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Billionaire One 176

Billionaire One 176

Chapter One Hundred SeventySix


Rushing past the two or three people waiting for a table and ignoring the glare of some twenty pound hostess, I head straight for the booth by the corner window. As I get closer, my steps falter. It’s Charlie alright, but he doesn’t look nearly as excited as he did this morning. In fact, he looks downright gloomy. He’s seated behind a steaming mug of coffee and damn near crying into the cup. And where In the holy hell is Cane? The two of them only ever separate to take a plus

What if those old fuckers hurt him? What if Came can’t be here because het…….. 

Stop it Del, stop it. You would feel it if he were dead. At least, I hope I woahl 

Charlie?I say, sliding into the other side of the booth just before the hostess taps me on the shoulder

Charlie’s soil brown eyes lift toward me and for a moment, it’s almost as if he doesn’t recognize me. His clothing is rumpled and there are a couple of fresh bruises just under his chin, telling me that I was right to worry about them. I can’t stop the pasp that rushes forth, nor the yelp of fear that escapes when it does

DCharlie exclaims, coming to life. He jerks forward slightly, coffee slashing out of his mug and onto the table. Hhow are you here? W we left youhhow- 

“A friend,I reply, a touch guiltily

A friend?Charlie inquires quizzically. His eyebrows come together in disbelief and he scowls. Since when do you have those?” 

Despite my mounting fear for Cane, I release a short giggle. He’s not wrong. Since my brother and his dumbdumb best friend left me to fend for myself in a pile of firewood.” 

Charlle frowns, his eyes moistening. I’m so sorry about that D. We shouldn’t have,he whimpers, lifting the unspilled coffee to his lips and taking a loud sip

As I watch him, I notice his hands are shaking, and when his shirt rides back over his wrist, I see red ligature marks cuffing his flesh. The blazing trepidation I was working to keep at a simmer suddenly bails over and my body begins to buzz with dread. 

Charlie,I hissed, reaching forward impulsively to take his hand in mine. What the fuck happened to you two?” 

underside of his carpal bone

He tries to snatch his hand back, but I squeeze my grip tight, my eyes focusing on the tattered skin on the un Hhey! Lleggo, he mumbles, but I don’t and he snorts his displeasure like a five year old child

Where’s Cane?I snap and Charlie’s face crumples into a mask of betrayal. Oh shit. Something is definitely up

He’s with them,Charlie spews bitterly

What do you mean, he is with them? You mean they won’t let him go? ts he hurt? Did you see them hurt him? What-” 

…..withthem,he clarifies slowly, his 

He’s not hurt!Charlie explodes furiously, spittle flying out of his mouth as his chin quivers. He’seyes going wet again


What the hell does that mean? Then it dawns on meThe Elder Few are a completely exclusive group. They hardly ever initiate new my members. You either have to be nominated by a one of their inner circle, or be a legacy applicant which Cane would’ve been if had nominated him before he died. Being as Cane grew up in that place alongside the other sons, they must have decided to accept Cane’s application on a technicality. Excusing him from nomination due to the circumstances behind my father’s unexpected death

Oh shit,I say sympathetically, taking Charlie’s hands in mine. They didn’t want you.” 


Chapter One Hundred Seventy filz 

Charlie shakes his head wadulty, his pale face blessing will redan fights the pain of his jeton 

Stroking his hands with more tendencies How I food, I allow my Tempe hot when I get a hold of your Yer to actindly liter off, Lole him vehemently

legin toning Furbing Comet Igng treat your ass like

waitress steps up to the hedh per tapping on her need 

Are you two gonna ruder komething neue than offer? Hur mise su red this talde and this gory s been holding it up for the past hour 

Holding up the table? What? I quickly scan the room and the fog wimpy bedhe and my head snaps her way. We might, we might not I art rudely, glaring at the curvy female as trey Mama Bear rips free, I survey the 

the other side, Really? Irritation clamors up my spine empty menu rack, then slice my gaze back toward her. He’s only been taking up this table because her was waiting for me. I’m late. It’s my 

She sneers, rolling her eyes dramatically. Well then, a po go order something or are you both going to leave?Her gaze moves up and down Charlle scomfully, disgust twisting her features

This overage hunky hatch. It might help if your fat ass got us some mentis,I informed her

She huffs, her mouths falling open in temporary shock before the growl, Tl be right back with them.” 

Make sure of it,” I quip loudly

Shir. Watch your mouth Delilah, She’s not fat. Not really, she’s thick, with a killer rack and an ass I would die for, but fuck her anyway. She’s a cut, and a dry one at that. When someone mistreats my boys, I do have the tendency to get extremely petty and mean. I am the only due allowed to insult them. Nobody che. Because I’m the only one who knows their fucking stupidity is a congenital defect that the doctors neglected to treat at birth. Then, when you add the cans of soup I’ve nalled them with over the years, wellyou can’t really expect a couple scholars to emerge

Charlie relaxes a hit, a small smile turning his lips as 

blushes at me, You shouldn’t be so mean to her, D.” 

And why the fuck not? She’s an asshole.” 

He shakes his head at my audacity. But shes also the one who gets to touch our food.” 

Dawn it. He’s right. From time to time, I suppose the Doublemint Twins do show signs of promise. Little word vomit geniuses that they 

When the waitress returns, she’s toting two menus and a suspicious, way too bubbly, glass of water. My eyes narrow on the cup as she places it in front of me, studying it apprehensively before acknowledging that she spat in my shit. Giving her the evil eye, I snort. Im not goma drink it, bitch

Answering my silent accusation with a chortle of barely contained laughter, she smirks, then winks

Oh yeah. She did it. Fuck

Eyeing the two menus, I suddenly remember who I left outside. Wait!I call out andMandy, as her name tag denotes, swishes her long black pontytail in aggravation

What? sh 

she snaps, all pretense of civility le 


We need one more menu, please. My friend should be joining us in a moment.” I added the please just 

Fine,” she barks, slapping another on the table with dramatic flourish


over my shoulder, I peer out the window toward where Quinn is parked, holding my breath as a small group of people walk past the windows, blocking my view. Once the sidewalk clears, my entire body seizes up. A bubbling rush of disappointment surges through me 


Chapter One Hundred Seventy Gir 

Systomy my myste 

18e left. He canvas followed me inside, I should w known. I completely cliched him and so he must have decided to completely ditch me. Or

  • wasn’t as leto jesu as you were starting to believe. Maybe he was del that I provided him with an easy out by hurting myself from his 

opens up in 

the fridge back at bús 

chest and my eyes sting 

just in case he ever in 

This shoulder’t hurt this way, I hardly know him. At least I me. Why didn’t I ask him for his? I had the whole ride 

ver to manup and get it

And who in their right mind sucks the dick of a male that 

can’t we call on later for references

My ailway closes up and I stare, transfixed, out at the 

wallowing back the burn of my being discarded is impossible for some pest parking lot. Simply lost

Maybe he went for gas

Come off it Delilah. You know better than that. You got duped is what happened. Congratulations, I hope you enjoyed eating at Que 

fenly, looking at Charlie, I don’t know what the fuck were going to do. I didnt realize it at the time, but I think I might have beeg counting on Quinn and his muscles for more than just a lift. I needed him. The strength of him. To save my brother from himself. And he’s not out there.. 

Chapter Comments 

Jacqui Rossouw 


…..but good. Let her suffer for just leaving Quinn like that. How rude

Jacqui Rossouw 


My guess was he moved the car….I didn’t think he would spy…..but I guess that’s understandable considering he has no clue about his mate who is associated to peopl… 

Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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