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Billionaire One 196

Billionaire One 196

Chapter One Hundred NinetySix 

kdy ayes shift right back to Gla, edin instead of leaking alarmed at whobia kertyzond put needed, simply sites at me. Tas your bernam 

You’re certain of this?he as 

I shrug. Well, I’m not out there, son But I am expecting him 

ther new 

Gio nods toward his bodyguard. Tad the silver eyed up, Arsenal and engitempelt, mile 

The silver eyed one?” I repeat with a laugh. How do you eIATI know that

Gio grins, chuckling at me like I’m terribly 

. The moment I heard my Grupiter had found her mate, I had him and his family checked 

out. I know many things about them. Maybe even more than they know are 

I try to ignore that, but I can’t. Do you kno 

He chakes his head, cutting me off. That information I was unable to certain, he says apologetically. Though I did try, I do not ha 

I started the fire 

I frown. Figured as much, I should probably be angry that he’s been keeping tabs on me, but I’m not. And he must have been doing it for very long, because I find it hard to believe he would tyve let Marcus terrorize I those years. So, I speak on it. You must have only just started doing that. There as a lot you missed while I was still in Florida.” 

Suddenly his eyes glaze over, something like fury radiating his gaze. “To Actually I have always been doing that. But up until recently, I was using the wrong soldiers. Myuhhe trails off with a sigh. There was a breach in trust. The person who I had watching you in Florida was feeding me misinformation. When I discovered his treachery, the damage had been done and by the time I sent someone after you,his eyes find mine, to retrieve you and bring you to me, you were already grane. Needless to say, that particular soldier was executed by my very own hand.” 

My heart clenches in my chest, pain and longing making it hard for me to speak. By his very own hand? Really

You sent someone after 

He clutches his glass, his grip so tight, I swear I can hear the glass begin to track. I did. He followed Marcus trail all the way to Port Orchard, but by the time he was able to sneak into the dungeon that housed him, the bastardo was already dead. I wanted to take him alive. I had many, many, plans for that piece of shit. There are so many things I am sorry for Draven. So many things. I go around and around it all the time. Trying to figure out if there was some other way I could have saved you without leaving you but-” 

Is over. He’s gone and I don’t care about anything else but 

It’s done,Finterrupt swiftly, not wanting to talk about Marcus anymon It’s over. He’s 


His eyes are still swirling with fury, when he looks at me. My man, Redolfo, informed me Marcus had been murdered by a rogue and-” 

My neck tenses, my eyes snapping to attention, A rogue? As in a wolf shifter without a pack?” 

Gio sits back as if confused that I don’t know this. Yes. He could smell a male rogue on Marcusbody. Despite the rogue’s attempt at skunking. One of the many well developed talents of a Piccoli guard is to scent and dissect. Identifying skunking is a required skill.” 

Skunking?I whip out my phone, sending Domonic a text about what Glo has only just told me, but I don’t panic when he doesnt text back right away. I know he had a busy night planned. What is skunking?” 


Chapter One Hundred NinetySix 

It’s when a shifter disguises his scent with the use of woodsmoke and old fur.” 

Old fur? Are you serious? Like what kind of 

be any fur. A different kind of animal usually. But in this case, probably fur the rogue has collected over a period of time. More than likely, fur belonging to the pack in question. In this case, your pack.” Gin’s eyes light up. Your mate is unaware that a rogue is the one that has been breaking into his bar and his jail?” 

My jaw falls open in shock just as Adam walks into the packhouse from outside. Is that why he breaks in all the time and they never find anything missing? The rogue is collecting samples?” 

What is this about a rogue?Adam asks, his voice heavy with interest

I leap up from the couch and wrap Adam in a warm hug. Adam!I nearly shout with happiness. How was your trip?” 

Adam smiles widely, looking happier than I’ve seen him since I met him Incredible,” he says. I have good news. Great news, actually.Then his smile falters. I don’t know how great Domonic will think it is but Fm certainly pleased. But what is this, about a rogue? I most definitely want to hear this first.” 

