Chapter One Hundred–Thirty–One
Wakey, wakey, baby,” I whisper.
Tomunic lay under mar, completely unbed and
In the world. Despite that for the last few minutes I’ve been playing with his dick. I
adon t blame him really. It is only four am, and he spent a lot of energy last night in the shower and then again in the bed. He’s probably
nest so, I really shuuld let him sleep, but I have a date with my girls to take the yacht out and go fishing, and awrything I’ve read says the best fishing is done early morning or late in the night. So I need the keys to the Hummer and he is going to give them to me. Im not going to drive it. I don’t know ww. I probably should learn, but not today. Taedora will drive today.
After another moment of silence, I decide upon a better tactic in wake him up. Sliding the blanket off his -my–glorious body, I straddle his calves as gently I can and place my mouth
saby… God?” he moans, hips jerking as he pushes deep into my mouth. “Fuck yes…”
I work quickly, despite that I really want to take it slow, Pumping him further and further back into the depths of my throat until he is spasining against the bed and gripping the bed sheets in restasy with a roar of pleasure on his lips,
“Baby…” He smiles, biting his lip. “Come here,” he says throatly, and I see it in his eyes he wants to fuck me.
I smile cheekily, standing from the bed so that he can see that I’m already fully dressed. “Later,” I say with a devious smirk.
For a moment he seems confused, his brow furrowing in disappointment as he sits up. “What? Why?” Then, it is as if he remembers and be thrown himself back into the pillows, He chuckles, “You are the devili
1 laugh, grabbing the duffle I’ve packed with a few necessities before sashaying toward the edge of the bed. “I need the keys to your car Mister Mayor, I texted Emily last night and she and Ryder have decided to join us, so we can’t take Taedora’s bike after all.”
Emily?” he says questioningly. “Are you so sure Koda’s going to let her go?”
1 giggle, wagging my brows mischievously. “You know damn well Koda does whatever I say. Now where are they?”
pouting like a baby. “The keys are downstairs in the drawer next to the front door”
“Thanks!” I lean down, giving him a long, deep throating kiss that has him trying to pull me back into bed. “Nope!” I say, grabbing his balls in a death grip
“Ouch! Jesus!” he shouts, before throwing me a deep dimpled smile. “You’re going to pay for that when you get back.”
Blowing him one last kiss | bound down the stairs and out the door where Tae is already waiting for me.
Her eyebrows shoot up when I toss her they keys and she says, “You know, we lionesses don’t hear as well as wolves do, but… Damonic shouts loud enough to make the gophers in the ground jealous.”
I smirk, I got the keys, didn’t I?
Laughing, we pile into the car and head for Koda’s. He only lives about two minutes southwest of Domonic. In a similarly built home that is sixty percent windows and forty percent brick. I actually like his place better because the brick on the outside is painted to look like natural wood. I’m gonna have to ask Dowsonic if we can do that at our place.
Soon, the four of us are rolling up on the docks and heading straight for the Luffy. It’s nearly five in the morning now and still dark as
Tarshan comes walking in with a lestry cake grin on her fades, wi nie mot pergat are dying for a couple of morning curtail des have
the ways to the ra res
I glare at leef in jeansy Cally if you pa makar med the shade mayores that potem jeresting s
Hose Boot Myler demands with a nod
bwe, as captain,” “Tar kuys with a salate as 1 tons by the keys and adj
uk, mi yini have to be really careful, fut continue
way womant Don’t you how us wolves se etter in the
1 luxe to laugh at that, furs so cute. I’m really glad he’s here with us instrad of with his abus
Koda about it yet, but as für
I know, he intends to keep his brother from now on.
banding kim
After a few miraites of letting Hyder drive, I take the helm back and send him after our decks. The ARTIS and is lounging with Emily on the side rails enjoying her spirits. It takes him a minute bed
“Where are our drinks?” I inquire.
“I don’t know!” Ryder shouts. “But you have to come quick!”
What? Why?”
“Have you ever read the story
ory Goldilocks and the Three Bears?”
I nod, slowing down and setting the engine to idle.
“Well, Taedora told me she left our drinks on the table inside and when I went in to get th
My eyebrows rear up and my eyes narrow. “Smelled who?”
“Her–he shakes his head, shifting his eyes back and forth as he whispen–Goldilocks! She’s asleep in the bed