Chapter One Hundred Eighty–Four
AUTHOR’S NOTE: It has come to my attention that I have made a mistake In Chapter 17. 1 Introduced Timmons as the fire chief and Lief as a Sheriff’s Deputy. MY BADDD… Lief is the Fire Chief and Timmons is the Deputy. Forgive me… but there are a lot of chapters and as I have never been one to take notes I simply got confused. I am going to ask my editor to fix this, but as she is extremely busy, I’m not sure when she wilt. Also! I would love it if you guys would tell me whose mate you would like to meet next in the comments section! Thank your
Standing on the docks waiting for Glo, I begin to get nervous, I told him five o’clock and it is now fifteen til. I mean, sure, he’s not late yet, but somewhere inside of me, I think I’m afraid he won’t show up. It’s almost like being transported back in time. Back to when I was a little girl and waiting for him to come home. The feeling is not pleasant.
“Are you going to watch the traffic all day?” Emily says behind me.
“Not all da
all day,” I quip. “Just until he gets here.”
She laughs, coming up behind me to squeeze my shoulders reassuringly. “He’ll be here, Draven.”
y shoulder. “I hope
I sigh, closing my eyes and placing a hand over hers on my
“What are you guys doing out here?!” Ryder’s little voice sounds from the yacht. “Felix is mixing margaritas already! And I need you to tell her Lean have alcohol in mine, because I want to see what the big deal is!”
Emily explodes into fits of laughter. “Not happening bud” You’re not old enough yet. But if you’re good, I might let you have a sip of Felix’s just to taste how horrible it is.
“Fine,” Ryder grumbles, disappearing back inside.
“Not drinking tonight, huh?” Lask, my eyes falling open to study my friend. “Any particular reason why not?”
ath and heat “Maybe.
She smiles at me, her face burning with red
My mouth falls open in shock. “No way!”
She grins, her pretty pixie face tilting upward happily. “I haven’t gotten sick yet, but Koda says my scent has changed and my period is a few days late.”
I can hardly contain my joy in hearing this and wrap her in a bone crushing hug. That would be so awesome! Our kids will be best
they will be! Emily coos, her eyes falling over my shoulder to the parking lot behind me. She smirks and juts her chin upward saying.
Took Drave
I inhale sharply, the sound of expensive shoes clacking on the concrete behind me.
I take it.
- I’m on time then.”
A strange sense of longing falls over me at that moment and tears fill my eyes, but I shake the emotional response from my system before I turn around. It won’t do for him to know how happy I am right now. He doesn’t deserve that yet. At least… I don’t think he does.
Making sure that my locket is still hidden behind my sweater, I smile and turn around. “You are!”
Then I flinch in surprise. He’s not alone. There are three others with him. Two men and one woman. All of them dressed impeccably, all of them in expensive suits. Of the three additional newcomers, its the woman that captures my attention.
Chapter One Hundred Eighty–Four
of a woman who spends increa
xáve, confirming my suspicions that I runt
Has Itak, sondering where and when few her before
I shake it off for the moment and eye the rest of Bios companions war silent bodyguards. Their eyes are covered with pitch black shades, yet
The men are toting maple of cases and wear the sof on sense them onstantly ornning the the
My team will be joining us, Gio says, sauntering toward me. Don’t wry, if there isn’t adepte space for them, they can camp de They’ll be spending most of their time outdoors anyway as it is their to protect me, he poses, then adde, and yo
1 gasp as I suddenly recall where I remember the woman from. 1 gaze at her in wonder.
chased away” At her lack of confusion, I shake myself, remembering habet want my actual mother. However, for nineteen believed that she was, so that was going to take some getting used to mean that label chased away”
She nods, and I can sweat her eyes are wet with emotion. “Correct. I was your bodyguard slash nanny for a time. My na
Again, I gasp as a nickname infiltrates my memory and I say, “Zia Sophila
She smiles. “Yes. That’s what you used to call me. Although Gio is not my brother-
Not by blood,” Gio interrupts her.
not by blood,” she agrees. “You were very close to me
- e. You called me Zib. It means,
You’re a shifter,” I say, somehow knowing that I speak the truth. “You used to change in front of me and let · ride your back”
She grins, shrugging when Glo sends her a sharp look. “What? She loved it!”
