Chapter Two Hundred Eighteen
Satisfied that she means what she says, I fear my eyes away from hers al drag my gaze lower the heading beneath me and seen anything more beautiful. My ryes catch on the swell of her breasts behind the thick cotton sweater and I want to tear it off of her, but I’m not a lion shifter so I doubt it would go so well. I’ll bet she could tear mine though, especially with those nails of hers.
Fuck, she is sexy.
want to keep you under me forever, I confess, stroking one hand down from her face to graze her neck. “Just in case you decide
change your mind about me
“That would never happen,” she whispers. “That’s not how mates work.
“No?” I ask, reaching down to caress her stomach under the sweater, “foes that mean you’re stuck with me?
“That means you’re stuck with me. Because I’m more than a little territorial. I can be kind of….
“Evil? I suggest, smoothing my
my hand upward to trace the underside of one breast with my thumb.
She histes, “Sometimes. Maybe.”
“Figures,” I say, “So then all I have to do if I want some girl killed, is flat with her?”
She tenses, one hand reaching down to grasp my wrist and push it higher so I can cup her full breasts, I hum with approval, my dick spiking against the outside of her thigh as I grip the splt heavy flesh of her mounds. Gayle grumbles, “That’s really not funny, I nearly mangled your sister in the creek because I thought she might be your girlfriend.”
I can’t help but giggle. “You’re not serious.”
“Ask her,” she says.
I stare into her liquid gold eyes, my hand on her breasts still kneading he is serious. I squeeze a bit harder and she gasps. “I want to fuck you so bad right now, but I know there isn’t time.”
“We can be quick,” she whispers, biting her lip.
- me.
Fuck. She’s perfect for e
“Hut I don’t want to be quick,” I rasp, dipping my head down to kiss her. I want to take forever”
“Well I want to have both,” she argues, drawing her leg up to trap both of mine inside.
“But I’m a virgin, remember?” I tease, falling against her and bucking against her sex. She her too many clothes on. “You have to go easy on
She laughs into my mouth, then distracts me with her teeth on my earlobe while she reaches into the front of my shorts and palms my dick. I groan su lood 1 hear Delilah fake retching in the kitchen.
“God that feels good,” I whisper, pushing myself into her hand as pleasure zaps through me.
“Yes it does,” she agrees.
Gayle continues to kiss me, her mouth going lower and tasting my thro. All I can do is moan into my pillow as she continues to massage
Chapter Two Hundred Eighteen
- me. I feel like her hostage, not being able to move at all because her touch is that gratifying
“You’re going to make me come,” I warn her, latching onto the side of her neck as she continues to work my shaft. Jesus.” I hiss, pushing myself harder and harder into her hand. Then she stills and I nearly start weeping. Don’t stop,” I whine. “Why would you stop?”
“I hear something. A car I think,” she says,
How far?
“Half a mile.”
“Oh yeah?” I draw my hand out of her shirt and lower my shorts. Closing my hand over hers, I continue to stroke myself. “You’re not finished.”
Gayle looks down, her eyes going black with heat as she whimpers at the sight. That’s all it takes. A surge of arousal rides up my spine, pleasure barreling into me as I slam my lips down on hers. I explode behind her hand, groaning into her mouth and ruining her sweatsuit. My body writhes against her as 1 pant for breath, my hips grinding into her to curb the edge of my climax.
“I think you’re going to need a new sweatsuit,” I mumble, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close.
Five minutes later we are fully dressed. Me in jeans and a black t–shirt and Gayle in a pair of my dark green camo sweatpants and one of my white tees.
After glimpsing her body when she changed, I’m pretty sure I might be one of God’s anointed. He or she definitely likes me a little than I thought. Because Gayle is like every wet dream I’ve ever had, come to life. Not to mention that she’s quite literally Catwoman in
Her nipples poke out the front of my shirt so prominently I almost want to grab her a sweater instead of my shirt.
“This Quinn,” I say, coming up behind her by the door and snatching her into my arms before she can open it. “He’s a shifter too, isn’t he?” She leans back into me and I slide my hands up the front of her, under the shirt. My teeth tease her earlobe while my hands squeeze her
“Yes,” she shudders, pushing her tight round ass against the front of my jeans.
