Chapter Twenty–Two
The beast is staring at me with eyes like silver fire. Eyes that are almost a bit familiar. A wolf that big has got to be a male and this one studies me with the cool intellect of a human being. I and transfixed. My body frozen as the creature scrutinizes me. I can almost feel it’s gaze caress the exposed flesh of my legs through the glass of the large back windows. Then, as if noticing Quinn for the first time, the wolf growls inhis direction. His teeth are barred and ready to rip Quinn’s throat out. Snarling and snapping in his direction.
“Oh, shit, Quinn breathes. “Why don’t you go upstairs and put some sweats on Draven.”
I can’t move. “I’m sorry?”
The wolf taps the glass, his claws screeching, sharp and heavy against the window pane.
“Now!” Quinn snaps.
“I–I–I don’t want to move.”
“Would you rather I left you down here to get them for you?” Quinn chastises, with a slight turn of his head in my direction.
“N–no! I stammer, placing my cup on the island counter and backing out of the kitchen as slowly as possible.
The wolf’s eyes follow my every movement, his gaze steady on me as I scamper up the stairs.
Once on the landing I spin around and head for Domonic’s room to find a pair of pants.
Wait a minute! What the fuck? How the hell are pants going to help this situation?
“Don’t ask questions Draven,” I say to myself, grabbing a pair of Domonic’s sweats from his long dresser against the wall. Tying the knot in place, the fabric of the legs swirl around me, only going tight at the plump of my ass.
Gazing at the open doorway, I take a deep breath. I can’t leave Quinn down there with that ‘thing‘! That enormous monsterous predator.
For a moment – an image of my stepfather flashes into my mind. The size of him in his true form nearly as astounding as the strange gray eyed wolf in the back yard.
Shake it off! That bastard is not a wolf!
No. My stepfather was something far more primal. A creature of nightmares. Something no one would believe he was should I decide to tell them. Sometimes I’m not even sure if I believe it myself.
I shake the memory off once again and descend down the stairs only to find Domonic has returned, his powerful chest bare and heaving.
Holy fucking shit.
And I thought Quinn was covered in muscles.
From the look of things, Domonic’s muscles had muscles. I stumble down the last few steps, catching myself just before I crash into his half naked form.
His strong arms, hold me still, frozen, his dark eyes full of a strangely familiar anger, “Why are you awake?” His gaze seemed to assess my clothing, a deep dimpled smile quiking across his face. “You’re wearing my clothes.”
I shrug, my eyes glued to the powerfully bare skin of his deeply tanned chest. “You’re not,” I breathe, one hand going upward to touch his
14:03 Wed,
Chapter Twenty–Two
gleaming pectorals, prickled with sweat. I swallow the moan of pleasure the feel of him elicits from my thoat and step away. “How are you
not cold?”
1 eye him. He is wearing running shoes and black basketball shorts. No underwear the outline of his prominent bulge accutely apparent behind the cloth.
Holy Mary mother of God – he is big.
Then my eyes shoot toward the large back windows and Quinn leaning back against the counter as if there hadn’t just been a large red wolf on the porch. “Did you just come in from the outside?” I ask Domonic.
He nods.
Blanching, I throw my hands up in panic. “There was a wolf out there! Did you see it? It was huge! You need to be more careful!” I ball my hands into fists and pound on his chest. “You shouldn’t be wandering outside this time of night without your damn clothes on no less.”
“I have clothes on.” He rumbles with laughter, “The wolf was long gone by the time I walked up.” I shove at him, stepping by and knocking him in the groin with my hip. He groans, “Ah, fuck.”
“Don’t laugh at me,” I say snidely. “That thing was enormous and I think I’ll be taking you up on that offer to drive me to work from now
“She hates wildlife,” Quinn said softly, meeting Domonic’s eyes behind my head. “She was scared to death. Especially when the growling started.”
I head straight for my coffee, lifting it up and choking on the first sip when I felt Domonic press his arousal into my rear from behind me.
“Maybe she should make sure to be dressed before coming out of my room from now on. Maybe the wolf didn’t like seeing her without her pants on around you,” Domonic hisss, his hot breath wafting past my car.
I chuckle, “What?” Then I freeze.
How the hell did he know I didn’t have pants on? Where
was he?
I turn around, glaring at him. “You were out there. You saw the wolf.”
His jaw clenches. “I was out there, but I honestly didn’t see the wolf. I did however, see you. And… the wolf most definitely did.”
“Don’t be weird,” I snap. “And don’t try and scare me.” My eyes fall toward the pout of his mouth and the sensual way his bites down on his lower lip.
He reaches beneath my chin, shifting my gaze upward. “The wolves out here in Port Orchard are sacred. They protect, not harm, you
Su shouldn’t be afraid of them.”
I sigh, “Fat chance of that happening.”
His muscles tense, a tremble coiling through them. Caging my body against the counter with both arms, much like his did that night at the bar, he speaks in a voice laced with darkness. “Trust me Draven, that wolf you saw tonight is way more afraid of you – than you could ever be of him.”