Chapter One Hundred Eighty–One
My head snaps forward at the sound of Elder Matthew’s wice and I immediately think unaware that a member of the Elder Few is here.
And, he’s also alive, when they probably intended for him to die.
“Delilah?” Elder Matthew says again.
Shir, shit, shir
“Y–yes! Hi! Matthew!” I say, peering over Quinn’s broad shoulders and smiling as brightly as my hate will prattle, making small talk while I try and figure out what to do.
Matthew’s eyes are twinkling with merriment as he studies my features, only darkening when they to the onion of Quin “Who might this young man be? Matthew inquires nosily.
“Um-” I mumble, stilling Quinn when he tries to turn around, and casting him a pointed look. Charlier I try and sey with a eyebrows arch upward in confusion and I groan, shit! This is my ”
ck, bumping into the parked “Fiance!” Quinn finishes for me, whirling on Matthew so quickly that the old buzzard stumbles
right that I am completaty him. Placing his imposing form directly in front of me, Quinn manages to somehow push back just from view.
see,” Matthew condescends, with a sne
a snort. “What might your
se be, young man?”
Quinn’s muscles were flexing in irritation, I could see them rippling along his back through the thin fabric of his shirt. “Mezmun,” be tells Matthew, and I grin behind him stupidly. “Maximus Quinn.”
“Maximus Quinn,” Matthew repeats, as if committing the name to memory
“A powerful name, Maximus. Are you and your family from Oregon? Matthew asks, but Quinn doesn’t get younger, much more vexing voice sounds at the forefront.
“Fiance?” I know who it is without even looking. Ted Barrows. Elder Matthew’s favorite son. And yes, I say favorite. All the Elders that ba more than one son, have their favorites. They make no secret of it, either. That’s strange, dad. Did the council vote on a marriage for
What the fuck? Fuck you, Ted. You smuke
“Not that I’m a
aware,” Matthew croons haughtily.
Well then she’s not engaged.” Ted states flatly, and by the sound of things, I can tell he’s now standing closer. “You see, Maximus, Ted explains as if he’s talking to a small child. “Delilah and her family are longtime members of our church, and as our way of life demands, the council has to approve all marriages of each and every female:*
The council must approve of all marriages?” Quinn laughs. “Is that like a fantasy football thing? Because I can assure you, my female does not need their permission.”
My body heats and my core pulses. The absolute conviction in Quinn’s voice, making me wish his words were true. I know he’s only trying to anger them, but 1 suddenly want more than anything to be his
Ted cackles, and without even looking I know what Quinn sees when he does. Ted has a very prominent, very bulbous, Adam’s apple
Chapter One Hundred Eighty–One
juts up and down whenever he foughs. It’s the one thing about him that het handsome. Well, that, and his personality. Ted is also pretty well built. Out of all of the sons of Elders, I’d say he’s probably the strongest. But, from what I can see beyond Quinn’s shoulders, he hasn’t gotten much bigger. And Quinn… well… Quinn’s body is a masterpiece One look at him and you know he can pretty much squash you like
So, I don’t know what is prompting Ted to test fate, but I have the sudden desire to see him on his ass, so I hope he keeps going.
“Your female? Ha. That’s funny. Especially because I’m pretty sure her other Cane, is the head of her family now, andshe belongs to him until he chooses someone to give her to. It’s the way of our church. All members must adhere to the traditions.”
Well, good thing I’m not a member then, dickwad.
God? If I’m allowed to wish anyone ili will in my lifetime, might I choose Ted? lie’s a douche…
“Your church?” Quinn questions sardonically. “Is that what they’re calling cults these days?”
Oh… oh shit… Despite the accuracy
cy of Quinn’s statement, the Elder Few have always hated that label.
“Excuse me?” Ted replies, appalled. “If I were you I’d watch my mouth.
Quinn has just inadvertently implied that I’ve been talking to outsiders about theirexclusive little club. Which is a big, Elder Few no–no. Not that I care. But, if I were an actual member, like my father was, they would punish me, maybe even kill me. However, I’m not – I don’t know enough about the inner workings of their circle to be considered a threat anyway.
Quinn chuckles and the sound is slightly bone chilling. If you were me you’d do no such thing,” Quinn promises, the muscles of his aring twitching and tightening deliciously. And if you were me you’d know why.” Quinn’s hands suddenly close into fists at his sides. “I can demonstrate for you, if you like? But I’d hate to see you embarrass yourself in front of your daddy. So, it’s your call.”