“I don’t want him staring at my nipples,” I whisper, kissing her throat. And when I say mine, I mean yours.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that,” she chuckles. “He’s pretty devoted to your sister.”
1 freeze, the implication of her words settling over me. “That right?”
She’s his mate
Don’t know how I feel about that. How safe can she be as a shifter’s mate? It’s one thing for me to have a shifter mate, it’s a little different thinking about my baby sister having one. I’m not sure I like the idea
“That’s right,” Gayle says, turning around in my arms and studying my face. “What’s wrong?”
stare down at her, working to school my features so she can’t see the conflict in my eyes. “Nothing, I lie. “Let’s go.”
Her face falls and right away I fee that lying to her is not going to be something I get away with. I sigh, pushing her into the door and pressing my forehead against hers.
“I just worry about her is all, I admit, then kiss her lips gently.
“Well wait until you meet him to pass judgment,” Gayle suggests.
Chapter Two Hundred Eighteen
“And if I don’t like him, will
shift into your spirit animal and tear off his head for me?” I ask.
she laughs heartily and I can’t help but smile back at her, “Come on!”
then we enter the dining room there is an incredible spread set out on the table. Biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, cut fruit, bacon,
ge, pancakes, a pitcher of freshly squeezed juice… I’m actually quite impressed my sister was able to get all this done in the hour had to work with. Even more so that she actually cooked the meat that she hates to touch.
“This looks amazing!” Gayle says, taking a seat,
I can hear two sets of voices in the kitchen and I hear my name whispered more than once.
Seating myself next to Gayle, I call out to my sister, “What, no grass? What will you eat?”
stomps into the dining room right on cue, bet middle finger the only response she gives to my question. Behind her looms a beast of scle to suggest the regular consumption of steroids. He’s good looking. I suppose, with spiky black hair and
same color as Gayles. His are a bit more yellow than hers are and for some reason I don’t think of a
on when I see them
TA woll
chill rides over my body as I realize he’s one of them. The wolves of Port Orchard that Roman was telling me about. The pack of Alphas
hex had his sights set on for years.
wants them all. He thinks it will be the greatest coup of all time.
seat across from me
nds behind the chair next to hers. Before I even realize what I’m doing, I’m shooting up
and glaring into his eve
His gaze narrows on me curiously, but he doesn’t sit and neither do 1.
Delilah calls out, her volor bond with worry. “What are you doing? Sit down.”
But Lignore her.
er, battling for so
some way to see myself out of this now that my baby sister has just made herself a target.
A target for Roman
A target for me.
So youre the infamous Cane, Quinn says light, obviously trying to diffuse the sudden stress of the situation for my sister x sake. He
reaches a band out. I don’t take it.
is all that I can say
te takes his hand back and smirks It seems Delilah doesn’t give you enough credit. You know exactly what you’re doing. Don’t you?
stop it down or leave. Those are your only two choices,” my sister snaps.
him as I wait for his reaction to her swift reprimand. To my surprise, his eyes fill with worry and he flashes a quick
Chapter Two Hundred Eighteen
“Sorry Lilac,” he mumbles, looking away from me and dropping down so quickly in his chair I think he might break it.
Lilac For real?
my sister. “It’s been two days, D. Two days and you have more nicknames than I have testicles. You must have been busy.”
I stare at my
Delilah tenses, piling fruit onto her plate next to a serving of biscuits and gravy. That tends to happen when your family leaves you in a matchbox full of tinder wood with nothing but a can of soup to remember them by.”
my fists clench
“Be nice, Lilac. If he hadn’t disappeared to skin and drowned his friend, you and I might never have met,” Quinn says and my at my sides.
“Quinn,” Delilah hisses. “I’m warning you.”
My body is so light with apprehension at this moment that for the first time, I don’t know what to do. What path to take? Which plan to make? This wolf will ruin everything. I’m just about to snap when I feel Gayle’s soft hand close over mine and somehow it calms me.
I look at her. The agonizing worry in her eyes does me in.
That’s when I realize there is no more singular planning. Not if I want to keep het
And I do.
More than anything.