The Pack: Rule Number 1 No Maten
Chapter Fifty–Three
“What?” Quinn snaps. “A
I shake my head no.
bat felt like – like someone was watching de. The sam
at the mods. When you got held
Quinn sight, straightening his hack with
This fogon
(on this idland can get so that wo
“You re probably right,‘ I comerde, letting go of the beatly I had analized I was bedding
“Of course I’m right,‘ he quips.
Envily laught, joining him in
se kötchen to atir
That is when we hear it. A shrill unarl, like a feline growed that eroes through the forest outside
Without asking, I know it’s true. He’s here. That was him. A panther must be out there in the woods.
My eyes shop to Quinns. His jaw clenches and he grants me a barely perceptible no
“Was that a cat?” Emily gasps. “That sounded like a big, angry at What the hell? Ther tiny island like this one?”
check it out, Quinn says, meeting my cym for a long moment
“Are you crazy?!” Emily screnches. “No way! You can’t go out there.”
it be possible, can it? I mean how would an animal like that en
“Relax,” he tells her, his eyes going heated with her concern for him. There’s some ting gear out back. I promise, I’ll be fine
Emily hisses, freezing when Quinn puts a finger under her chin and libs her face to plant a quick, soft kiss on her lips.
I swallow my protests, because it’s really none of my business, but something about his kissing her rubs me the wrong way I’m not jealous, of course I’m not. However, I can’t help but feel like it was wrong somehow. Even Emily herself looks slightly thrown off by the act
Libe right back,” he soothes her, his eyes glowing. “Whatever happens. Do not come outside. You ladies go upstairs to Demonics room and watch from there. No one can get inside unless you let them in. It’s electric entry”
I hod, “Be careful.* ̈*
We lower the beat on the stew and head upstairs to lock ourselves in Domonics mom. I keep the shades closed until I hear Quinn exit the house, opening them when I fil confident he’s had a good minute to shift without being seen. Then, I flip the switch on the shades and sit on the floor next to the window that faces the woods. Watching, nervously as the fog only grows thicker and the rain slams down enn harder.
From this high up, I can easily see a good deal of the island and the treetops above the mists. We cant see what’s in the trees nor the shoreline behind it and that’s what really makes me nervous. Because if Quinn gets hurt, how will we know? Also, the ground surrounding the house are blanketed in a heavy fog so its a bit difficult to get a visual on anything that might be prowling around the front or back of the house. I’m beginning to feel like we should be downstairs instead. Where
will be obvious what’s out there if it approaches the large glass walls.
Now I understand why their homes are practically but from windows. They like to see as coming for them. As wolves, I’m sure, it’s a proper defense strategy, but for humana? It’s just downright scary.
going to go downstairs for a moment and take a look around the back and front at the house. I cant see any of it from up here.” I will Emily
“You’re going outside?” She gropa.
“No!” I reassure her. “No way. Fan hot porn take a look through all the windows on the first flue. Then Im going to close the shades”
19:53 Wed, Nov 13 D
Chapter Fifty–Three
She nods, Way. Ille with you,
“No,” Lreph, “May here. That way,
hing coming this way from the woods you can shoot be me.”
“okay,” she says. “That hurry. I’m getting perity spooked”
I nod, then slowly make my way down the stairs. With each step I take, my eyes are lined in the windows watching for any kind of disturbance in the most Funny, the fog is orginally what I loved about this place, hat just now it’s exactly what I
It’s a the line…
when it comes to those you love.
The moment my bare feet touch the polished worst of the first fon, I feel them. The yes. My heart begin to pound until it’s quiling in
to swallow my fra, telling self–fix too, be don’t wait tok
hostage. He just might think he vam use me as a berganing tool.
cant bargain a deal body for a love one, right?
he would need te ale wouldn’t let
So, at least, if he doesn’t get to me, I don’t think it will be to kill me.
– at least I don’t think he does. Then I remember, Domenicit
Calm down, Draven, Calm down. Deep breaths,” I soothe myself, breathing in and out as slowly as possible.
To my relief, the mantra starts to work its magic and my heart rate begins to slow,
1 say to myself, releasing a deep breath. 1 can do this, 111 be fine.
( turn slowly, my eyes studying all the windows as do. The dining room is the closes to the cliff bank and it has the most visibility, so I start there. Combing over what I can see of the ground. Im looking for anything. Feet, paws, class, anything.
1 gasp, my hand lying toward
as I edge closer to the window to inspect the mail about a foot away from the wall
1 is, I realize, my body going cold.
outside of the window filling with water from the steady pour of rain are three vishle pawprints. Four wide toe marks, and one fat heel. Prints that d mecognize anywhere, because I used to find them in the marshes when Marcus would make me play his game.
(Oh,” I squeal. “God”
I’m about the race back upstairs when loud electric pop is hea
is heard throughout the house and each and every light in the place goes dark
Oh no.
The electricity.
tanelerine entry.
Quinn’s words, right before he left.
“Holy shit,” I breathe.
My bean scrambles as I try to remember something about Les that I should have pod more attention to. Wasn’t he staying nsmething boring as hell back in Florida? But what the fit teve play? Something to do with computers.
A plane pines, and I swallow a hung of ear before polling it out.
Hello sin, you’ve been very naughty.
19:53 Wed, Nov 13 DE
Chapter Fifty–Three
“Shit.” I tremble. The text jos my memory. That’s right. His main subjects were Software Engineering and Ethical Hacking
My phone pings again
Turn around Draven
“Is that what I think it is?” I ask as our powerboat comes up against the back of the island. “Open the hatch so we can get a better look
Roda flips the switch and suddenly we are being pelted with rain like bullets to the fire. The storm is reging, the sky an unforgiving may horizon with a crackle of thunder that illuminates a shape against the rocks Something bobs there, barely visible through the fog.
“Thats a boat,” Koda says with absolute conviction,
The closer we get to it, the easier it is to recognize. I kill the engine. I don’t want whomever rode in on the craft to be alerted to our presence. Another of lightning flashes over the side of the vessel, its name shining bright for the tiniest of moments. But, it’s enough.
“The Isabel,” I read out loud and I immediately begin to undress. This is a three hundred thousand dollar boat,” I say as Koda follows my lead, Shedding his uniform and feeding it to the sea. “If we both go well lose it.”
Koda simply shrugs and then dives into the water. A growl rips from my chest, but a moment later, I dive in, saying an unceremonious goodbye to the boat and everything on it. When all this is over, he and I are going to have words. Maybe more I’m beginning to wonder if the restructuring of our pack left him confined. It serps, he doesn remember who the Alpha is
Taking a deep breath as crest over the top of a wave, I dive lower, beneath the swell, Chasing the distance to the island in less than a minute. The second I reach the shore, I don’t waste any time. Koda is standing there in his wolf form and in a seconds burst of flesh and bones, I am standing next to him.
My eyes are fixed on a heat signature deep in the trees. What is disturbing is net so much what is there, but where it is. The movement is high up. About fifty feet skyward and traveling swiftly from branch to branch.
Iw right away what it must be and I pull in a breath from the air above me confining it. The scent hits me like a shot of adrenaline.
There’s a panther in the woods.
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