The Pack: Rule Number 1–No Mates
Chapter Forty–Seven
Sitting on the edge of Koda’s bed, is an absolutely gorgeous, totally soaked, trembling young woman. She is delicately hule, with super king white–blend luir straight as straight can be. It falls like a curtain over her tan face and dank on eyes. Her chorls er streaked with dirt and her clothes are ripped in places that proral a little more than she’s probably comfortable with. My eyes dart in where Koda is standing, looking desperate and mortable. The cave?” I ask.
He nods. “I kept an eye on it last night, but I could bring her in until Damond left
Ljerk, “Why not?”
Koda merely thengs, tossing arter and sweats toward the girl on the best. “She’s all yours, I have to get to the mainland.
“Wait!” I sputter: “What do you mean, she’s all mine I shap. No offense,” I say to the it, who simply nods, “What–I–you-”
have to get to work,” Kodi says deadpan, then leaves,
the stairs
“When will you be back? I claim, but he ignores me and I growl. “Excuse me for it one tiny litle second, I tell her before racing down the stars.
1 catch up with Koda as he is putting on his raincoat near the front doo
He sighs heavily when he sees me. “What?”
“What?” I laugh “Seriously? I don’t understand what’s going on. I
Koda shoots a look toward the kitchen meeting Quinn’s eyes for a long moment. “She’s been staying in that cave for three days. According to her, she was abandoned here by somebody, but she won’t tell me who
“The girl?” Quinn quips and I glare. She has that smell,” he says, meeting Koda’s ever “You know the one.
Kod face turn almost beet red. His eyebrows furrow and his gaze diets toward
Quinn stares at him quizzically. “Couldn’t you smell it?
Koda shrugs, swallowing thickly. “The rain must have hidden it from me,”
glare at Quinn, “You knew about her too
He shakes his head. ‘Not until after Domonic lett. She’s cute. I’ll help you with her. We can feed her and groom her, it’ll be fun. She can be our pet.”
“Really?” I snipe and he laughs,
“Look,” Koda says, whispering into my ear. “Something happened to her I can tell. Something I think she’d be way more comfortable talking about to a women
*But-” I complain, tugging at my hair. “Domonic will be back later and I was spare work today! When am I getting out of here?
Koda laughs, throwing me a wink as he opens the front door. “Judging by everything heard through the wa
I smack his shoulder, my face heating, “Shut the hell up, I’m serious”
Jest night = I’d have to say, ”
“So am I,” Koda prins. “Due to the danger our newest inmates present back on the land, the bar is closed until after the next full moon. According to Demonic, you’ll be staying here until thend of next week”
“Like hell I screech. “What is with you guys and this full moon bullshit?”
Koda smiles. “Ask Quinn. He can explain.” Then he is out the door and into the rain
“I hate your” I shout at him through the open doorway. Just want you to know that
19:51–Wed, Nov 13 D
Chapter Forty–Seven
He blows me won, but I don’t miss the way his eyes scan the trees befier shooting toward his third story window.
He shouts at me just as lightning flashes set the water. Tell Quinto scout the winch,
I fed them lock the door and figs it off. Then I turn amund and fare Quin. I assume you heard him
He nods. 17 go right after breakfast”
“I hope you made enough food for three. I’m going to go and see about our guest. Then I groan, “He didn’t even give me her fuckig name?”
“Let’s try this one more time,” I say, slicing another long gash down the god doctors left side. Hopefully you won’t die before I can get my ame be a shame because I promised someone very important to me that she would get to have a few words with you”
man is bleeding from almost every inch of his body. I’ve had to live into him tedly to keep him from changing. Onor tranquil hhaman rm. As opposed to the doctor, who I had to weaken with blood loss, just to force him to a human shift. Seems to m but Marcus was not.
He begins to chuckle, the chains along his wrists Battling. “Oh yes, beautiful Drawn truly meet place of meat” be smaris.
Controlet, Dal yourself. Unfortunately, I can feel my fangs shit out and my class begin to itch.
you want to die? I ask through a mouthful of weth
He grows, To you?”
Though as my class begin to lach out. “What is your deal? Why change that piece of in the other cell into a shifter? What the lack was the purpose in that? You must have a family somewhere. Others like you?
For a small moment, the doctor trembles. ‘No. I don’t.” His dark brown eyes lih to none. They were bunted and killed shortly after I was bom.
Well boo fucking hoo,” I snap. “So you’re a fucken orphan. Who raked you?”
He smarts, “I was raised by the very man who killed my parents. He kept me as his pet until I grew too strong for him. Then he attacked me in my sleep and I killed him for it.”
I have to laugh at that, sing him to grow in anger and me to slice him a lle der with my nie. “So what? Couldn’t you have picked a more worthy human ba bestow your gift upon?”
He chuckles, “It’s not about a worthy human, stupid dog. It’s about finding one with the right genes. I tried my work on many others before him. Good people. People who didn’t have long to live. People who had enough money to pay for the formula manufacturing costs. None of them had the right make–up. Then I found Leo and Marcus. They not only had the money, but the genetic mutation was there as well. It lay dormant He laughs again, his eyes bright. “I simply woke it up.”
I grow, “So this bullshit about Draven’s mother being too old-”
“Lies,” he laughs, his oily black mustache dripping with spit, “I tested her for the gene. She did have it, but not in the mitated form. I apled to set on the mutation by alberative means but”
“It killed her,” I say
De nods, “Yes, it did. I told Marcus as much but he didn’t want to listen. He truly in love with the chit. I think he intends to transfer those feelings onto her daughter. He simply refuses to see reason.”
The next question I am about to ask, I know will determine whether or not I allow Deven to speak to this mad scientist at all. ‘Did Draven’s mother know what you
The doctor sits back and nods. She did. She was just as huch in love with Marcus was with her. The stupid birch. 1
I sold her it might kill her. But she didn’t
The disrespectful way the doctor speaks about Draven’s mother has me wanting to side into him again. But at the same time, my heart aches for Draven and anger
19:51 Wed, Nov 13 B
Chapter Forty–Seven
for her mother me to the cor. 3 why did he think you could change Draken
Doc Vas grow out in prin as I slice into one of his wounds that has began to heal, told him I could test her for the gene. After all, it simply is a mutation genetic sequence. But he took liberties with the girl before I could get to her. Forcing himself on her. Despite that his son wanted her and
“What?” I snap, interrupting. “His son wanted her? You’re lying!”
“Oh? Why? Because Michael said otherwise?” Dot Vas begins to giggle. You silly, sheild, matt Der Vas hours with Inughter. “Michael was a dupe in many ways. We used him for about a year. He was desperately in love with Lea, you see. They not at school and Michael was always following around. We thought, we could use his desperation to put advantage. If we could test the theory on him before Draven, in finding a safe way to mutate the gene in him, without killing him” He smiles,
then we could do so for Deaven without her ever being the wiser.” He spits, “Michael was a hacking guinea pig.
My vision blurs, Leaping forth to place my knife against his throat, I anal, “Where is be? Tell me where he is or I’ll kill you right here and
Do Vas whines, choking as I slice a half a centimeter into his throat, “1-1 truly don’t know! He was supposed to meet in here, but he nee
I hiss into his eat, my body shaking with rage, Then I guess we really don’t need youve anymore. Now do we?”
I make one slice across his neck and he gargles. Then I rip his head off with my bare funds and throw it on the floor next to his twitching legs.
Rainier races down the hall toward me, stopping short when he steps into the pool of blood that now paints the floor. “Fuck,” he says
“Burn this place of shit,” I tell him. “I have some hunting to do
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