Chapter One Hundred–Fifty
A rush of blood pounds between my ears as this woman’s words replay h my head.
“My name is Angela Riotre, mul I was
hoping to find my husband.”
Oh my God. Why is she here? What does she want? Where is RAINIER!
“Your husband?” I question, keeping close to door as I watch her and inwardly kicking myself for pretending not to know exactly who she
“Yes,” she replies. “Sheriff Rainier Rlotte,” she says slyly, as if she believes she’s dropping the bomb on me.
I don’t know how it is I’m able to smile as cattily as I do, but I manage. As you can see. he’s not here
Her eyes narrow and she spins slowly, surveying the room before her eyes catch on the discarded navy blue shirt I dropped on the couch. Her shoulder tense and I ready myself, thinking that she’s going to reach for it and knowing for that I won’t let her take it from me. The odd sense of possession that comes over me in that moment is startling. She is his wife. He fucking married her. I know all this, but for some reason there’s still a current of crazy suddenly flowing through my wins that is screaming at her for trying to claim him
doesn’t pick it up. Instead, she turns to face me, walking around the couch to come up on my other side. She’s pretty, but not gorgeous… and Rainier… is better than gorgeous. Not that it should matter what she looks like in comparison to me, but I’d be lying i said that it didn’t. Right at this moment, I’m sending the good lord a quick prayer of thanks for the tits and ass that he blessed me. He may not have given me good parents or an easy life, but he took his sweet time in crafting this bitch and that’s a fact. I may not have the ring yet, but I won this round.
Yet Felix? Seriously?
“Yes, I can see that he’s not here. That much is obvious. But you do know him, don’t you?” she says quietly, her voice edged with malice.
I flatten my gaze into one of boredom and simply stare back into her eggs. Not wanting to lie, but not wanting to give her any more than
she’s already gotten by coming here.
She nods, taking my pointed silence as a yes to her question. Shaking her head arrogantly, she eyes me, a sinister smile playing along her lips. “You have no idea what you’re getting into. No idea what kind of monster you’ve just welcomed between your legs.”
“Excuse me?” I snap. “You don’t know a damn thing about me. If you did you’d know that I quite like having a monster between my legs. In fact, I prefer it. I guess I should be grateful that the woman didn’t come here crying alligator tears and toting a box of tissues. Because if she had, I would most likely be in Hector’s car right now racing down the highway. But it’s obvious that this woman came here for some reason other than appealing to my softer side. She didn’t come here to try and make me feel sorry for her. Or to plead her case as his loving wife. She came here to check out the competition and to try and scare me away.
I wonder if he told her about me….or if she simply followed him here this afternoon and found out. I’d give my left it to find out which one it was. Because if he told her… that would mean something. It wouldn’t cancel out what he’s already omitted, but it might make
me a little more inclined to stick around.
If he didn’t tell her… and she simply put two and two together – I would need to leave tonight. And soon.
She studies me crudely, her critical eyes glaring first at my bustline, then at my hip. Her lips pinch as she curses behind her teeth, but it’s not until she raises her eyes to my neck that the first traces of red bloom across her pale cheeks.
“My oh my, you two have been busy,”
she says s
I can see her working to control her anger. Her eyes begin to bulge a bit her nostrils flaring with each noisy breath. The muscles of her
Chapter One Hundred Fifty
steps a few foot closer to me, prefending not to search the right side of my neck. Then her gaze freezes and her entire face tiems practically purple with anger..
I decide I’ve had enough of this weird little visit.
I clear my throat, reaching inside of myself for the girl I’ve always been. The one that may not be much against a network of soulless gang bangers, but could definitely handle a dumb bitch or two. ‘If you don’t mind, I was looking forward to a quiet night alone.” I pull the door open a touch more in gesture for her to leave,
She ignores me. Her wild eyes seemingly glued to that spot on nty neck, “Alone. Ha!” she snaps, still not meeting my gaze. “Were you alone last night too? Or was that when that bustard bit you?”
