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Billionaire One 151

Billionaire One 151

Chapter One HundredFiftyOne 


Staring at the back of my brother’s head with a can of soup in my hand, ready to be thrown- I wonder, for maybe the five billionth time. how anybody could be as stupid as he is. I mean, he was born normal. A least, I think he was. Then again, I wasn’t there during the hatching so there might be details of his birth that my mother chose to leave out each time she told the story. Dad’s story almost matched hers too perfectly. It was probably rehearse There had to be an incident, or unseen variable. Maybe there was a shockwave at the very moment he was born, or maybe the nurse wrapped his body up too tightly and the blood couldn’t flow properly. Im not sure what happened, but something did! Because he is an idiot

A bonafide moron on two legs (sometimes three)

And nowwhile I stare at his sandy blond head, I contemplate whether or not his being canned in the back of the head would even do any real damage. I doubt it. It’ll probably just open my soup

I sigh, putting the soup down on the raggedy wooden counter of the rickety wooden kitchen in this ruggedly decrepit cabin, and glaring out the window at the full moon in the sky

“I can’t believe you idiots dragged me out here,I complain, turning on the faucet and watching the sludge roll out of the tap. Every fucking time. It’s going to take five whole minutes for that shit to clear

Oh come on, baby,Charlie, my brother’s best friend says, suddenly at my side. You would’ve been lonely without me.” 

He sidles up to me, rubbing the front of his pants along my ass. Rolling my eyes, I whip my arm up *Don’t fucking touch me, Charles.” 

up and kn 

knuckle crack him in his forehead

Damn it, D! You could have broken my nose!Charlie snaps

Coulda woulda shoulda. Come back over here and I’ll try again.” 

Quiet!my brother Cane shouts 

He’s got his dumbass arms headset things on his wide melon head and is pointing some weird little microphone out toward the woods. When his feet start bouncing I know it’s about to get real and I clench my teeth in anger as he and Charlie start suiting up to head out

We got one! Cane cries out, tossing his headset and snatching up his rifle and night goggles

“Yes!” Charlie squeals like the bitch he is, before grabbing his hunting knife and tranq gun

Cane turns to 

to me right before they go outside and says, Stay here, D. 

Well duh Captain America,I snap, watching them go

One of these

days those two are either going to get killed or sent to prison 

I’m fine with hunting if you you live out in the wilderness and youneed food. But poaching is just plain wrong. And that is absolutely all those two do, I don’t completely blame my simpleminded older brother. It’s not like he dreamed of killing animals from the time he was small. My dad is the one who got him into it. They went on their first excursion together when Cane was ten and I was five. I still remember what it felt like when they came home with two dead wolves hidden in the bed of my dad’s truck. I cried for a damn week. Wolves are so beautiful and sofierce! Why does anyone feel the need to turn one of the Earth’s most cunning predators into a trophy

It disgusts me. They disgust me. The only reason why I come with them when they do this is to make sure someone is there for that eventual time that the shit hits the fan. In the old days, it would’ve been my dad, but he died last year. He was a member of some elite potching society called The Elder Few and Cane was supposed to join in, but my dad died before he could nominate him- thank God


Chapter One Hundred Fifty One 

As I turn back to my soup and grab a pot out of the nighnend, a loud stepping noise sounds just outside the kitchen window, followed by the yelp of what I know has to 

City God,hist. They out fuking trap around the house toor 

SATA wild thrashing wands on the other side of the wall and I know its the animal trying to get free. I should help it it’s the least I can 

traps are harder than bell to release when there’s an animal caught in one. I’ll have to get really close

Fuck!I short, before grabbing her and a flashlight 

I have to do this. I have to. For my peace of mind

switch on the ashlight just as a gut wrenching booed sounds on the right side of the cabin and jump. Oh no! Its a wolf! They’ve caught 

Shift Pacing amound the 

cabin, I swing 

light back and forth near the brush. At first I don’t see anything, just bushes and 

trees, but thenthe flashlight glints off tw medallions of guld sparkling in the dark and I freeze 

That is the biggest fucking wolf fve ever seen

But hory is he beautiful

1 appruch slowly, holding the hammer in the air like a flag of truce as I shine the flashlight steadily on the wolf’s beautifully sleek gray- gn coat. He’s growling and whining at the same time, and when my light catches on his fangs for a moment I almost stop dead. They are longer and sharper than any teeth I’ve ever seen, and my dad caught a lot of wolves over the years. But not one like this. Beautiful and damn near as big as a horse. God, if the one that Cone went after is as big as this one is, he’s in trouble

Hey there,I con when I’m about seven feet from him

He’s thrashing still, seemingly ignoring me. I think if I can get close enough while he’s doing that, then I can release the trap wil having to worry about being torn to ribbons. So I take a deep breath and step closer and closer. One little tiny foot at a time until I’m foul feet from him and I can see where the wolf’s entire front paw is caught in the widetooth bear trap Cane must have set up yesterday

Oh no!I whimper when I see all the blood on the ground and around the trap. But then I notice somethingthe peg that releases the trap is nearly out. Buthow? What

A deep growl catches my attention and my head jerks up to meet the most mesmerizing eyes I have ever seen. They’re full on yellow. Gorgeous and glowing and I gasp in in admiration, forgetting for a moment that this beautiful beast is growling at me

We’re so pretty,” I say softly, noting the drool that’s dripping from his angry mouth. I want to get you out. Okay? I’m going to try to help you. But if you bite me? If you take off an arm, or a leg? I won’t be able to. Got it?” 

He snarls, snapping his jaws at me and for the first time I know how truly stupid of a move this was. ButI’m already heratm two feet from the damn prg. I take a deep breath, noting the wolf changing position as he prepares to strike, but praying that there is a God and he loves creatures too. All creatureseven my dumb ass

The wolf moves his head closer, growling 

ling and snarling as the pair of us urge toward each other

This is it. I’m right over the peg now. I stare into the eyes of the wolf as I bring the hammer down as hard as I can, screaming when I hear the clang snap of the trap releasing and I go flying back into the dirt, clutching my flashlight like a baton

I sputter and cough as I work to catch my breath, but the rumbling of an angry growl has me frozen yet again

Oh shit,I whisper, noting that the wolf is free and standing over me. His fangs are so much scarier from one foot away. Jesus Christ. I’m going to get rufen. You’re free now. Ggo!” 


Chapter One Hundred FiftyOne 

stop po hug my time I we 

In glad you’re okay, I whisper, closing my my as he lunges forward high worse, the mounds tace myself for the pain 

Chapter Comments 


oooh another mate? the suspense is killing me 

Marietta Gary 

Hot damn




Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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