Chapter Two Hundred Six
It’s still dark out when I’m shaken out of a dead sleep by Roman. For some reason I’m extremely groggy. Maybe my body’s just overtined, 1 don’t really know, but when I’m finally able to draw my eyes open, har’s fully dressed in hunting gear and I sit up, instantly alert.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
He flashes me a quick grin. “Don’t get up!“.
“Why are you
Again, he smiles, ‘Elder Matthew called. He has something he needs me to do. III be back by late tonight or early tomorrow morning.
I throw the blankets back and prepare to get up. Tll go with you.”
Roman presses me back down. “No. I don’t want anything to interrupt your training. You’ll stay here.”
“But I can help you! What if”
“No!” Roman says again, this time more forcefully. “I need you here. Last night was very wearing on your body. You need adequate rest. 1 don’t want you to worry. Matthew just needs me to track somebody.” He stands and heads for the door. “When I return we’ll talk mote about how we’re going to take down that shifter you saw.”
I nod begrudgingly, still a little upset that he wants me to stay here. “My sister called last night.”
Roman’s body tenses with interest and he looks back at me over his shoulder. “Oh? What did she want?”
I watch him carefully. My sister’s no saint and she’s had more than a few jerk offs in her life. Something about the way Roman reacts everytime I bring her up makes me wonder if he was ever one of them. He’s not a bad looking man, even though he’s pushing forty–five. Youthful for his age ad definitely well built, but I don’t really think she’d go for someone that old so I ignore it. Still, his undisguised
interest in her irks me a bit.
“She just wanted to know I was safe. She’s pissed that I left her in that cabin,” I admit.
He turns around and studi
studies me. “You
u deft by
her? Where?”
1 grimace, feeling guilt ride over me like a tidal wave. “Blackjack Creek
Roman’s eyes bulge. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
I shake my bead. I’m m not. I couldn’t take her with me. She would never have let me join the Elder Few. She hates you guys, you know,”
To my surprise, Roman chuckles. “Yes. I remember her distinct dislike for our ways.” He sighs as if remembering something. “Your mother practically abandoned you both when your father died, didn’t she?”
“There’s nothing practical about it. She more
sure than abandoned us. She’s even trying to get her hands on the money my father left us Delilah and Charlie stop mid sentence, painfully aware of what I was about to say. Fuck Charlie. I swallow the lump of pain that tries to climb up my throat with the thought of him. Hoping my face is as blank as I intend it to be, I go on, “Delilah and I have struggled for a while. But I paid for a week at that cabin and she should have been fine. It’s not my fault she decided to leave.”
Roman’s eyes grow worried. ‘She left? Where is she?”
I shrug, realizing she never did tell me. “In a motel I think.”
Chapter Two Hundred Six
“Well that’s bullshit, Roman safa. “I have plenty of space here. When Treturn, you and I will go and pick her up. She can stay with us.”
I laugh, unable to help myself. “Oht That I go over well. I don’t know if he’ll agree
Roman chuckles and meets my gaze. “She doesn’t have to agree. You’re the head of your family now. It’s your job to make her agree. Is that understood?”
1 nod, then fall back on the bed exhausted. “Yes sir.”
“Good,” Roman says. “Like I said. We’ll fetch her the moment I get back. He starts to close the door, then stops. “She’s of age now, you know. You need to start thinking about a match for her. Get some rest.
I stare at the ceiling until I hear his motorcycle start up and leave. Then I whip out my phone and start to dial my sister, but a call comes in before I can finish.
What the hell? It’s four a.m.
It’s a number I don’t recognize, but as it might be Roman calling from a burner phone, I answer anyway.
“Cane!” Delilah’s voice sounds on the other end..
“D” I jerk up in bed. “I was just about to call you. Whose number is this? Why aren’t you using your phone?”
I can hear her snart of indignation over the line and I can practically see her contemptuous smirk. “You were about to call me? Really? At four in the morning?”
I groan, “Yes D. I was. Whose phone are you on?”
She sighs, “A friend’s. I
I lost my phone somewhere, so I’m using hers.”
“Okay. Well, I was about to call you and tell you that I can come and pick you up in the next day or so. You don’t have to worry anymore! have somewhere for us to stay.” She’s so quiet for so long that for a moment I think she’s hung up. “Delilah?”
“Yeah. Um… I’m here. It’s just that“-she sighs-“If you can just tell me where you are, my friend and I will come to you.”
“Nuh–uh. Na friends. Just you,” I say adamantly.
Then, no! I won’t
of I won’t come,” she snaps.
I groan. “For fuck’s sake D, Why do you always have to be so difficult?”
“Cane, just tell me where you are. My friend needs your help,” she says. It’s about those creatures you were chasing. You know…. the-
“Shifters!” If I was barely awake before, I am fully awake now. “What happened? Did they come after you? Did they hurt you, D?”
“Not exactly. They hurt my friend. She’s in really bad shape. I’m actually driving her jeep right now heading your way. You’re in Oregon, aren’t you?”
“No D! I’m not in Oregon. I’m in Idaho. Shit! My brain scrambles for a minute as I try and figure out what I should do. I don’t want to push her away again. Especially after all that shit that Roman said about me being the head of the family now. So I made a decision. “Does your friend have a pen and paper?”
She’s silent for a moment, then she says, “Yes, she does.”
Chapter Two Hundred Six
“Okay,” I say. “You and your fich can come here. But only you and her
“Of course.”
“This place is remote and hard as hell to find without perfect instructions, so listen carefully. Are you ready?”
For t
the next ten minutes I give her detailed directions to Roman’s cabin and then we hang up. Who could this friend of hers be?
Chapter Comments
hee hee heel
Marietta Gary
Ahhhh, damn Jaylee, you’re killing me. I freaking love this story!