Chapter Two Hundred Four
A deep breath shudders out of me when I see Rose’s BPM lower. If Quinn doesn’t get here soon, I’m just going to do what needs to be done al
“I hope you don’t have a boyfriend, princess,” I warn her, leaning close enough to her ear that I can rest my head on the edge of her pillow. “Not that I’m afraid of a little competition. I just don’t want inundering someone to be the very first thing you see me do.”
God she smells good, I need to order some sunflowers. Then again, what are the odds that she accepts girly gifts like bouquets, or chocolates?
Fuck, B. Just chill the bell out until she’s actually conscious. You never know, maybe she does like girly things!
Watching the elevators with bated breath, I whip out my phone and shoot Quinn a text telling him someone from the Elder Few is on his way here. That should get him moving. Quinn promised to bring me a few things from the bar besides clothes. One of them being whiskey. I can’t imagine what Rose’s parents might think to find me in a pair of sweats that came out of their RV. They’ll probably assume I was naked and sweaty with their daughter prior to the incident, and while that’s okay, I’d rather be wearing something that has enough room for my dick to sway in. The whiskey is key, because when they decide that they do not like me, I’m going to tell them that I own the har in town. Of course, they’ll be even more disappointed and unless I smell like boos, it won’t be nearly as funny.
The EKG monitor beeps steadily on my right and for a few minutes and I watch her heart rate as it begins to fluctuate again. When the number lowers by ten beats per minute, I feel my body tense with fear. That can’t be a good thing right?
I’ve had but one thing on my mind since they took Rose into the operating room and there won’t ever be a more perfect time to do it. knowing how long I will be alone with her, presents me with a difficult decision. Her parents are probably hauling ass in this direction from wherever it is they live and after I mark her she will be permanently tethered to me. For better or worse, as they say. For us shifters, marking is akin to marrying, but with actual physical bonds. Humans don’t feel it as strongly as we do, at least, I don’t think. So, after she’s marked, this can go one of four ways.
One – Her parents arrive and push me out. Keeping me from seeing her and robbing me of the chance to solidify our bond. Then she might decide to go home with her parents and attribute the pain of the mark that she will feel due to our separation, to the lion attack. Meanwhile, I will be in complete agony and live every breath of every day in longing for her.
Two – Her parents think I’m a hero, allow me to see her when she finally wakes (eight or nine hours after the marking), and although I’m confident that our initial connection will stir her interests, I do not know if it will be enough for her to want to stick around. The time that I’ll have with her may not be enough.
Three – After I mark her, I smuggle her out of here while she’s still under and this goes from lion attack to kidnapping real damn quick. A crime I don’t think Rainier or the Doc will be able to save me from.
Four – After I mark her, I watch and wait for her to awaken. Once she does and she’s preparing to be discharged, Rainier places her under arrest for her part in the hunt, but instead of taking her to jail, he brings her to me. Then, I hide away with her until she accepts me as her new reality. Forced proximity and fated love being the double edged sword that pierces her sweet, misguided little heart.
Yup… that last one is definitely my favorite. I think I’ll go with that.
Then again…
feel like a total sociopath when I force Rose to love me.
Five – 1 call Draven before I mark her and get her to sign off on my crazy so I don’t feel
There’s no reason why four and five can’t work, Perhaps not in that order but…
“Whoa!” Quinn’s voice cuts through my brainstorming session and my head jerks up in relief.
Chapter Two Hundred Four
“Fucking finally! I lates
Quinn is staring at her with something like wonder, seem to the the hushy we get the Angical hed, Did they perform lipo–suction surgery as well
I growl, shoving him as I take my clothes from his arms. What the foos that man viens the two gay
Quinn turns back around and scratches fils head, seemingly confused, “Entre 1 od hem vean sheena toh heater than this.” He squints at me. “Are you sure
Shaking my head at him, I can’t help but Leigh. “Youge an audade, Do you know that?”