Chi mama.
Now I’m actually grateful that Quinn is forcibly blocking access to me, because I think I might be drooling.
Ted chuckles, but I can hear the sudden twinge of fear in it when he does. “Whatever.” He speaks over Quinn’s shoulder to me and for th first time in two years, I’m forced to look him in his wicked green eyes again. “I spoke to Cane this morning, Delilah. I made it pretty clear to him what I intended.”
Quinn’s muscles ripple across his back, in such a way that almost make them look bigger. Like they are growing or coiling into something stronger. The sight is startling, but hot as hell and I am suddenly desperate to touch him.
Quinn tilts his chin, side eyeing me with his intense gold eyes. For some reason, they almost seem to swirl with a vibrant yellow. What the fick? The moment I think I see it, it disappears. His jaw is set, a muscle flexing in his cheek, as it seems, he works to control his anger.
“So, have your fun with her while you can… Maximus, Ted whispers, pulling out of earshot of his father. “But I’ll be taking her off your hands soon enough, and when I do, I’m going to breed her like a damn mare.”
I swallow my gasp, the sudden popping of muscle, my only clue that Quinn is about to attack him. I didn’t want to do this right now, I wanted to get out of here and go find Cane. Knowing what was about to happen would ultimately cost us more time, I spring into action. Leaping up as best I can, without slamming my head into the roof of the Escalade, I throw my arms around Quinn’s neck. Planting my hands over the front of his panty juicing pectorals, I tug him backward as best I can. Right as Quinn’s arm goes flying upward to grab Ted. I bite him in the back of the neck, Hard,
Quinns entire body shudders and his weight nearly topples back into me. “Lilac,” he hisses, the sound thrumming with pleasure. Then he clasps his hands over the top of mine, sealing them to his chest.
My jaw
ckens and I suck on the flesh I just mangled, not wanting to come away from him without soothing whatever damage I just Tased to his skin. My tongue traipses over the dozen or so toothmarks swirling across the edges as they quickly disappear. What….the… hell? Whatever I’m doing seems to be working almost like magic, so I continue to suck and kiss him along the back of his neck.
08:55. Fri Nov 15
Chapter One Hundred Eighty–One
“Jesus Christ, Lilac, Fuck,” Quin moans loudly, causing Elder Matthew to avert his gaze and stumble toward the sidewalk along the
restaurant’s entrance.
“Lilac Ted flinches with disgust and anger, but by the time his eyes lit to mine there’s something else in their depths. Lust. His excitement appears painfully evident and the bulge in the front of his pants doubles in size.
LOL But even doubled, Ted’s got nothing on the man beneath my lips.
Ted swallows nervously, licking his lips as he steps backward. “Have some respect, Del, he snaps scornfully. “Do the two of you normally fuck in the parking lots for the entire world to see?”
I finally pull my mouth away from Quinn, blushing when he grunts in protest. Smiling down at the purple hickies I just left behind, t focus on Ted. “No, of course not,” I snark, biting my lip when I feel Quinn’s teeth nip at my hand on his chest. “We usually just pull onto the side of a highway and do it in the trees, I say without even the tiniest bit of shame.
Elder Matthew’s jaw practically unhinges, it drops so low. The old man is absolutely scandalized.
Quinn’s chest quakes with quiet laughter and Ted’s eyes bulge as if someone just closed an arm around his neck. He’s ripe with jealousy, glowering at my hands on Quinn’s chest as he licks his lips, before finally stepping away.
Wait a minute, I still need to know what the hell Elder Matthew is doing here? This for from Clatsop?
“Wait a minute Ted!” I call out, ignoring Quinn’s angry hiss of protest.
What is it, Delilah?” Ted asks witheringly.
He is now standing next to his father and before 1 ask my question, I watch Matthew scan the people in the restaurant with obvious interest
“I don’t have all damn day, Del!” Ted snaps.
I take a deep breath. “I thought you hated Washington. What are you and your dad doing all the way out here?”
And that’s when I hear it. The little bell above the restaurant door. And… because I understand exactly what kind of relationship that I have with the Universe, I know that it has got to be Charlie standing there.
I swallow, trying to play it cool just in case Ted and Matthew weren’t around for what happened to Charlie this morning. Hoping that all the two of them wanted, was a burger, and they don’t even know who Charlie is.
But, of course, hope is for fools.
“Hello again, Charlie,” Elder Matthew says.