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Billionaire One 232

Billionaire One 232

Chapter Two Hundred ThirtyTwo 


I’ve been treading water for what feels like days. Swimming in a vast black ocean under a moonless sky. Every so often a light flashes from somewhere beyond the waves, revealing what looks to be a rocky shore just ahead. The problem is, every time I head in the direction of the jetty the shadowed sky swallows up everything but the sea and whim the light flashes again, I somehow keep finding myself headed i the wrong direction. It’s like I’ve been swimming in circles. My limbs are so tired, my body is on the verge of giving out. My movements are sluggish and heavy leaving me barely able to do much more than drift in any one direction. The weirdest part is, the water isn’t cold here. As dark as it is in this place, you’d think the water would be freezing, butit’s not. In fact, it’s warm enough to be bathwater 


hwaterthe kind that puts you to sleep. Maybe if I just close my eyes for a while and flost until the next light fich finally make it to shore. Yeahthat’s it, that’s what I need. A little shut eye should do the trick

1 feel myself sinking as I close my eyes, but I can’t bring myself to worry about it. My body is just too tired to hang on anymore. I’m going to drown in this warm black ocean and all I can think is, finally con stop swimming

The moment I go under he is there and I am suddenly lying on the rocks as naked as the day I was born

Hello,I whisper, sitting up and covering my body as best I can with my hands

He doesn’t speak, only watches me with those vibrant blue eyes of his Eyes like identical sapphires that sparkle and shimmer depending on where he’s looking. His neatly trimmed beard makes it hard for me to read his face and I can’t tell if he’s happy to see that I’m awake 

or not

Where are my clothes?I ask him, gazing down at my naked form and feeling suddenly self conscious

Still, he doesn’t answer me and I have to wonder if I angered him somehow. Maybe he’s tired of watching over me and eager to leave

I remember asking him not to leave me, but that was ages ago. When we were somewhere else. But where were we? Not in the ocean. Certainly not on this beach

Gazing around, I forget for a moment that I’m naked and stand up to survey the landscape

Suddenly a forest surrounds me and I’m alone again. I’m wearing my brother’s uniform and I have a rifle in my arms. Branches snap somewhere in the woods and I’m instantly alert, listening for any sound of the stranger. The man with the sapphire eyes. Why did he disappear? I need to know where he is before I can get into position. I don’t want to make a mistake and accidentally shoot the wrong creature. I only want the lion. The one that tried to kill me. The sneaky, treacherous beast that crept up on me and tore into my throat

For some reason, the woods are too dark here for me to see much of anything. I can’t distinguish much beyond the first line of trees. It like being in that vast black ocean again, but this time the trees are the barrier keeping me caged in

You can’t hunt here,the stranger says from behind me, the deep timbre of his voice sending shockwaves of pleasure to my core

I gaze down at my rifle and it’s gone. So is my brother’s uniform. Now, I’m wearing a thin white gown A hospital gown, maybe

When I look up again, he’s there. Right in front of me. So close that I’m forced to take a step back just to see into his eyes

What isyourname?I ask him, but he ignores me, which makes me sad. He must be angry with me

For a moment I have the absurd thought that I’m not what he wanted. That he’d prefer it if I had been someone else. Anyone else

You don’t have to keep me,” 

~ 1 tell him. 1 can find my way home.” 

You no longer have a home, Rose,he chuckles almost cruelly. Everything will change for you now. Everything 


Chapter Two Hundred ThirtyTwo 

1 sigh, because deep down I know that it’s true. We did something last night. Something we can’t come back from. But I can’t remember what it is, only that I knew it was a mistake when we did it

I take a moment to study the stranger more closely. The man in front of me is a perfect specimen, built from all things muscle and power. There doesn’t look to be an ounce of fat on him at all. Nope. Every line of his body and every inch of his deeply tanned skin bulges with muscle. It’s no wonder he was able to save me from that attack. The man is huge

The attack! That’s right! We stole the RV’s last night and went hunting 

Things must not have gone well

Did they get caught

Where am I?I ask the stranger. Am I dreaming?” 

