The Pack: Rule Number 1 No Mates
Chapter Two Hundred Forty–Six
“So let me get this straight, Gryffin says, staring at the kit in Glo’s hands. “You want me to volunteer a couple pints of my blood so that you can save het mate, but you won’t tell me why it will help and it don’t matter what my blood type is.”
“Come on Gryff! Please, I moan, exasperated. Dropping my head in my hands I begin to count backwards from twenty so that I’m not tempted to rip my hair out.
“Not exactly,” Gio says. “The blood does matter, just not the type.”
“Right,” Gryffin replies and I can feel him watching me. He sighs and rules my hair to get my attention.
When I look up at him, I find his face full of concern, his golden brown yes heavy with pain. Please don’t say no.
‘You’re sure this whatever it is that you are doing – will work?” Gryffin asks.
“No,” Gio says smoothly. “I refuse to guarantee anything. But I am pretty confident that it will.”
“It will,” I whisper, my eyes falling on Cane as I reach out to touch his beautifully bare chest. “He’s getting hotter,” I say, somewhat alarmed.
“Then we must do this now,” Gio says, gesturing for Gryffin to have a seat next to Cane.
Gryffin scoffs, “I never said I was going to-”
“Oh for the love of God Gryffin! Please!” I snap, my claws forking out and my eyes going feral.
Gryffin practically jumps into the chair next to my bed and Gio begins to chuckle. “That’s a neat little trick, Gio comments.
It’s not a trick,” Gryffin tells him. “My sister is batshit crazy.”
“He’s right,” I say with a grin while I examine my razor sharp claws. “If he hadn’t sat down just now I would have gotten the blood for you
“I have no doubt,” Gio chuckles, amused.
The next few minutes are spent with me hovering over the pair of them while Gio sticks both men with needles and tubes. It doesn’t take very long. Gio appears to know exactly what he’s doing and soon a steady flow of blood is traveling through the tubes and into Cane’s arm.
“How are we measuring this?” Gryffin asks quietly, turning in his seat to face Cane.
“We’re not,” Gio says, gazing at his watch. “We’re timing it. Two pints should take only two minutes.
“And that’s all he needs? You’re sure?” I ask, sitting on the foot of my bed.
“I’m not sure about any of it,” Gio mumbles, still staring at his watch. “But I know that without blood in his body, he will never make the change and the average shifter only needs two pints in him in order to heal naturally.”
“But he’s not a shifter,” Gryffin remarks, confused.
Gio meets my gaze with a smirk and then calls time. Oh so carefully, Gio removes everything from Gryffin first before reaching for Cane’s arm. He removes the needle and tube, then slides his fingers lower to rest over the pulse point on Cane’s wrist. His brow furrows quizzically and then he turns toward me. “Perhaps I’m too old and unsteady. You do this,” he tells me.
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Chapter Two Hundred Forty–Six
“Me? Do what exactly,” I ask, practically shoving Gryffin out of his seat as I insert myself by Cane’s side.
“Watch it, sis! Gryffin snarls, only half serious.
Gio smiles and takes my hand, placing it on Cane’s wrist. At first I’m confused, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do and just as I open my mouth to say so, I feel it. His pulse. He has a pulse.
“Cane!” I sob, falling onto the ground next to my bed and kissing Cane’s lukewarm wrist.
I can’t help myself, I leap forward and place my ear to Cane’s chest, listening intently to the slow, miraculous thud of his heartbeat. I don’t know how long I remain that way, tears cascading from my eyes, but soon it is only Gio and me in my room.
“You must mark him again. Once more,” Gio says, reminding me of the forbidden ritual I have already begun.
“What will happen to him if I don’t?” I can’t help but ask. “Will he still wake up?”
Gio shrugs, but his face is doubtful. “I have no idea, but if all you wanted was for him to be human, we might have used a human blood donor that was a match in blood type and there would be no way to reverse the damage caused by the venom already. The only way to ensure he heals properly is to mark him again.”
“Okay,” I reply, gazing down at Cane’s face and planting a kiss on his lips.
“I am going to step out now,” Gio says as I turn Cane on his side so that I can access the back of his shoulder. “It is one thing to direct you, it’s another to watch you. So long as there are no witnesses, nothing has been done.”
I turn to face him, my eyes still brimming with tears. “Thank you Gio. I’ll always be grateful for you.”
He nods, granting me a small bow before exiting my room.
After a moment of thought, I lock the deadbolt and race back toward my bed. Remembering how tired I was after each marking, I decided to get into the bed with him. I stare at him for a moment, thinking I see his eyes twitching behind his eyelids. But that can’t be. Right?
The time is now, Gayle! What are you waiting for?
I whisper, “I can’t wait to hear your voice again. Please come back to me.”
Then I push my fangs out and with one final look at Cane’s peaceful face, I sit up and bite the back of his shoulder.
The first thing I notice is his skin, it’s a bit harder to pierce than it was the last two times. Not difficult by any means, but a little more resilient, as if his tissue has become a little tougher. My fangs throb with heat and it feels almost as if an electric current is passing through them. So much that I almost swear I see a spark. As the buzzing begins to slow and I grow weaker, I notice the pulsing of Cane’s throat. It’s almost as if I can see it, the venom and blood pounding through him. I slide one hand over it, at the base of his throat and I can feel it. His heart beating at a rapid rate.
I retract my fangs in alarm, wishing I had asked Gio what to expect before he left the room. He is a wolf shifter and I’m sure if I called hi name, he would hear me, but my door is locked and I’m much too weak to get up and unlock it. In fact, as I contemplate calling for Taedora to climb in my window again, spots fill my vision and I sway in my seat. Before I even have a chance to turn Cane onto his back, pass out. Again.