Chapter Two Hundred Eighty–Seven
When I sneak downstairs with Bartlett’s phone, he doesn’t stir and for that I am grateful. Dawn is cresting on the horizon and as we spent most of the night making love, he should be in a deep sleep. The entire house is at rest, but I don’t slip outside the way I originally planned to. I’m too afraid the alarm system might go off or something. And even though Fartlett added me to the electronic entry, I’m still not entirely sure how it works, so I opt to stay indoors.
After a quick look around, I take a deep breath and dial my brother Rosen.
“Rosie! Hey…” my brother says after only half a ring. He must have here up all night because it’s super early in the morning and Rosen is NOT a morning person, which worries me. “Is something wrong? Why are you calling so early? Is your beau giving you trouble?”
I have to smile at that. Ever the protective brother.
I whisper into the phone with the simple hope that he can hear me, “No, No trouble and there’s nothing wrong. At least not here. I just wanted to hear your voice.” A lie, but a necessary one. I can’t exactly tell him that my boyfriend is a shifter and unless I call while he’s asleep he’ll be privy to every single word I say, “Uhm, Ros, are you still at-
“Home,” he says in a defeated voice. “Yes. I told you, mom and dad aren’t going to let me go Rosie. They’re pushing me to Join the enforcers now. But hey, ya know, it’s fine. I can finish out the year of school online until I figure out how to get free of this… place.”
My heart begins to pulse with pain upon hearing that. I hate that my brother is being made to suffer for me. I hate it so much I almost don’t know what to do. “It’s not fair, Ros! You’re an adult. You don’t have to stay there. Why don’t you just leave??? What about football? Won’t you lose your scholarship? And your opportunity to play in the NFL? What about your dreams?”
My brother chuckles darkly and I can almost see him smiling at the phone. “You know better than that, Rosie. Dad’s paying my tuition now and as far as football is concerned… well… it is what it is. But I don’t want you to worry about it. I fucked up when I made you take my place. I never should have done that. It wasn’t your cross to bear and I’m sorry for it. It makes me happy that you are happy. I won’t let you marry that bastard, Cygnus.”
Tears streak from my eyes hearing that. My brother has always sought to protect me. He’s my angel. My savior. This shit is simply not fair. Im going to find a way to get you out. I swear to God. The Elder Few have to end.”
“It’s not that simple, Rosie,” he says, then clears his throat. When he speaks next, his voice is significantly lower, “I need you to listen to me carefully Rosie. They’re coming for you. The enforcers are. They know where you are and they’re coming-
“Wh–what? Ros I don’t think they do. You don’t understand I-”
“You’re on an island, right?”
Oh my God. Yes. How… “What?“–
Chobe go now. Love you. Don’t call back!”
They know, Rosie, they know. I have
Wher? “Wait! Ros! I-
The line goes dead and I’m left staring at the phone in shock.
They know? They can’t possibly
“Let them come,” a voice says behind me.
Chapter Two Hundred Eighty–Seven
I spin around so quickly I drop the phone and it clatters across the tide door.
“Bartlett. !–
nwys my bo
Shh,” he says, stepping close and leaning over to pocket his phone. He smirks at me, his eyes glazing over head to toe. I’m not wearing much, just his t–shirt that stops an inch below my thighs. I didnt even take the time to don
Instantly self–conscious, I fiddle with the hem of the shirt and cross one leg over the other. “I have to go back,” I whisper, nodding when he shakes his head.
“No,” he growls, lunging forward to grab me up against him. “No you don’t. I won’t let you. You’re mine. We will protect you. I promise
Fresh tears fill my eyes as I stare up into his face. I adore Bartlett, I do. Love him even. But it’s not fair. My brother has as much right to his life as I have to mine. Even more so, if you ask me. After all, he spent his entire life taking care of me. Taking beatings for met fra my turn to protect him now and no one is going to keep me from it.
No one.
“You don’t understand,” Largue quietly, stroking my hands up over his bare chest. The enforcer that they want me to marry… his name is Cygnus Marshall. He’s the meanest of them. The most… obsessive of them. 1-”
have to at least be there to-”
“tell him that 1 m-“
al already betrothed….” I finish meekly, shuddering at the wild swirl of blue and gold in Hartlett’s eyes. Now, his fangs are protruding from his tips and he has me in a death grip. I should be scared of him. I should be terrified… but I’m not. In fact, I find that I’m more than
little turned on by his reaction. He’s so sexy when he gets possessive. To me, it’s crazy hot.
The moment my words sink in, it’s obvious. His hands gentle on my back, and his eyes go back to normal. Heaving a sigh of relief, he finally smiles. “Already betrothed? Yes. Yes, you are my little Shakespeareun mate.”
I grin up at him, my eyes snagging on his mouthwatering tattooed chest and arms. “I told you, I’m yours, Bartlett. But please… can’t you find a way for me to go and refuse Cygnus proposal? Face to face? If my parents think that I’m returning, it will give my brother the chance he n to get away. Please…”
“Okay sweetheart. I can try to arrange that. In fact, Id even love to see it.” Bartletts warm blue gaze goes soft, just as it does every time I beg him for something. Whether I’m on my knees or in his arms… But when he suddenly turns around and shoyus the behind him, I know we’re not alone. I’ve learned to recognize the pattern of demeanor he portrays.
Someone’s coming.
Suddenly, Domonic stands in the shadows, his face carefully blank as he steps further into the room. “Your conversation with your brother was not only touching Domonic flashes me a feral smile“-but it was enlightening.” He fixes a glare on Bartlett. “Would you care to tell me how in fuck they know were on an island, little Rosie? Did you tell them maybe? During one of your other secret phone calls?”
“Dom. Bartlett snarls. “Don’t-
Domonic is across the room and in Bartlett’s face in the space of a second. “DO NOT say shit, B! I wasn’t asking you. I was asking your mate! And she will answer the question or-”
Chapter Two Hundred Eighty–Seven.
“OR WHAT IDIOT? Davens voce echoes through the room Tr… whatt
Saved by the Liena.
1 peck around Bartlett’s shoulder and smile gratefully at Braven, then teak my hand upward and flip Demonic off with a sly wave of my
The man really is an asshole.
Domonic’s eyes squint at me, his lips curving upward in amusement here he says, “Baby, I’m just trying to keep you all safe, Rose’s brother claims they know we’re on the island. I would like to know hos. Please allow me to
Shut up. Domonic, Draven says walking up and yanking on his ponytail. She eyes me. She obviously doesn’t know or else she would have
“Oh my God!” I screech suddenly, and every pair of eyes shoots toward me. My gaze, however, goes for the door to the basement. Howe could I have forgotten? Roman is in there! Right?”
Domonic’s body tenses and he gives me his full attention. Right. So?”
1 meet his gaze. So… he’s a member of the comicil
“And?” Bartlett prompts me.
I swallow thickly, my gaze suddenly on the wall to ceiling windows that look toward the sea. “Every member of the Elder Few Council is fitted with a GPS transmitter chip upon appointment.” Looking back at the three of them, I can see they’ve gone pale. It’s under his skin. They’ve known where he’s been all along. And now they must know that I’m here too.”