Chapter Eighteen
I knew it. He likes me.
I squeal to myself after the two of them leave. Smiling and dancing around the condo, I wash up what was left of our failed dinner and then head upstairs wanting to be clean and pristine for my night with Domonic. Even though I’m not planning to get naked for him, I need all surfaces of my body smelling like heaven and every inch of me soft as a baby’s bottom.
So naturally, I get into the large jacuzzi tub with bubbles, bath salts, and a fresh new razor. I soak for about thirty minutes before hopping into the shower for a final rinse.
Wrapped in a towel in front of the mirror, I smile at my reflection. I’m not nearly as haggard as I had been when I first arrived in this wonderful town. Studying my body, I realize something amazing. My bruises are practically gone. How in the world they had faded so quickly, I would never know.
Maybe because I haven’t been stressed?
Or perhaps all the good food I’ve been eating?
Exiting the bathroom with a huge smile on my face, I slip on bright red thong and forgo the bra. Then I dress in a pair of lowrider jeans and a tight, vee cut black top. one that dips so low in the front that my nipples are barely hidden by the neckline. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand I hit Domonic’s contact and traipse down the stairs. Realizing I probably shouldn’t disturb his meeting just because I am dressed and ready, I don’t make the call.
“Sometimes I can be so lame,” I say to myself, just as the doorbell sounds.
Who the hell can that be?
I reach for the deadbolt to unlock it then my hand freezes on the latch. Something inside of me buzzes to life. A sliver of fear slithering
up my spine.
The hairs on the back of my neck are standing at attention and I suddenly feel extremely alone.
Don’t panic, just breathe.
It can’t be Domonic.
It can’t be one of his friends.
Maybe a neighbor? Or maybe a salesman?
Just answer the door.
Raising my eyes to the peephole I peer outside.
Nothing. No one.
There’s no one out there.
My eyes scan the giant windows, realizing for the first time that the shades are still open. The yard is clear. No one in sight. But something is nagging at me, and I am suddenly terrified.
Chapter Eighteen
I have felt this before. This sensation of fear, of being watched. Someone is out there, and they are watching me.
My ears begin ringing as I stare out at the foggy evening beyond the glass. I rip my eyes away and look down at the phone in my hand. Once again, I punch in Domonic’s contact and this time I hit send.
It rings only once.
‘Draven? What’s wrong?”
“I–I’m scared.”
“Someone is here. They rang the doorbell, and I went to answer the door but-”
“Someone rang the doorbell?”
“Y–yes, but I checked and there’s nobody out there. This might sound stupid but I-”
“Fuck I should never have left you alone!”
“What’s wrong?” Says a voice in the background that I don’t recognize.
be there in two minutes. Do not hang up, do not move.” Domonic commands.
“Okay,” I whispers, spinning in a short circle to scan all parts of the yard.
“Draven, are the shades still open?”
I can hear commotion on the other end of the line. Car doors slamming, people scrambling. It sounds like his entire meeting is heading
this way.
He is driving, I can hear the screech of his tires through the phone.
“Good, now scan the yard and as slowly and carefully as you can. Take note of anything you see.”
My eyes are glued to the windows around me. Studying for any kind of movement in the trees or around the yard. The sound of angry sets of tires ripping up the asphalt fills my ears, and I began to breathe easier. But then, a large branch on the opposite side of one wall seems to shake with tremendous weight. As if, someone has jumped from it. As if…someone has been watching from the trees.
Just as I hear the sound of engines revving up the street, I whisper, “The trees… I think someone was in the trees.”
“Which trees?” Domonic questions as headlights filled the driveway and his Hummer screeches to a halt in front of the condo.
But I can’t answer him because the room is spinning, the adrenaline from moments ago falling away from my body as he and Bart bust through the front door.
*Domonic, I whimper, falling forward just as he reaches me at the foot of the stairs.
He cradles me against his chest, lifting me off my feet and carrying me toward the back of the main house. “I’ve got you,” he says, staring down at me with stormy gray eyes.
Chapter Eighteen
“Paul and Rainier are circling the block,” Bart says. “Timmons and Quinn are scouting the woods. Everyone else is surrounding the outer walls.”
“Check the condo,” Domonic commands and Bart’s concerned face disappears.
Domonic punches a code into the panel on his back door and it clicks open so that he can carry me over the threshold and into the warmth of his house.
“I shouldn’t have left you,” he hisses, taking a seat on his leather sofa, with me on his lap. “This is my fault.”
“Nothing happened,” I whisper, my eyes falling shut with fatigue. “But I’m so tired.”
“It’s okay baby. That’s the adrenaline dying off. Did you see anyone?”
I shake my head no, my eyes closing heavily.. “But I think there was someone in the trees.”
“I believe you,” he says. “Just rest now. We’ll talk about it when you wake up.”
I smile as he rocks my body against his chest as if I am a small child. Suddenly I know I am in the safest place I will ever be. That Domonic’s arms are the only things that can keep me from danger.
“All clear Domonic,” I hear Bart say.
“Damn it!” Domonic hisses. “There were two black sedans with out of state plates down the street when we left. See if they’re still there. If they’re not? Find them.”
“Out of state plates?” I whisper into his chest as I fall deeper and deeper into the blackness of sleep.
And somewhere out in the woods, I think I hear a wolf howl.