The Pack: Rule Number 1 – No Mates
Chapter One Hundred–Twenty
Please let me know in the comments if it reading about the other wolves and their mates bothers you. Also… don’t worry – Demonic and Dravens story is far from over, I just thought it might be nice to fill in the blanks a little for the other wolves.
“Yes, this is her, Señor Riotte, the nurse says flirtatiously.
She obviously knows him pretty well and suddenly I want nothing better than to kick the bitch.
“Thanks Lupe,” he says with a wink. “I can take it from here. Tell Timmons to let me know when he’s finished please.
“Absolutely,” she says, smiling all the way out the door.
The moment she exits, he locks the bolt and my eyebrows draw together suspiciously. Something tells me that’s not standard protocol. The Sheriff tims around, his dark obsidian eyes sparkling with heat as he studies me. “Now that we’re alone, let’s not waste one another’s time. Lam Sheriff Rainier Riotte. I am supposed to be taking your statement, but as I’m sure that’s about to be as useless as the frown on your face. I won’t bother.”
theless? Really? Wow, what a jerk. For some reason this man has already judged me as a lesser human. Well, how comforting. This sexy specimen must just be your average stereotypical small town cop. See… can judge too. “Funny, I thought cops were supposed to help people.” I whimper, my voice trembling with sudden emotion. Emotion that I never fall victim to. How dare he? How darrree he? To think. I’m sitting here in a pool of my own lava just because I can see the outline of a thousand muscles behind the ugly brown of his uniform and the only thing he wants from me is my frown??? “I was shot at by my boyfriend and you act like I did something wrong.”
He chuckles darkly, his exquisitely cut jaw flexing, “Your boyfriend, huh? He smirks. “Do you have a cell phone on your Miss Fitzgerald?”
“I do not. It’s in Hector’s car.”
Now we’re getting somewhere.” His eyes light up, as he reaches into his back pocket to pull out a phone, “Can I have your cell phone number please?”
ng me in the middle of the night. “M–my number?”
I squint, my eyes going hazy with silly little thoughts of him calling
His eyes freeze over as he stares down at his phone, gaze raising upward in horedom. “Don’t worry Miss Fitzgerald. I’m not going to call
The sudden disappointment that I feel is inexcusable. It’s as if in the first few seconds of meeting this man, I decided he would save me. This isn’t a fairytale, Felix Shake it. Of course he’s not going to call the number. Duh. He’s a good guy and good guys are never interested in me. Then what do you need it for?” I ask shyly, crossing my arms under my chest in embarrassment.
He clears his throat and his eyes fire over the rise and fall of my chest for what feels like a long torturous moment. The heat that flashes in the dark of his irises is there and gone in the space of an instant and I’m sure I probably just imagined it. “That is my business ma am. Quite literally so, but in the interest of saving time, I’ll go ahead and tell you. As I said before, my asking for your statement would be useless as you would no doubt lie to me. But if you’ll give me your number, I might be able to locate your boyfriend sooner rather than later and you won’t be forced to say a word against him”
“I see,” I say just barely. Standing up from the bed, I yank the censors off my wrists as I spout out my phone number. Then, I lock eyes on the door at his back. “If you don’t want my statement, then I’d like to leave now please.”
He lifts his chin, his strong jaw flexing as he takes his time to inhale a low steadying breath. He studies me, and I study the door. By the
Chapter One Hundred–Twenty
way he is blocking It, I’m already sensing that he’s not planning to just let me slide past. I’m afraid that wont be possible, he says quietly, at the very same moment, a tadlo chirps against his hip. He line it to his lips and our eyes moet when he speaks, Timmons I need you in 411. Are you dower with Delairs?)
The radio buzzes, a voice crackling in response, “Yes, On my way.
The sheriff nods, replacing the radio on his hip and trading it for a pair of handcuffs. “Miss Fitzgerald, you are about to be placed under
1 flinch, all fature daydreams of this man taking a nosedive, crashing a burning in this space between his body and my own. “What? What the fuck for?”
He grins – the bastard grins!!! “Soliciting and alisturbing the peace in a private place of business.
given his statement about me to one of the other officers. And
My face burns red hot as I realize the guy from the club has probably although the truth is damning enough, I’m willing to bet this Delical didn’t give it. Otherwise, I’m sure he’d be on his way to jail too. “Seriously?” I whisper, tears tilling my eyes, Well look at the bright see Hector won’t be able to get to you in jail. At least, not right
For a moment, the sheriff stiffens, narrowing his eyes as if suddenly uncomfortable with what he’s about to do. He unbolts the door and it swings open, a deputy standing just outside in the hall. “Miss Fitzgemid, this is Deputy Timmons. He will be transporting you to the station where you will be booked in to await court.”
My eyes shoot upward, meeting his gaze. “What about DeLuca? is he going in too?”
He glares, For what? Being shot? Or for you and your boyfriend attempting to extort money from him?”
I see… so that s what the little asshole said, I shake my head sadly. No dipshit, for forcing me to suck his dick in the dark corner of that club and then refusing to pay Hector for allowing him to do so,
Sheriff Rainier clenches his jaw spouting icily, “Mister DeLuca is the victim,”
“Sure he is,” I agree too softly for anyone else to hear as I turn around then snicker at my complete misery.
I fool him as he steps up behind me, his energy seems to buzz against the back of my bare legs. Clamping my eyes closed, a tear escapes to roll down my check. This is just perfect. Now I’ll be a hooker on paper as well as between the sheets. Just lovely….
The skin of my arm ignites when I feel the sheriff’s fingers come around my wrist. Electricity climbs up my back so quickly that I am forced to take a breath. He pauses, his hands stilling, the cuffs hanging open and unhinged. Leaning into my ear, his voice sends a series of shivers down my spine, “If you promise to go peacefully, I can leave the handcuffs off.”
His thumb strokes over my wrist gently and gouseflesh erupts everywhere I am exposed. The need to lean back against him is damn near overpowering. “Thank you,” I whimper.
seems to shudder as his grip tightens. Then releasing me, he steps back. “Take her to the station lock–up. I’ll go and have a seat in the parking lot while I wait for her… boyfriend… to show up. Because he ultimately why we’re here.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” I say sheepishly, turning around to find the other officer standing behind me now.
Sheriff Rainier chuckles. “Oh I know he’s not. But hey, it’s not like I didnt already know you were gonna call him your boyfriend. After all, that’s what girls like you do. Isn’t it?”
For some unknown reason, his words get to me. They shouldn’t because I don’t fucking know him and he doesn’t fucking know me, they do. And somehow I’m certain, if this asshole had been just a little less fine, his dismissal of my person wouldn’t hurt quite as much. Of all the men in all the world that you might want to be chivalrous… this man might have been the one. But instead he is a big fucking letdown.
13:04 Thu. Nov 14
Chapter One Hundred–Twenty
“Girls like me I got my teeth, clamping down tight. I guess journ god and heading out the door ahead of me and Deputy Timmons. But I dont didn’t want my statement that you got merything you need from the cameram your v&tim……. I can only assume he’s a focal and very good friend of wooh
“Get her out of here,” he snaps.
My eyes glimmer with fresh tears as the deputy and I saunter past himand the the second time with something like concern. In fact… 1 can feel his eyes on
Fuck you
Chapter Comments
Liesbeth Lennards
I like it to get to know the other characters, but I am not sure if I find it a bit overdone that it is a complex story line now added. I am more interested in all the loose ends alr
Rene Marie Beck–Ware
can’t wait to see all if the brothers get their mates…..