Chapter Two Hundred Sixteen
No. You shot at her as she ran! You shot at me! I want to scream at him, but I don’t.
You let her go? No. You shot at her as
He says, “I was still on the ground, frozen in shock, watching her retreat when I heard Charlie start shooting at her back.”
lis lip curls upward in disgust. “It made me so angry that he would do such a thing after seeing her. Seeing how beautiful she was.”
“Beautiful?” I can’t help it, I am a fool and I blush.
“I wanted to hurt him. Badly. So, I pretended everything was fine and I took him with me where I needed to go, but when the time came and I was presented with the opportunity to, I did. I hurt him.” He shakes his head at himself. “I’m good at that. Pretending. I’ve been doing it for a long time.”
I’m panting by now, so completely shocked by his admission that I almost don’t know what to do. I ask, “Is that what you’re doing here? At this place? Pretending?”
He finally looks at me and whispers, “Yes.”
“But why? What’s the point?”
His brow wrinkles, his attention drifting toward his hand on my leg once more. “It’s complicated. I need something that only Roman can give me. So I have to keep pretending. At least… for now.”
“Does your sister know that?” I ask.
“No,” he says absently. “It’s better if she doesn’t. It’s safer that way.”
d caress my inner thigh. “Are you My breath hitches again as his hand dives deeper between my legs to squeeze and caress my
to ask. “With me?”
you pretending now?” I hop
“Does it look like it?” he asks, flexing his muscles so the front of his gym shorts twitch and my eyes are drawn to the pulsating hardness
between his legs.
it you’re a virgin, I coo softly, my hungry gaze locked on his bulge.
“Your sister says
ux that
He chuckles, “My sister has a big damn mouth. She tells everyone that
Again his dick twitches and my mouth waters as I swallow back a moan You’re pretty aggressive for a virgin, Tremark shakily, my eyes closing when his pinky finger traces over the fabric covering my slit. Ol God.
“I know,” he replies, turning his hand so that he can press more firmly against my core.
“Mmph, 1bite my lip harder, wanting to purr so badly. “You probably shouldn’t do that,” I rasp, as my fingers begin to tingle, my claws begging to be set free.–Wetness pools inside of me, leaking from between my folds.
“You don’t like it?” he asks teasingly, stroking again and again. Up and down, then in circles over my clit. “Tell me to stop.”
My eyes are still closed and my head rolls back with pleasure. “I don’t want you to stop,” I whisper, and it’s true, I don’t. “But you definitely -should.” Because any more of this and my kitty will be desperate for more than an intense petting.
Chapter Two Hundred Sixteen
“Fuck,” he hisses in amazement? “How can someone like you get so wet for someone like me?*
What? That’s right. I m not wearing panties. Shil
“What does that mean?” I whisper, bringing my head back up and opening my eyes to study him. “Someone like me?”
He licks his lips, his gaze dark and intent on the movements of his hand between my legs. “I want inside,” he says, avoiding my question. “Come closer,” he murmurs.
There isn’t really enough space for me to come any closer without sitting on his lap, so after about thirty seconds of careful thought, that is what I do. Popping up on my knees a little more swiftly than I probably should have, I stretch over his lap, lock my knees around his waist, and begin lowering myself as slowly as possible.
His eyelids droop and his teeth close over his bottom lip, both of his hands coming forward to clamp themselves around my thighs.
“Like this?” I murmur, settling easily over his hardness, but not giving him all of my weight. It’s my turn to tease him and when his dick. jumps the spare inch between my heat and his, I rock my hips just enough to barely graze him.
His fingers tighten on my legs. Jesus. Yes. That’s
‘s nice.”
“But 1 thought you wanted inside?” I remind him gently, placing my hands on lightly tanned skin of his well defined abs. The skin to skin contact causes heat to buzz up my arms and I gasp in shock at the pleasure of it.
Instead of answering right away, his h
hands stroke upward to grip the back of my ass. His eyes are half–lidded when they find mine and he slams me down on his lap. He groans deep in his throat as he guides my hips into a punishing rhythm, grinding my core back and forth. over the top of his shaft. “I definitely want inside,” he whispers harshly
Conscious of Delilah in the other room, I moan quietly as the friction between us begins to drive me toward climax. My head is thrown back and my eyes are closed, I’ve given up control completely. Content to let him steer me onward when-
-the door to the other room bursts open and the pair of us scramble apart like guilty teenagers. Im back in the position I was in before I straddled him, but with my knees bent to the side instead of under me, Cane drags a pillow down from the top of the bed to cover the space between us as well as the bulge in front of his shorts. He somehow makes it look so natural that by the time Delilah is back in his room, she hardly even looks our way,
“Houston we have a problem!” she exclaims and I jerk to attention.