He flashes me a quick, Fo a dick smile, then says, Tor read though, want the like Wort
“Bigger?” I snort, changing into my clothes right there next to her unctorious body. A nigh at mint
strangling pants and my semi–hard member is allowed a little fresh air Fuck yes. Freedren. I
when I rip away the
get my underwear all the way on and despite that she’s immodate and injured, my dick spikes like an iron fist. Sh, so wind
Quinn snickers when he notices. “Okay, So she’s definitely the right girl, but… I’m still contured
Flipping him off as I finish dressing, I announce, For the record, I still wanted hey even before I found out how many lejers of clothing
she was wearing ”
No shit?” Quinn giggles. “Fucking fooled met So how many licks did it take to get to the tootsie mill center of her tootsie pop?
I glare at him. “Four. But, her size made no difference to me one way or the other
“I know,” Quinn acknowledges, chuckling. “I saw that. Deaven will be po proud
“Did you come alone?” I ask, walking around the bed to get to the side intentionally left clear for the
Quinn shakes his head. “No. Hain and Timmons are downstairs monitoring the only entrance that is open this early in the morning. They’re going to intercept her family the moment they arrive and force them through a preliminary interrogation. Paul and Login are posed as nurses, thanks to Rhodes, and will be patrolling the halls. Domonir and Koda are watching the parking lot. We all have a feeling more of those fanatical bastards are heading this way. Not just Rose’s parents. One guy in particular. Matthew. The fucker that shot me yesterday afternoon when I knocked his baby girl Ted’s teeth out
The Gherkin’s daddy?”
Quinn nods. “One and the same. Gryff’s got him locked away at his place until we can figure out what we want to do with him.”
“He’s alive?” I chortle. “Do you mean to tell me that you didn’t kill anyone?”
Quinn flips me off, “What can I say? I have this fantasy of chasing him and his father, Matthew, through the woods in my human form and then shifting into beast right as I catch them. I’m going to make that dream a reality. I want it almost as bad as I want to head home and sunk inside my beautiful mate.“
“Really?” I ask, shocked.
His eyes flick to mine. “I said almost.”
Glancing back down at Ros
Rose, I murmur, “I can’t believe I’m actually standing here next to my mate. Tracing the bandage over Roses unhealed neck and shoulder, I feel my fangs elongate. They’re sharpened to needle points and I can feel more of my venom pumping in with each breath I take. I think it’s her scent thats causing it. Triggering my instincts to mark what’s mine Fucking hell, she just got fished being attacked and now I’m going to rip right back into her flesh. Shit. What if this goes wrong Task, in sudden panic. “What if her
Chapter Two Hundred Four
body’s too weak to take my venäm?”
“You know that’s not how it works.” Quinn says calmly. “It might feel like you’re hurting her at first, but you’ll know you’re not. If it were
ne, I would have done it at the campsite.”
I didn’t want to cause her any unnecessary grief. If I had known she was going to fall into a co there. It definitely would we made things simpler.”
coma – I probably would have marked her out
Quinn’s phone vibrates in his hand just as I’m peeling aside the bandage and preparing to sink my teeth between the freshly stitched gashes of her neck.
“Fuck,” Quinn says and 1 freeze.
“What? Are they here already?” I ask, watching Rose’s face and I pose to mark her.
“No,” Quinn snarls. “But I suddenly have somewhere I need to be. So
I sink my teeth into Rose before he can finish and groan with pleasure is ecstasy ripples through my body.
Fuck. No one told me it would feel like heaven Holy shit..
My fangs are trembling with relief, flooding her with my venom as my dick begins to pound against the zipper of my jeans. Someone is moaning and for a moment, I think that it’s me, but the sound of the EKG monitor’s rapid beeping tells me otherwise.
“What the fuck?” Quinn hisses and 1 reluctantly retract my fangs.
Feeling like I just finished hosting an orgy, I raise away from her throat slowly. Smiling when I see her wounds begin to pinken and heal over. It isn’t until she speaks that I realize what it is that has Quinn gaping in the corner like a fish out of water.
“Hi,” a sweet, soft voice whispers.