Remembering for the first time that Adam has never met Gio, I release him and turn around only to stop short at the acute look of pain in Gio’s eyes. That’s when I realizethis is Domonic’s father that I’ve just grabbed into a welcoming embrace. A greeting much warmer than he himself got from me when he first arrived. Despite that I know I don’t owe Gio anything, and I shouldn’t be bothered by the fact that he’s hurt. I am. So I pull my big girl, I’m a knowledgeable, forgiving Luna panties on and say, Adam. I’d like you to meet my father, Glo.” 

Fist like that, all the pain in Gio’s eyes withers away and he smiles, standing up to shake Adam’s hand. Pleasure to meet you,Gio say 

You are a shifter,Adam says softly. My son did tell me as much, but it still blows my mind a bit.” 

Not only a shitter,I say rather proudly. He’s a Lord Alpha.” 

Glo chuckles, his face taking on an incredibly red tinge 

inge and I congratulate myself for embarrassing him 

~ him for once

Well, pardon me, my Lord,Adam says sarcastically and the three of us can’t help but laugh

Gio, is fine,my father says

My father. Well shit. It’s not like I haven’t wanted one for a very long time, gave Domunica second chanceWhy shouldn’t I give my father one? Especially with all the knowledge that he apparently has and we don’t

I allow Adam to take my seat and decide to drop down a bit closer to die, which I can see right away, pleases him immensely. My eyes try to water, but I don’t let the tears come. I refuse to ruin this moment with a bunch of girly crying. I’ll save that for when Domonic is here 

to hold me

So about this rogue,Adam starts, he only comes around during the full moon. When my y son’s pack is under the influence of the full moon shift. So if you are certain it is a rogue, then he is one of the ancient bloodlines.” 

you knew?I ask, shocked

Adam blinks, looking somewhat embarrassed. I heard rumors, but to be perfectly honest, I never believed them. Domonic told me what he learned from your father and, despite that he assured me, Glo carried the scent of a foreign wolf, I didn’t entirely believe until I walked through the doors just now.He grimaces, Old Alpha habits die hard, and I was incredibly skeptical.” 

But now you know it’s true,I say with a smirk, thinking that Domonicand his dad are incredibly alike in that know it all kind of way. Arrogance. Geez. I wonder if my daughter is going to be that way

Now I believe, Adam admits. Yes.” 


Chapter One Hundred NinetySix 

How funny,I consient. Regular humans think werewolves are a myth and forced shift werewolves think reglanwerewolves are a myth. Huh. How Ironic 

Adam rolls his eyes, then his face turns serious and he sight. It is extremely likely that this is the one who murdered my first mate

My Lily. And if what you say is true, Gin, I’m sure thy son would appreciate your help in catching him. Especially if the bastard thinks he’s safe every full moon. He stares into Glo’s eyes for a long moment, a look of unspoken understanding passing between them. My son’s ultimate fear since his mother died, was always finding a mate and then losing her the same way that I did. He still hasn’t quite forgiven me for never catching his mothers killer. I haven’t entirely forgiven myself, either. She was my first, true love and-” 

Wait just a minute! I say, my hand going up. That’s the second time I’ve heard you say first mote like it’s a thing. Am I missing something here?” 

As I stare at Adam, a smile breaks across his face. While we’re on the subject of myths, I have another for you, But you must promise to keep this from Domonic, because I have no idea how he will react to the news. I will tell him, but in my own time,” 

Uhhuh. Go on,I say, on pins and needles

It has been said that sometimes when a mate has passed on, another might be found. A second love. Another lost soul having experienced the same loss. I never believed it. I never wanted to! That is how much I loved my Lily, butAdam shrugs, grabbing for the bottle of whiskey and taking a deep drink, before meeting my eyes. While we were out in Montana, visiting Gabriel’s mother, I met someone.He pauses for a long moment, taking another drink and a deep breath. I swear, I want to grab him and shake him, but he speaks right as I’m about to make my move. He says, She is my second mate

Chapter Comments 



Marietta Gary 

Yay, I’m sooooooo happy for Adam!!!!!. *Sigh* Adam deserves to be happy again

Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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