Chapter One Hundred–Forty–Six
I cradle my phone close to my ear while I watch Felix sleeping pracefully next to me. When the first blacked out, I was scared. A million
1 things went through my mind at that moment. Maybe she’s not my mate, and I just killed her! Or Maybe the sight of me with fangs out and yellowed eyes caused her to faint!
Maybe I was too rough on her when I did it! Maybe my fangs went too deep! Maybe, maybe, maybe…
When I tried to wake her and she didn’t stir at all, I began to panic. So, 1 carried her over to the bed and I dialed Draven. Hoping she would be able to speak to me without Domonic crawling up her ass. I was going to have to tell him soon enough, but I wasn’t quite ready yet. I didn’t want to hear him say I told you so. I didn’t need him gloating.
“Hello?” Dravens quiet voice came on the line and I swear something in it made me feel stronger.
you talk? I mean“-1 huff-“are you alone?”
“Not alone,” she chuckles. “But I’m not with Domonic. He went out into the woods to check for traps. You know, to make sure everything safe when you guys shift tonight.”
I nod, releasing a shuddering breath. “1”
What’s wrong?” she interrupts, and I think she can probably hear something in my voice that triggered her concer
“I did something terrible,” I admit. Something… horrible and selfish and immoral.”
“You marked her, she says right away.
yes,” I whisper, shaking my
y head at myself.
“She–um–threatened to leave me and I–I lost control. I started to shift. 1-
“Wait a minute!” Draven stops me. “She threatened to leave you? Why? She adores you. Why would she–oh!” Draven gasps. “Angle she found out about Angle, didn’t she?”
“Yes,” I mumble, disappointment in myself blossoming in my gut. “She said she didnt want to be a mistress or steal someone’s husband. She said I needed to let her go and I just… snapped.” I gaze at her, Felix. She’s still sleeping like a baby. “I think I might have been too rough with her when I did it. I think I hurt her.”
“What?” Draven hisses. “No! What happened?”
“She blacked out. Just fainted. I don’t know if I scared her into it, or if my fangs went too deep, or-”
Hold u
Draven cuts me off, and I swear I can hear her smiling.
iling. She blacked out?
“Isn’t that enough? I snap incredulously. “I damaged her!”
“Boy, oh boy. Your daddies really didn’t teach you anything, did they?” she asks with a Laugh.
“What the hell is funny about this?” I growl softly.
She laughs again. “Listen, first off, it’s okay. I mean, I’m no expert, but that’s what happened to me the first time Domonic bit me And when Koda marked Emily, she was in a coma, but she woke up for just an instant before going back under. I’ve talked to Tae about it and according to her, that’s normal. She says that if a lion shifter’s mate is human, they always go down for the count after being bitten. The second time Domonic bit me, it didn’t happen that way, but I did get really sleepy and had the most intense orgasm ever in life.”
Chapter One Hundred Forty–Six
Thank God, I breathe out in rat. Although I could have gone without hearing that last part. How long do you think it will be before she wakes up? I need to try and talk to her before the shift. I need to plain what I did. I want to tell her what I am.”
“Goch,” Deinen
pologetic. I didn t wake for hours after. I mean like ten hours. And Emily didn 1 wake for almost
“Tuck,” I groaned, my eyes on Felix. That’s after sundown, I won’t be here. Fuck! I screwed up. What am I going to do if she decides to leave tonight? There won’t be anyone here to stop her.”
Draven sighs heavily into the phone and then whispers, “Domonic will kill me for this, but… When the sun goes down and you are all running amok in the woods. I suppose Tardora and I can go and watch over her. Just make sure that Bart leaves me a way to get in.”
1 smile, my heart warming yet again for this new Luna of ours. And for a moment, I’m hit with a wave of nostalgia. Memories of Domonic’s mother first into my head. Luna Lilly was just as caring and every bit as beautiful as Draven is. She was always trying to take care of everyone else first and putting herself last. Always trying to make people feel included. Even Gabriel! The pair of them amaze me. Luna Lilly always stressed the importance of the mate bond. When the twelve of us became teenagers and started playing with females‘ hearts. she would laugh and say she couldnt wait until our mates came along and put us on our asses. She promised that one day, we would meet someone so special and so beautiful, that we would be powerless against them. We didn’t believe her at the time, but God was she right.
“Thank you, Luna,” I say gratefully, knowing I might actually have to fight Domonic after tonight. He’s not going to be pleased about
braven going out during the shift. Especially to the unprotected bar. But with Taedora at her side, she should be fine. There hasn’t been any sign of Jason at all since he escaped us in Arizona and believe me, we’ve been waiting
“You’re welcome,” she says before hanging up.
I glance back down at Felix and my chest begins to ache. She’s gorgeous laying there with her lips slightly parted, the long golden waves of her hair spread out around her. I wonder if she knows what I did. I wonder if she saw my fangs before she passed out if she did then there’s probably a good chance she’ll try to leave when she wakes up. But it will be around eight o’clock at that time and she doesn’t have
car, nor any money, so it would be ridiculous for her to try and go anywhere. The train out here won’t even be running at that time. Maybe Draven and Taedora being here when she wakes will put her in a more receptive mood.
Searching through the kitchenette until I find a pad of paper and a pencil, I sit down to write a note.
Sweetheart, I’ve always had a hard time talking about my feelings, so I thought I’d leave you a note instead. I know you’re probably confused and maybe even a little scared, but I promise I would never intentionally hurt you. As much as I wanted to be here when your woke up, I simply couldn t be. There are some things I have to tell you about who and what fam that might be hard to accept. Things that you might not believe unless I show you that they are true. So i want explain much to you about it right now, Just know that you were never the mistake and I’m so if you felt that way. You see, before I met you I thought I wanted someone that I couldn’t give my heart to. I thought it was better that way… that it was safer. My mistake was made six months ago when I tried to fill the hole within myself with someone I knew I didn’t love. My mistake was thinking that I never wanted to find you and believing that if I did, that I could walk away. I had no idea how much I would want you when you finally came along and no idea how desperate I would be to keep you. So when you asked me if there was anyone else, I didn’t lie to you when I said no. It’s the truth. You are the only one for me, so no, there isn’t anyone else. When I explain everything to you tomorrow, I can only hope it will be enough for you to forgive my mistakes. You were wrong about me, I do belong to you. I always have. So, if you’re wondering where I went tonight and why I couldn’t be here… let’s just say that I went to find your wolf. He and I will both be out there tonight, running through the hits and waiting for morning. I will be back as soon as the sun rises, so please don’t leave. Love Rainier.
I taped the note to
te to the front door so that she would see it if she decided to leave. Then I discarded my ripped up t–shirt and left it next to her sleeping face on the bed. Hoping that if she saw it, her curiosity alone would keep her hete. Bending down to kiss her lips, I traced my fingers over the mark on her neck and smiled. She’s marked now. So if she does try to go somewhere, I will know it and I will hunt her down and drag her back if I have to.