“What’s the matter?” I ask, watching her pace back and forth in front of the bed. I feel Cane’s hand slide under my ass and give it a squeeze, and my body tenses.
Delilah freezes in her steps, then faces her brother nervously. “I’m really sorry, Cane. I know this place is like some big hush hush that a lot of the elders don’t even know about, but Quinn promised me that he was alone and that his presence could only help matters, so I gave him directions to this place and well… Quinn will be here in an hour.”
“He’s coming here?!” I gasp.
Surprisingly enough, Cane continues to look almost bored, secretly groping my bottom as he talks to his sister. “Quinn, your boyfriend?”
Delilah nods, her gaze flitting steadily back and forth between the two of us. Im sorry.”
“Good,” Cane tells her. I think Id like to meet him.”
“Huh?” Delilah says, confused. “You mean you’re not mad? What about Homan?”
Cane grins, his fingers pushing forward and wrapping around my core fijom underneath. I shoot him a warping look, but he ignores me. “Roman’s not here, D. I mean, he can’t stay but you already said you arent either, so what is there to be mad about? Besides, I think I
Chapter Two Hundred Sixteen
might have a favor to ask of his.”
“A favor?” Delilah quips, eyeing him suspiciously. “I don’t know how generous he’s going to be with you. I mean…” she trails off.
“Why wouldn’t he feel generous, Delilah? What are you not telling me? Cane asks.
Delilah winces, chewing her lip. “He’s not exactly your biggest fan. First, you left me in Blackjack by myself and he saved me from becoming lunchmeat.”
“Saved you from becoming what–huh?” Cane asks and I lower my head guiltily.
ir way to see
Delilah continues, Then of course, there was Charlie. Quinn and I came across him on our way see you when I thought you were still in Oregon.” She glares at him. “What you did to Charlie was really fucked up, Cane.”
My head snaps toward him and he sighs heavily. “Yeah. I know. But he deserved it. Trust me. Besides, 1 left the ropes loose enough for him to get free. He lived, didn’t he?
My eyes bulge.
“Seriously, Cine? Delilah snarls.
“So what else, then? Why wouldn’t he want to do me a favor? He’s into you, isn’t he? Gayle seems to think that he’s different from your past suitors.
“Fuck you Cane,” Delilah snaps, flipping him off. But then she says, “What kind of favor?”
“Well,” he starts, his fingers circling beneath me and causing me to wiggle a bit, “it’s not so much a favor for me as it is for you.” He sighs, finally taking his hand back and sitting up in bed. He Mudies the two of us carefully. “Maybe it’s time the two of you tell me what you’re really doing here. His blue eyes sear into mine, but he speaks to his sister. “You told me the friend you had with you was injured by shifters, but that was a lie. So tell me what the truth is. Tell me what you are really doing here? That part feels like its directed at me and given that he doesn’t look away, I’m the one that answers.
I release a slow breath. “We came to warn you,” I confess.
“Gayle… um…” Delilah starts, probably seeing something in her brother that makes her nervous.
Warn me about
ut what?” he inquires thoughtfully, his eyes still on me.
“There was an attack last night between Port Orchard and Blackjack. Your people,” I say carefully, ignoring Delilah’s frantic attempts at waving me down.
“I can see you Delilah,” Cane says offhandedly, still looking at me. And who exactly are my people?”
The hunters. The Elder Few. Your people,” I say. At least, that’s the way everyone else sees them.”
“And do you see them as my people?” he asks gravely, looking down at his hands.
-un)-I-” I want to say no, but he still doesn’t have all the facts about me yet.
“Right, Delilah groans, then topples onto the bed in front of us. She reliches forward taking my hand and I finally look at her. “Cayle… I thought we should wait until Quinn gets here to tell him. You know… just in case he doesn’t react well.”
I smile at her. “It’s okay, Lilah. I don’t think he will hurt me.”
“Tell me? Tell me what?” Cane looks up at me again, his blue eyes full of sorrow. He smiles sadly and says, “That you’re the one that got away. The lion shifter that I almost killed. Go ahead then. Tell me something I don’t know.”