chin toward Ryder-that is,” 

Koda’s jaw clenches as he nods, his eyes falling on his little brother as I step outside with Adam and hug him goodbye, before he climbs back into his car. Domonic stands alone in front of his Hummer and I wonder for a minute where Gryffin is as there is no one else in the vehicle. Huh. Weird 

Baby,Domonic hisses, sliding his arms around me, his smile dimpling as he peers at me through heavy black lashes. I know all about the ring and I wish I could stay and talk about it, but unfortunately, chaos has found its way back to our town and I have quite a few Things to do.” 

I glare at him, only smiling when I realize that he said our town and not wy tower. “Chaos huh,I mumble, pressing myself into the warm steel of his muscles. Yeah, I heard about the shooting at your club from Paul. What a terrible shameI say with a smirk

Domonic chuckles, his hands sliding over the back of hay ass. I can see that you’re devastated about it.” 

I’m not. I really don’t care if that whole place burns to the ground. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it anyway. I think you should shut it down. Turn it into something else. Something more appropriate for a soontobe father and maybe even husband to have as his business.” 

Domonic stiffens, his muscles going rock hard beneath my face as his dick twitches against my hips behind his pants. He groans, dipping his head behind my ear to nibble on my throat. Don’t you fucking tease me. Don’t you fucking dare.” 

I turn my 

my face into his chest and bite the side of one of his gloriously solid pecs. I’m not teasing mister. But as you said, we’ll talk about 

that later.” 

I attempt to step away from him, but his arms close around me like steel bands, refusing to let me go. Tell me. Tell me now or I want be able to think clearly for the rest of the day. When you opened the box. was it just to look or-” 

I opened the box,I say softly, lifting my chin to stare into the glowing silver of his eyes, Because my answer is yes. I opened the box because I want to be your wife.” 


I already told you, lady! I don’t have time for this shit! I need to get the fuck out There before he comes for met Please!I whisper screams at the dumb as fuck nurse who doesn’t seem to be understanding my American English. It’s just a scratch! I need to leave! I need to get out of here!” 


The chubby RN shakes her head at me, her eyes lighting with Hispanic fire as she forces me back down into the bed. I told you already.” she says with a thick Spanish accent. You aren’t going anywhere until you give your statement to the Sherill Just lay back and relax. He will be here any minute and when he is 1 will bring your discharge papers, okay? And then you go wherever you want!” 


13:04 Thu, Nov 14 

Chapter One HundredNineteen 

“Fine,” I snap, lying back against the pillows and pretending to calm down. As soon as you leave this room bitch, Fm outta here. I’m sorry.I say. I just don’t want to get caught up with my ex. He is an extremely violent man.” And that part is true. Hector is extremely violent. Buthe’s not my man. Not exactly. Now normally, I would have no problem following doctor’s orders, but what this lady does not get, is that I have been trying to disappear for some time now. That fucker Hector hasn’t let me out of his sight in two damn years so now is the perfect time to bail. But no. I can’t. Here I am in a public hospital, surrounded by EMTs and Deputies and all sorts of other lepers that Hector is allergic to, and they won’t let me leave!!!! 

Thank you,” the nurse says just as the heavy door behind her swings open

“Felix Fitzgerald?A deep, dark, wickedly low voice rasps from the doorway

I flinch, my eyes sweltering as they lay claim on the sexiest Sheriff that has ever graced a badge. Sweet Jesus. Take me to jail. Have I mentioned I’m a horribly bad girl? I’m a career criminal and I think I should be punished accordingly

I never thought I was into cops. I’m rethinking that now. In fact, Cops might just be my new religion

Chapter Comments 


oh damn move over angie 

Jacqui Rossouw 

Oh My Word…….It just gets better and better with each chapter…..you are amazing, Jaylee 


Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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