The Pack: Rule Number 1- No Mates
Chapter Forty–Three
Quinns speed boat pulls into the wharf as a bolt of lightning blanes across the sky. The rain is perity much hammering down and the pair of us are socked to the skin. All fog has completely disappeared, lowing the island in a sparkle of diektuen with the promise of a stom. My eyes go straight up the cliff toward the bosse and the bright yellow window on the third story.
Fuck hope
last thinking that Braven might be up there in my bed is enough to heat the chill fr my bones.
“We both better stay here tonight,” say a leap out onto the stairway
Te the bo
Quinn nods, TI be the boat up. I want to take a run through the woods.”
My evebrines, go up as another flash of light flickers above us right on top of an earth shaking ramble of thunder. “Forget the run. This sill is right on top of us.
Quinn knows better than to argue, even though I see the disappointment in his eyes. The man has an unhealthy obsession with lightning. On a land this small a storm like the one that’s about to hit can be downright deadh. No matter what you are – wolf or human.
cannell food the moment I step onto the porch and my stomach growls in reminder that I haven’t eaten since this moming. Unlocking the door I am greeted with the unmistakable sound of Dave’s throaty laughter and my eyes go straight bij het.
She’s fresh from the shower and wearing one of my long sleeved button up shirts. The damn thing probably reaches her knees, but she’s sitting on the couch with her legs folded under her, granting anyone with a dick an eyeful of soft caramel fish. Leking on ber mostly bare legs, my chest rumbles with anger and I grit my teeth,
ready to map
Even so, I’m fuck fuming
But..then she looks at me and all!
amger washes away with the lay in her eyes
green gaze brightens and the leaps over the back of the sofa to slam into my chest, her arms going around my neck. I can’t help it, my body thrum with
“You came,” she mumbles against the bare skin of my neck.
Her soft, plush lips drag over my throat and I can’t move. “I’m wet,” I say.
“I don’t care,” she breathes, smiling into my shut. Tim so glad you’re okay.”
Fork of I don’t feel all warm and goory inside. Den it.
My ago andund her and spin her around, ignoring the amogant looks coming In my brothers in the dep–locking their view of her with my body, I push her toward the states: “We need to talk,” I whisper. Shouting over my shoulder at Roda, 1 say, “I’ll be back down in a minute. I’ll take a plate of that chicken you made
Taking Dravens hand, I allow her to lead me up two flights of stairs to my room. Working her ass the entire time.
Oh yeah, that boy can cook. That chickens fe,” Draven raves opening the bedroom door
Tim, bah?” I gipel, shaking off the jealousy that sizzle across my chest. I’ve made breakfast and diners may snow? She’s never said my shit was fer.
The moment we step into the run she spins around to face me and reaches for the hem of my shirt. We need to take these things off of you,” she says throatily.
19.51 Wed, Nov 13.
Chapter Forty–Three
Her soft hands glide ever my chest afshe ships the shirt over my head and I stand in a trance. There are three buttons at the top of my shirt that she in wearing, that are not done up, and every time her shoulders shit; I’m given a healthy amount of her cleavage to set my mouth to water. I’m frozen, my balls tightening in my pants as she reaches kit my waistband.
“Stop” I say, snatching her hands is mine. Her eyes go wide, filling with something like disappointment as press her away so that I can undress myself.
“Oh,” she sighs, deflating “Sorry I didn’t mean to upset you,
I hiss, “Don’t be sorry. And you didn’t upset ime, I just don’t think it would be fair for me to pounce on you until after I’ve had a shower. And if you keep touching ime, my dick is going to punch out and knock your teeth back.”
Her face tum crimson and her fat pink lips turn up in a sink as she eyes my crotch “What if I open my mouth first?”
Hoby fack. Yes, that might work
Thank God my pants are wet, I was hoping that some of the chill would slow the blood from purring into my rock. But no, that do Instead, my gazetalls over her shapely legs and just the smoothness of them is enough to light a new the doop in my groin. They my hips. Deaven is her head and the silk of her hair all gently over the rise of her breasts, grazing over one stiff nipple and making thi
Halsbelieve falmart felt her her slate ith Kode – for entire goddel
list that thought is damn not enough to inspire a violent shift and I have to swallow the thunder in my chest to fight it off,
Clearing my throat, I shut my eyes I cant witness much more of her beauty without ripping the nest of her buttons loose. “Put some damn pants on please and g dato check on my food. I’l in the shower and be down in a second”
it wrapping around her wrist.
She don’t say a woed, but as she walks by me her lavender pant hits me from every angle and my hand shoots out,
She sp
“Pants Erst,” I remind her, before staking toward the bathroom and shutting myself side without so much as a look back.
Leaning my head against the door, I work for control.
Deep breaths? Nope, can’t do that Fucking fovender.
Son–of–a–bitch. It’s either but one out in the shower–at–die.
One thing is for sure. I am going to lay her down tonight and taste very catarsel inch of her sweet little body.
I want to have her heat pour onto my tongue and my name to rip from her mouth.
Chapter Comments
19:51 Wed, Nov 13
The Pack: Rule Number 1 – No Mates