When we roll up to the har my eyes are sore front crying, but there’s a strange calm that has settled over me and ironically, I know the person responsible for it is the same one responsible for my tear stained cheeks. The reality that my father is actually here… in the same town as I am, still hasnt entirely sunk in. The wouts to meet Domonic. He actually apologized for ambushing me on purpose when he knew Dominic was gone. I’m the daughter of a fucking werewolf!!!
“The world is suddenly a very strange place,” I comment as The parks the Hummer between some Cadillac and a black Beamer. “Weird,” I say as we climb out of the car. “Hart didn’t say anything about anyone else being here.”
Tandora’s eyes suddenly flash from hazel to gold then back again. “Someone is up there with her,” she hisses and my eyes instmitly shoot to the window of my one–night apartment.
I strain my ears, attempting to hear anything beyond the brick walls of the building, but I can’t and the fact is more than a little annoying given the fact that I’ve just found not that I have Shifter blood.
Without really knowing why we do it, we enter the back of the har soundlessly. It’s unlocked, just as Bart promised it would be and I wonder if this visitor entered the same way we did or if Felix let them in another way. The only reason Bart was okay with leaving it unlocked is because of the new camera system the guys had installed. That, and we were supposed to be here right after sundown. Unfortunately, that’s not how things played out and now there might be someone dangerous inside.
Rainier told me a little about the world Felix was part of. The people she was tied to. The person upstairs could be one of them.
We creep up
the stairs slowly, not making even the slightest noise as we step. I can see Felix just beyond the open doorway, she appears healthy enough, but mildly irritated as she holds the door open with her fingers white knuckled over the handle.
A woman’s voice carries out just as we reach the landing. “Were you alone last night too? Or was that when that bastard bit you?”
“Ohhhh shit,” Tadora hisses under her
her breath as the pair of us saunter into sight.
“Hi!” I say brightly.
Felix’s head jerks in my direction, surprise and apprehension warping her normally friendly face. “Of course,” she says dejectedly, as Taedora and I step cautiously into the room.
“Of course, what?” I inquire softly, studying the sudden tension in her muscles and the look of absolute betrayal on her face.
“You guys must be friends,” she states with a frown. The turbulent turquoise of
reyes shadowed with disappointment.
I grin, stepping close to her. “Well yes we are,” I agree, “We’re your friends,” I say pointedly, and her chin juts up curiously.
“You got anything to drink in here, Goldilocks? Or should I go downstairs and raid old Barty boys‘ cabinets? Taedora asks, spinning graciously on one foot like a ballerina and ending with a charming smile.
Chapter One Hundred Fifty
Felix blushes and bites her lower lip as if the s still not entirely certain wha
‘re here to see. “He might have locked it, she say
“Nah, Tae says. “He knew we were coming. It’s got to be unlocked.”
I decide to address the elephant in the room and clarify once and for all who it in that politely. “You must be Angle,‘ I say amicably. “Nice to finally meet you.
here for. I gaze at the visitor
The woman glares at me, studying my hair and my eyes before her lips turn up in a sneer. “Who the fuck are you? Another of his whores? she snaps.
Despite the gasp that comes from Felix, and the harely contained chortle Taedora is choking back, I ignore her remark and step forward Angie is taller than I am by maybe a couple of inches and I’m sure she probably thinks she has the advantage, but she would be wrong Running through the marshes while fighting panthers put a little more than a bit of cock in my doodle doo, and I will not go down easy.
My name is Draven,” I say smoothly, my eyes catching on the rings of her left finger. Im Domonic’s fiance.” She has two rings on the same finger. One is a plain, yellow gold wedding hand and seems to fit quite nicely. But the other… The other is white gold and shimmering with diamonds and emeralds the color of my eyes. That one is clearly too small for her and call it a bunch, but I’m betting 1 never even put it on before today.
“Domonic’s fance? Oh! Yes! Of course! I know Domanic. He and Rainier are very close,” she says happily, suddenly friendly. “I was just having a little discussion with… with.. um. Angie trails off, shooting a satisfied smirk Felixs way in pointed reference to the fact that she doesn’t have her name.
“That’s a beautiful ring you’re wearing.” I say suddenly, taking her cold hand in mine before she can stop me. She tenses, and as I raise my eyes to hers and see the sudden nervousness in them. Smiling again, I ask, “Where did you get it?”