The Pack: Rule Number 1- No Mates
Chapter Sixty
Ja Emily and I come down the stairs the unmistakable sound of two people arguing the up the ball. I can hear multiple voices shouting profanities that bonne off the glass walls to rest between my ears, triggering a sense of urgency in me that ignites something i to maternal instinct in my blood.
diting? 1 ask, glancing hark at Emily before running down the renting steps to come to a screeching halt inside the living room
Quinn on his back and Roda on top of him slamming his Est
Quinn’s face. Bart, Grant, and Lief are standing back and watching like
things idions. Why aren’t they stopping this? Fury age inside of me at the sight. This is not night. This has to stop
The peto of fear that falls from Emily’s lips is what does it for me.
I shout so loudly the sound rings through my ears. “Stop
that NOW!
To my surprise
- of them Eierses. Even Koda whose rig is in d swing–stops to stumble back and away from Quinn on the ground
“Base racks into a grande ashes toward me, his arms open for a lug
I hold my hand out, stopping him mid–stri
pping over broken pieces of the coffee table, I make my way toward
at the center of this cus
Cueto tell me what the fuck is going on here? Is “Since when are you both sole?
Koda is seething, but he says nothing as he exits the room, storming out the back doer and into the storm
“Where the hell is he going?” 1 scap.
Quinn, his lips bloody and his face all as my own, gins at me from the ground. “Just a little brotherly love, my queen
“Senously?” I hiss. “You better get up to your room and stay there so that you don’t have to explain yourself yes again,” I say, throwing my head back in a gesture toward Emily
“Right,” he says softly before lifting himself effortlessly off the floor and onto the
“Draven” Bart’s voice sounds behind me and I finally turn around so that he can envelope me in his arms. Tm so glad you’re okay. I wish I had been allowed to deal with the bastard myself. But, you know how it in.‘
I chuckle. I don’t actually, but Im learning.”
“You certainly took charge of their litle boxing match li
Luna should,” Limbles and eye him warily.
“hes she did,” Grant says with approval, his smile widening as he bows.
“Okay,” I say somewhat quizzically, my gaze traveling over the room. “Should I ask what they were Echting about or do I even want to know?
“NodeLief states and taking a seat on the sofa and searching for the remote control for the flatscreen
“Uh–uh, no,” I say, swatting him on the back of his head. “You guys are going to get this mess up first and Emily and I are going to set the table and serve the stew
“Teily” Grant seyn, his dark twinkling. So nice to meet you. You are lovely.”
1 grin at Emily, but I notice the hardly paying attention. Her eyes seem fixed on the backdoor, her und stuck at least I think–ep the wood that walked out of it
Chapter Sixty
By the time I make it back to the island it’s well after midnight. One glance up toward the house on the hill and I know Draven is still awake. My bedroom light is on and two feminine shadows play over the shades. I smile to myself as I realize I know tactly which one is Draven and which one is Emily.
Draven’s not only curvier than the blond, but there isn’t a world out there in which wouldn’t recognize the sexy the yacht. I’m getting hard.
way the m
moves. Just watching from down here on
Luckily the storm let up an hour ago. Right at the same moment that Gryffin and I come to an express understanding. I gave him the information I had on the good doctor and Marcus and he allowed me to recruit Tadoes for guard duty tomorrow night. She could be arriving by boat tomorrow afternoon and would remain on the island to watch over the girls while the rest of us went back to Port Orchard for the night.
It isn’t until I clinch from the yacht that I realize Koda is sitting at the edge of the wharf, a lit cigarette in his mouth as he stares hauntingly out into the ocean.
“Did you get my message? I ask. Referring to the group text I sent to all pack members save for him. His old phone and my old phone were lost at sea with our three–hundred–thousand dollar powerboat. The moment I picked up a new phone I sent out the text.
He nods. “Grant told me. Did you bring me a new phone?
“Yup,” I say, tossing the device to him over my shoulder as I tie up the boat. “I heard you got into with Quinn,” I remark, coming to stand behind him, my eyes scanning the open water. The waves are calm. Not even a wisp of fog remains. Strange, but preferable. “Care to tell me why?”
He doesn’t answer me, which says enough. He doesn’t want to talk about it and I dont particularly feel like prying tonight. Not after everything that happened back
at the station.
“Draven asked Bartlett to hire Emily at the bar,” he says softly, taking another hit of his cigarette.
“Shit,” [hiss. “What did Bartlett say? No, I hope.”
Koda chuckles. “He can’t tell Draven “no- any more than you can.”
I start to argue, then I realize, what’s the point. He may be right. But my plan is to make sure she doesn’t ask to stay. My plan is to make her want to leave. “She has to po,” I whisper. “You know she does.”
He nods. “Yeah. I know.” Then, “Did you smell anything different in the dungeon?
I shake my head no, still confused about that fact.“Where are you going to sleep tonight? Are you going to give Emily your room!”
Again he nods. “I’ll take the couch.”
I head toward the house slowly, my mind struggling with what I’m going to have to do to get Deaven to leave. As far as I know, she doesn’t realize that she’s my mate. She doesn’t even know what a mate is and I need to keep it that way, But tonight, I’m going to lay with her one last time and try to burn the memory of the way it feels to hold her into the flesh of my arms.
If you mark her, she’ll heal faster and be stronger.
I huff at that thought as I enter the dark space of the living room. Marking her would do a number of things for her as well as for me. It would bond us. Essentially marrying us in the eyes of all shifters. Any wolf that encountered her after, would know she belonged to an Alpha. It would also alter her chemical make–up. Making her human body stronger, faster… more dazzling. If that last part is geen possible. She’s pretty fucking incredible already. My mark would also let me know the moment she was in danger. It would grant me a sort of sixth sense for what she was feeling. I would know if she were sick, or God forbed, if the were dying
It might keep her that much safer after she leaves.
It won’t track her, but I already know where she’ll be because I’ve already arranged a Hace for her to live. Besides, the carries my scent and in theory, it should carry for up to fifty miles. So should I ever want to see her. Tll just fly to Miami, track her sent, and watch her from afac
Just that thought is depressing enough to crush into my chest like a knife twisting of the inside of me.
The trick will be getting her to accept the condo as a gift after I push her out. But I have a plan for that too
But the pain that I would experience, at our being apart, would increase tenfold. Or so I’ve heard.
But my pain doesn’t matter. I can live through it. I have to, right? The main thing to get her as far from here as I cap in the next couple of days. Because that
Chapter Sixty
writing on the wall of the dungeon was nine ihan just a messige
i bells me that after few years, schever the killer was is still alive
And that he w she is watching
They mot know about the tiles we made. They must know that Duven in my mated, they have a way to get into the dungeons.
Oddly enough, there is one other way in, but it’s not one we’ve ever ined.
The last cell, the one that always stands empty, has a false wall that leads in a tunnel sat in turn leads to the forest behind the station.
No one but the twelve of un should know about that.
If i didn’t know better. I would suspect one of us. But I do know better so it remains mystery
we are brothers, bonded through our pan. I refuse to believe any one of as did this.
As I reach the third story landing, I smile at the sound of Dave’s excited voice. Thanics here!” She says.
Shit Goodnight, Emily yelps
- watch her from the shadows down the hall as she exits my room and heads for Koda’s without so much at a glance up
Draven is standing in the doorway, wearing a thin white t–shirt and a sexy smile,
Id rather have a somewhat connection to her, than to connection at all. And when she leaves she’s gang to hate me so much she might even try and fuck it out. If
s tethered to me, she’ll have a very hard time getting wet for anyone else.
My heart things in my chest as I make a decision,
I am going to mark her tonight.
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