“But-” I snap, confused, “you’re a woman! I thought female shifters weren’t able to shift into their wolves”
She chuckles, “Is that what your American mate has led you to believe?”
Gio smiles, his eyes lighting up with mystery. “Sophia is a full–blooded Northern Gray. So naturally she can shift. Just another of the many perks of our bloodline.” His eyes go dark. “Of… your bloodline.”
I shake off the hidden meaning behind his words and the nostalgia that threatens to overwhelm me, grateful for Emily holding me up as my legs threaten to buckle. I say offhandedly, “There are plenty of rooms in the packhouse. You should all be very comfortable there.”
“Who are those guys?” Ryder exclaims, leaping off the yacht and forgoing the ladder dangerously.
“Ryder!” Emily warns.
- s. “Be careful!”
But Ryder ignores her, walking up to Gio with something like stars in his eyes.
Gio smiles. “He is fearless by nature, Glo observes. “Nothing wrong with that. Hello little woll, my name is Gio Piccoli I am Draven’s-”
““Friend!” I say, stopping him from saying father, though I don’t exactly know why. Ignoring the sudden hurt in his gaze and the guilt that suddenly drowns my heart, I say, “Let’s get this show on the road, shall we? I promised to get there before nightfall.“
“Yes,” Gio agrees, his voice somewhat sad. “We have much to discuss.”
Chapter One Hundred Eighty Four
As I turn around i
Supbla Shisper, Thon, Gill come and y
I’m not sure that I will
“Quinn!” I screech, as he falls into my lap. For a moment I’m afraid
www going to crash, but thats when relive that he shifte
car into park right before he passed t
My heart is thumping with fear as I study him. A sepse of fost so acute and so dedining comes cover me and pain lanes through my heart
No! No, not He cant die! I can’t lose hist
Suddenly I know it’s true. That if I lose him, if this practical stranger dies, I will never again.
“What’s wrong with him? Charlie shouts, hopping up from the backseat. He was shot, wasn’t he?
I nod, tears filling my eyes as I shake Quinn’s body. “Please! Please wake up!” I slap him in the face, “Wake up!”
To my surprise, his eyelids flutter, but they don’t open. Yet, he speaks, Duch, Lilac. Why’d you hit me?
“I have to get you
ou to the hospital okay?
kay? Just hold on,” I cry, grabbing my phone.
That seems to get his attention. “No!” he yells, snatching my phone from my hands and sitting up
un with a groan
“No?” I scream. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re bleeding to death!”
He grimaces, in obvious pain, but shakes his head. “No.. I’m not babygirl You don’t understand, but… I’ll be okay in about… I don’t know… thirty minutes or so.”
Charlie gasps in the backseat. “No fucking way! You’re one of them! One of those… creatures! Aren’t you?”
I scowl at him angrily, “Charlie! This is not the time for any of your mumbo jumbo about lions that are humans – nor is it ti other fairytale!”
time for any
“They’re real, D! I swear to God, Cane and I saw her change! We saw her! Like with our eyes, ya know?”
Oh for the love of God. “Charlie,” I say apologetically. “I’m really sorry about all those cans of soup, I never should have hit you
u with so
Charlie balks, his face turning indignant and Quinn spurts with laughter, before groaning with pain.
Then Quinn’s body spasms, his back going ramrod straight as he shouts, “Fuck!”
“Give me my phone!” I snap. “I’m calling you an ambulance.”
“The fuck if you are,” he says. Then, he whips his shirt off and the sight of his delicious muscles has my body flaming with heat.
Soooo not the time Delilah. Control yourself!
Quinn leans forward, showing me his back. “Quick baby girl. Tell me what you
I roll my eyes, but decide to humor him just so t
so that we can move the fuck on from this nonsense and I can get him to a doctor. “Fine,” I hiss, not wanting to look, but doing so anyway. I see… I… see…..”
Chapter One Hundred Eighty–Four
Don’t believe what Free….. What What the fuck?
Charlie peeks over the seat and grins like the Cheshire Cat. Told you, ‘s one of them. Hon a shifter
I’m pretty sure it’s me who passes out next
Chapter Comments
Nikki Whata
Bart’s Mate Next
Jacqui Rossouw
But what about Griffin? Doesn’t he need to find his mate soon?