Chapter Three Hundred Six
After pumping Roman full of drugs, I sliced a foot open with one of my claws to be certain he was good and passed out. Only then did we remove the chains that bound him to the bench and deposit him into our new boat that awaited on anchor.
Rain was falling again and as I gaze out at the choppy sea, I wonder about the shadow Paul texted about in the group chat. The one that is supposedly bound in the water without hope for a proper host.
According to Paul the shadow hound can only take over the life of a nabiral. One of similar likeness to that he was birthed as. I take that to mean that it would have to be a dog… But what if it doesn’t have to be? What if the shadow could embody a shark, or some other apex predator of the sea? Temporarily, even. Then we might be in for a bumpler ride than we thought.
Then again, the damn thing would have next to no reason to target us. But… we aren’t the only people with boats out on the Sound. There are plenty of townies that take their animals out with them when they sail. Mostly dogs.
As if I have time to think about that right now.
“Ready?” Grant asks from the open doorway leading to the front stoop.
“Yup,” I answer, turning around to lock eyes with Gio for a full moment.
He nods at me, a look of understanding passing between us. There aren’t any words that need to be said. Without even voicing it, he
knows that I’m counting on him and Sophia to watch over everyone here while I’m gone. Over one person most of all.
I hate that I’m leaving here without waking her for a kiss, but she’s been a little weepy lately and on the off chance that I might possibly wake her, I don’t want to risk it. The weather outside won’t be letting up any time soon. If anything, it’s only going to get worse, so we have to leave now. I don’t want to lose another three hundred thousand dollars to the waves and the way the clouds are rolling in tells me the skies will only be getting darker.
Grant would be driving Quinn and I to the target islet and then heading back here. The only thing that was truly troubling me was that we were still in the dark as far as how many of the enforcers would be arriving. But I have men of my pack and some of Gio’s out there on the mainland covering every entry into town, so more than likely we’ll know soon enough.
Rose says the Enforcers are like a SEAL team of the Elder Few. The best of the best that they have to offer. And Roman is one of them. Knowing that, tells me they will be smart about this. They’ll assume we’re watching for them and act accordingly. Possibly arriving one at a time, or in small groups. We have their tracker and they’ll definitely be coming for him. Their… sniffer, if you will. So they won’t know
who is a shifter and who isn’t once they hit town.
I can only hope these enforcers aren’t as good at blending in with the crowd as we are, because something tells me it’s not going to be as easy to see them coming as we think.
I am dog tired by the time I show up for my shift at the Moonlight Lounge and as I stroll up the sidewalk toward the bar, I spy the Sheriff
sedan parked across the street at the Red Wolf Cafe. I nearly walk straight into the wall.
That’s Timmons‘ vehicle.
Timmons is across the street.
“Damn it, damn it, damn it, I hiss to myself as I catch my reflection in the window of the shop next door.
Chapter Three Hundred Six
I look like a fried green tomato,
And wet. Let’s not forget wet. It’s been pouring ever since I stepped out of the diner.
Shit, is that rice in my hair???
“Well, I guess you better do your best not to be seen then, huh,” I say to myself as I dip behind the wall and start to head toward the back entrance of the lounge,
It’s the sound of Timmons voice that stutters my steps and the moment I hear it, I just want to melt into a puddle of goo and slip down the storm drain.
“Thanks for the coffee, Marci. Remember what I said – keep an eye open and call me is you see anyone… unsual.”
He must have just exited the cafe…
Good, that means he’s leaving.
“Anything for you Timmy!” I hear the barista, Marci, coo in her too sweet cum coated voice.
Timmy?! Ew yuck.
He’s sooo NOT a Timmy bitch.
“Are we still on for that movie tomorrow night?” she asks and I notice right then that my steps have completely halted as I hang on every
What am I doing?
Yeah. That;s it. That’s what it’s called. Stalking.
But I can’t help it. I want to hear what he says. And hear him I do. I’d pick around the wall to watch him if I knew he wouldn’t catch me.
“I might have to work, but if I don’t, I’ll just come over and spend the night. How does that sound?”
And that’s my cue.
A frown turns my lips and I literally kick a stone into the alley like some kind of goddamned loser.
You see, Kendall, that’s what happens when we don’t mind our own business.
Just had to listen, didn’t you?
Now you can go inside and drown yourself in a pitcher of beer.
Marci, you stupid espresso whore. I’ll never tip you again.
Racing for the back door of the bar, I disappear inside before I have to hear any more of that sickening shit.
Chapter Three Hundred Six
You’ve got no right to be upset Kendall
Timmons hates you.
Always has and always will.