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Billionaire One 194

Billionaire One 194

Chapter One Hundred NinetyFour 


When we first arrived on the island tonight, the house was in chaos. Ryder, nor Felix had ever seen it before, so they spent their first hours exploring the inside and the outside of the house, Gio’s people immediately disappeared to scout the property and I was left to unload all of the supplies. It wasn’t too much, so when Gio offered to help me I turned him down. However, he wasn’t having it and insisted he carry everything. Apparently he didn’t like the idea of his pregnant daughter this words of course) carrying anything heavier than ten pounds up a flight of stairs. It was in the back of my mind to point out that his pregnant daughter had been through much worse than a little heavy lifting in his absence, but I decided to save those little tras for later on. Instead, I thanked him for his considerate gesture and only half flinched when he said the word daughter. It would have been a hell of a workout for me to do it alone anyway. I would have had to make a few trips up and down the steps, onto the yacht, off the yacht I certainly would have been a little winded for sure. As it turns out, Gio has the strength of ten men and took all six boxes full of canned goods, frozen meats, etcetera, etcetera three to

shoulder and hauled ass up the cliff

As I watched him, I was reminded of that night he snatched Taedora by the throat in the middle of her shift and rendered her immobile under his grip. I couldn’t wait to ask him about that little kung fu secret. I was dying to know how he stopped her from changing. I think Taedota is too. Ever since that little incident, Taedora seems to view Gio as more of a phenomena than a shifter. She’s in awe of him, while as far as I’m concerned, he’s still just a deadbeat dad, ButI will ask him my questions tonight andwe’ll just see if anything 


Personally, I can’t think of a single fucken thing in this world that could make me abandon my child and I don’t even have her yet. So the odds of his gaining my complete forgiveness are slim to none. Although I am willing to hear him out, the best I can offer is some understanding and possibly a semitruce. As far as a future with him in my life goesI don’t know. Not sure what my heart is capable of glowing at this point

And yes, I’m confident that I will be having a girl, despite that Domonic believes otherwise

After Emily slaved away in the kitchen for the entire afternoon (turns out she’s a regular Gordon Ramsay) the eight of us had dinner together in the dining room and even my cynical ass has to admit, it was nice having a full table. We laughed, joked, and listened to Gio’s bodyguards tell crazy stories about their training days. Sophia tried teaching Ryder some Italian until all he wanted to earn were the bad words. All in all, it was a successful supper

Now, it’s just past midnight and the packhouse is eerily quiet, Ryder has long since gone to bed, insisting he sleep with Em because he promised his brother he’d take care of her. Felix went up about twenty minutes ago after having a few mighty margaritas and Sophia retired a few minutes after that

So all that remain awake are me, Gio, and his two Italian goons

Are they g going to stay out there all night?I ask Gio, watching through the glass walls of the living room as the pair of them circle the perimeter a few times in their human forms. I haven’t seen their wolves yet, and I’d be starting to doubt Gio’s story if my memory of Sophia hadn’t surfaced

It is their job, mia bambina. They are used to it,Gio says dismissively. You don’t have to worry about them. Piccoli guards are handpicked from a very young age and trained from the time of their very first shift to endure the very harshest of conditions and beat the most insurmountable odds. It is our way.” 

Piccoll guards or not, they’re my guests. They deserve to relax and be comfortable. I dislike having them suffer the elements like some kind of second class citizens, while we remain here in the warmth of the house.” 

Gio sighs behind me. I know you might now believe it, but they are probably more comfortable outside than they would be here resting. All it would take is one slip up, one unnoticed threat, one instance of being caught off guard for them to lose confidence in themselves and in their position.” 

I roll my eyes. Well, they have to sleep sometime. When do they ever get to rest?” 

Gio laughs, When their replacements arrive.” 


Chapter One Hundred NinetyFour 

You brought more of them? Isk, shocked

He nods, following me as I retreat from the window to take a sea on the couch. There are presently Pour me their rest right now in one of the nicest hotels in Seattle and four more in a rental just 

My mouth falls open in shock. You brought ten guards with you?” 

He smiles, taking a seat a cushion away from me. And Sophia.” 

of my gundo enjoying 

Right. Sophia. Is she a guard too?I inquire, thinking that she most be and secretly envying the woman’s strengths 

She’s a little different. She was trained as a guard d like the others, but her particular talents are better served offensively than defentine 

I blink at him. Offensively? What exactly does that mean?” 

He sits back, his gold eyes sparkling. She’s an assassin. A trained killer 

What would you need an assassin for?I gape. You make it sound like you’re the leader of a country, not a pack 

To my surprise, he doesn’t laugh, simply cocks an eyebrow and shrugs dismissively

You don’tactually rule a country, right?” 

He shakes his head no, then says, Not exactly.” 

Not exactly?I grapple. What does that mean?” 

He begins to loosen his coat then gestures to the bar in the comer, standing up. May 12” 

I nod. Help yourself.” 

Watching him as he removes his coat and unbuttons the cuffs of his shirt, I realize my paternal genomes must be pretty damn Gio must be in his forties and not only does he appear to be as fit as a hiddle, with a head full of dark hair only hinted with silver almos stylishly painted along the edges, but he’s incredibly muscular. I’m sure much of this has to do with his being a shifter, but I met a group of male shifters his age in Red Wolf. Adam, Thomas, the rest of the dads, they re about Gio’s age, however something is different. Sure, Adam looks incredibly capable and I imagine he was once built exactly like Domonie, but his energy is more passive to Domonics aggressive

Gioyou can almost see the deadly promise in his eyes. Just his presence exudes power. It almost makes me wonder why he has bodyguards at all. Even watching him pour a drink is a little unsettling because there’s a sharp precision to each and every one of his movements. And he’s so quiet I almost wonder what thoughts are going through his head. Every time I look into his eyes I can see his brain working. This manhe doesn’t miss a thing

he asks, replacing the whiskey behind the bar and returning to his seat

What are you thinking al 

inking about?

My thoughts exactly

I was just wondering which of you I’m more like. My mothBianca, or you? Not exactly what I was thinking, but close enough

His eyebrows furrow a bit as he swirls his liquor and then takes a long sip. You can call her your mother. In fact, you should call her your mother.” His peers toward me with an almost barbed look in his eyes. She was your mother until the day she died. I can understand you have reservations about me, but Bianca does not deserve your ire. Not at all. Isabel was never supposed to take that title away from her. You were meant to know all you could about her. She loved you more than life. So much that she paid with hers. If you do nothing else, please, at least honor her.” 

A little gasp escapes me and although I’m not offended by his tone, I am suddenly disturbed by something he said, What do you mean


Chapter One Hundred NinetyFour 

she paid with bers?I ask, fighting the su 

sudden burn of tears. What are you saying? Are you saying that I’m the reason she’s dead?” 

Gin frowns and when he tilts his head back to take another sip of his whiskey, I can see the shine of moisture in the gold of his gaze. No. of course not.He meets my gaze with heavy lidded eyes. That honor belongs to me.” 

Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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