You are,” he says. Are you ready to wake up now? Do you think you can handle seeing me in person?” 

ne?I ask him

Are you going to leave me?

He looks down at me and smiles. Only if you kill me.” 

I shake my head. That’s ridiculous, I would never hurt you. You saved me. You’re my hero. My real life knight in shining armor. Why would 

I want to kill you?” 

He watches me sadly, losing his smile as his eyes rove aver my body in a slow appraisal. Would you give yourself to me, Rose? Can I have 


I can feel my cheeks heat as my hospital gown is suddenly stripped away and I can feel hands on my body. Once again I’m left naked and although I can’t see the hands that are on me, I can certainly feel them. What are you doing to me?” I ask him, although he hasn’t touched me. Not as far as I can tell anyway

He grins, standing back and raising his arms to show me his hands. It’s time to wake up now, Rose. Time to face the music. Are you 


I don’t know 

I nod and his smile widens, “Good. I’ve been waiting on you a long time

The sky above the forest begins to lighten and I start to spin in a slow circle, studying the landscape. But the trees that once surrounded me are gone, leaving nothing but an open sky in their wake. It’s like I’m back in that ocean again, with nothing but a vast open void to look upon. Voices seem to be coming from somewhere above me. Echoing and pulsing andfamiliar

Your friend is here,the stranger says

My friend? But I don’t have any friends


Delilah? She is not my friend

Dehlah hates me

as the one 

Thats Roses Gruber,” I hear Delilah saying. She’s almost as much of a fanatic as Roman is. I wish I would have known she was you had here, I would have certainly requested she sleep on the floor,” 

That bad?the stranger asks

You have no idea, Delilah snarls


Chapter Two Hundred ThirtyTwo 

A chons of gasps sound around me

Crop Pul I say that not found

es awake, someone exclaims. Take cover.The voice belongs to an unfamiliar min with an obvious attitude

the stranger cous and I feel warm fingers trace the side of my 

His touch is comforting, yet at the same time electrifying. Lighting spark after spark of awareness in places much lower than my face

I open my eyes slowly and everything is a blur of color. Blinking rapidly, I reach up and rub at my eyes. Someone dabs at my face with a cold washcloth and 1 take it from them gratefully

Finally I can see

Sapphire eyes gaze down at me. Hey there, Rose,“ 

Hi, I whisper. Am I still in the hospital?” 

The handsome stranger shakes his head uneasily. I’m afraid not.” 

Why not?I ask softly

The stranger takes a seat 

it next to me on the bed and my body instantly heats. My goodness, he is just as handsome as I imagined he was 

He sighs, then says: in a serious voice, There is a warrant out for your arrest Rose.” 

Shit, I curse, true fear falling over me. That quickly I’m wishing I hadn’t decided to wake up. 1 take a quick glance around and my confusion only grows. I’m in a bedroom. Not in fall Where are we?” 

You’re in my boyfriend’s bedroom, Hose,Delilah snaps from the opposite end of the room

I don’t understand,I say, looking away from Delilah’s mean glare to settle my attention on the one person in the room that doesn’t seem 

to hate me

Do you remember me, Rose?my stranger asks. “From the hospital?” 

I nod. And from the campground,I say, and it’s true. For whatever reason, I can remember his lips on mine and his panic as I lay there 


He gasps. That’sa surprise. What exactly do you remember of me from the campground?” 

I shrug, my cheeks flaming. Your voice. Yourlips. I remember that you saved my life. I remember seeing you in the hospital too.” 

Okay, that’s good,he replies, throwing me the sexiest, most panty sizzling smile that I’ve ever seen

But I dont remember leaving the hospital with you. Or how I ended up here.” 

He chuckles nervously. Well, you see, Rosethat’s because I kind offort ofkidnapped you” 

Pardon me? What

Billionaire One

Billionaire One

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Billionaire One


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